Reply To: 2011 Training Log


    July 15

    A1 Weighted Dips
    1 x 12 x 10kg
    2 x 12 x 12.5kg

    A2 Explosive Pushups
    3 x 8

    DB Rows
    3 x 8 x 41kg

    July 16

    Track Work
    2 x Flying 80m – 8.40, 8.50

    Damn I felt good today, I think the hip flexor stretching i’ve done recently has improved my glute activation as it feels like i’m using them more at top speed. Only did two runs as i’m still recovering from the races on wednesday.

    Hyper Extensions
    2 x 20

    Ab Bridges, 2 x 4 mins

    July 18

    Track Work
    150, 120m falling. 17.42, 13.91.

    The runs felt good enough, maybe expected a little faster in the 120, looking to approach 16.7 and 13.4 for those runs by the end of the year although right now that sounds optimistic.

    Muscle Ups
    6, 6, 10

    20, 20, 15

    Was 5kg heavier when I last did muscle ups and wow can I notice the difference. I was cautious for the first two sets and could’ve done more than ten in the last but had dips straight afterwards

    July 19

    KB Swings
    3 x 15 x 16.5kg

    A1 Full Squat
    8 x 21kg (5cm off)
    8 x 26.5kg (2-3cm off)
    7 x 34kg (1-2cm off) + 1 x 34kg full depth (woo!)
    8 x 40kg to box

    A2 Squat to Stand Drill
    3 x 6

    SL Calf Raises
    3 x 12 x 21kg

    Plantar Flexor Res. Band pull
    2 x 12

    Ab Bridges, 4 mins

    July 21

    Track Work

    250m (60 secs) 150m in 31.1 PB, 19.4 total 50.5 secs PB
    (25 mins)
    300m (60 secs) 100m in 39.3 PB, 12.4 total 51.7 secs

    Surprised is not the word. I can’t attribute it all to the extra mobility as I did push harder this week, but I finished the 250m feeling great and didn’t lose form in any of the runs.

    July 22

    Single Leg Skipping (change legs every 5 hops)
    4 x 60

    A1 Squat to Stand Drill
    4 x 6

    A2 Full Squats
    8 x 41kg
    8 x 51kg
    8 x 54.5kg
    8 x 56.5kg

    Glute-Ham Raise
    3 x 6

    Weighted Ab Circuit, 310 reps & bridges (80 sec side, 140 sec front)

    July 23

    A1 Weighted Dips
    2 x 12 x 14kg
    1 x 12 x 15kg

    A2 Explosive Pushups
    3 x 8

    DB Rows
    3 x 8 x 41kg

    July 24

    Track Work
    2 x 40 build up 80 flying, 80m – 8.60, 8.68.

    Times weren’t as fast as last week but I didn’t feel great this morning and the box jumps before it were laboured. Think part of the reason has been that i’ve performed better than expected the last few days and it has caught up with me.

    July 25

    KB Swings
    3 x 15 x 16.5kg

    A1 Squat to Stand
    4 x 6

    A2 Full Squats
    8 x 44.5kg
    8 x 61.5kg
    8 x 66.5kg
    8 x 69.5kg

    SL Calf Raises
    2 x 18 x 21kg

    Plantar Flex. Res. Band
    2 x 15

    Ab Bridges, 2 x 4 mins 30

    Squatting 61kg felt easy which is a nice sign of progress, and I managed to get up to BW to full depth on the final set. There’s a muscle near my hip which is a notable weak point and if I can continually target that then i’ll creep the weight up while maintaining very strict form. Good burn in the calves from raises.

    July 27

    Track Work (SPEED)
    Blocks 5 x 30m
    2 x 2 x Flying 25m

    Glute-Ham Raises
    2 x 6
    1 x 8

    A1 Squat to Stand
    4 x 6

    A2 Full Squats
    6 x 68.5kg
    6 x 76.5kg
    6 x 78.5kg
    6 x 81kg (form compromised on last two reps)

    July 29

    Blocks 2 x 30m, 2 x 40m
    80, 100, 120m falling. 9.73, 11.94, 14.10 (steady headwind)

    First run I was too relaxed, next two were good but times aren’t reflective due to winds.

    Muscle Ups
    3 x 7

    20, 20, 17

    July 30

    KB Swings
    2 x 15 x 16.5kg

    A1 Full Squats
    8 x 68.5kg
    5 x 76.5kg
    4 x 81kg
    4 x 81kg

    A2 Drop Jumps
    3 x 5

    Weighted Ab Work