Reply To: 2011 Training Log


    June 3

    Rest and recovery my arse, I was in a van following my friend as he cycled the length of the United Kingdom (874 miles) non-stop, and I ended up having to be a support rider for the night stages and the last bit, 170 miles in all. Got the worst quad doms of my life and it took me two days before I could get up or down stairs unassisted. He did it by the way, took 78.5 hours and raised loads for a children’s charity, f**king impressive mental strength.

    Bench Press
    5 x 75kg
    5 x 85kg
    4 x 97.5kg

    DB Rows
    3 x 8 x 45kg

    Not bad, my triceps were tired from the cycle and I was expecting two reps at 97.5kg.

    June 4

    KB Swings
    2 x 15 x 18.5kg

    Back Squat (can’t climb stairs but I’ll be damned if I can’t squat)
    5 x 110kg
    5 x 120kg
    4 x 130kg

    Ab Circuit, 3 x 3 mins

    Good session. I’m sick of my doms so wanted to give my legs something they’re used to recovering from, was cautious on the final set of squats and didn’t force a 5th rep. Not too optimistic about my return to track but I’ve pencilled in monday afternoon for the 5 x 200m session.

    June 6

    3 x 200, 2 x 200m – 28.1, 27.4, 26.3 26.1, 25.7

    Legs were not their most coordinated to begin with and I over-estimated how fast I was running the first two reps. The last rep felt almost like a sprint so I think another week is needed before i’m back to full fitness.

    June 7

    3 x 103.5kg
    3 x 118.5kg
    7 x 133.5kg

    Bird Dogs
    2 x 20

    Ab Circuit, 3 x 3 mins

    Solid deadlift given my time off and cycling stuff, needed around 25 minutes to get off the floor after the final set though.

    June 8

    Bench Press
    5 x 75kg
    5 x 85kg
    3 x 97.5kg
    1 x 105kg

    DB Rows
    3 x 8 x 45kg

    June 9

    2 x 5 x 128.5kg

    Ab Bridges, 3 x 3 mins

    June 11

    KB Swings
    2 x 15 x 18.5kg

    Back Squat
    5 x 110kg
    5 x 120kg
    4 x 135kg

    Ab Circuit, 3 x 3 mins

    Did acceleration runs today and my right quad was aching quite a bit so I didn’t attempt a 5th rep. I’m still a few days from being back to normal, can’t wait to get back into my routine.

    June 13

    Track Work
    3 x 200, 2 x 200m – 25.1, 26.0, 26.2 25.6, 26.7

    After last week I didn’t want to run a slow first rep so I hit the bend and held strong to the line. Was not expecting 25.1!! My endurance held up so well, on another day I could easily have run 27’s for the rest of them after a time like that. I hit the 4th rep with the intention of scraping a 26 low on the last rep but my technique went and I shuffled through the line.

    Next target is all sub 26 which I could’ve done today with a bit of consistency.

    June 14

    5 x 111kg
    3 x 126kg
    5 x 141kg

    Bird Dogs
    2 x 20

    Weighted Ab Circuit

    Didn’t push it, they were five very comfortable reps and my lower back was nice and straight.

    June 15

    A1 Alternate Bench Press
    3 x 12 x 36kg

    A2 Explosive Pushups
    3 x 8

    Dumbbell Rows
    3 x 8 x 45kg