Reply To: 2011 Training Log


    May 16

    Track Work
    3 x 200m, 2 x 200m – 26.6, 26.6, 25.9 26.3, 25.8

    Landed a 125cm box jump today! Felt incredibly reactive and smashed 120cm so put up 125cm (49 inches) and got it on the second attempt. Pleased with my 200m times as well, took the first two a little easy and am confident I can get down to 26 flat in the next month or so.

    May 17

    Kettlebell Swings
    2 x 15 x 18.5kg

    Back Squat
    5 x 110kg
    5 x 125kg
    5 x 140kg

    Ab Circuit, 9 mins

    Legs felt kind of hungover today, they were perfectly fine for the squats but about an hour later I could barely get off the sofa and felt drained.

    May 18

    Bench Press
    5 x 75kg
    5 x 85kg
    4 x 97.5kg

    DB Rows
    3 x 8 x 45kg

    May 19

    5 x 68.5kg
    5 x 83.5kg
    5 x 98.5kg

    Bird Dogs
    2 x 20

    Ab Wheel, 3 x 7

    May 21

    Track Work
    4 x 90m, 30 build up, 60 fast.

    2 x 5 x 128.5kg

    Ab Bridges, 9 mins

    May 23

    Track Work
    3 x 200m, 2 x 200m – 26.4, 27.6, 27.1 26.8, 27.0

    Easy session with a race coming up on Wednesday. The wind was gusting strongly and made it very difficult to run consistent times, so those were consistent effort levels.

    May 25

    100m – 11.8 +0.7 (Hand Timed – Electronic timing failed :S)

    Got out pretty well and maybe came up too soon, was coming back on people but the last 20m felt like the last 40m of the first race and my legs were a mess.

    200m – 23.88 +2.1 (races either side of this were +0.4 and this was the only illegal wind of the meet)

    Was in lane 1 of race C but asked to be upgraded to the empty lane 7 of race B so I was near enough asking to come last. I conserved energy on the bend and hit the straight well, perhaps leaning back a little but I got through the line without fading and nearly got another PB. Pleased with the consistency as those conditions weren’t as good as my first race.

    Bench Press
    5 x 75kg
    5 x 85kg
    5 x 97.5kg

    DB Rows
    3 x 8 x 45kg

    May 26

    5 x 98.5kg
    5 x 111kg
    10 x 126kg

    Bird Dogs
    2 x 20

    Abs, Various weighted, 170 reps

    Ten reps is my new limit and even if I can go on I will stop, which was the case today. I felt really fresh and didn’t want to use up all that energy deadlifting a mediocre weight for lots of reps.

    I’m away tomorrow on a road trip until Tuesday, I will do some sort of cardio to keep my fitness up but it’ll be a nice rest and recovery for my body.