Reply To: 2011 Training Log


    Mar 16

    Track Work
    Blocks 2 x 20, 2 x 30, 2 x 40m
    50, 60, 70m falling start. stopwatch broke.

    Bench Press
    5 x 52.5kg
    5 x 65kg
    5 x 75kg

    DB Rows
    3 x 8 x 42.5kg

    Side Bridge 2 x 70 secs
    Front Bridge 2 x 100 secs

    I know one of the main rules of 5/3/1 is don’t tamper with it, but I’ve increased my rest week from 40,50,60% to 50,60,70%.

    Mar 17

    Front Squats
    5 x 90kg
    3 x 102.5kg
    6 x 115kg

    A1 DB Reverse Lunges
    2 x 12 x 33.5kg

    A2 KB Swings
    2 x 15 x 18.5kg

    Adductor Band
    2 x 12

    Ab Wheel
    2 x 8

    No Issues, cut the third set of a few of these as last week I was too sore to do circuits.

    Mar 18

    Turkish Get Ups

    3 x 4 x 13.5kg

    Running Arms

    2 x 80
    4 x 50

    Mar 19

    Track Work
    80m, 90m falling start. 9.41, 10.37mon PB

    Back Squats
    5 x 120kg
    3 x 136kg
    2 x 152.5kg

    Hip Thrusts
    6 x 120kg
    8 x 120kg

    Ab Circuit, 6 mins

    Very fluid 90m on mondo, couldn’t have pieced a much better run together. Wasn’t that motivated for back squats so happy to get a double out.

    Mar 21

    OH Shot Put (5kg)
    15.30m PB

    Track Work
    100, 120, 120, 150, falling start. 11.50, ?, 13.53 PB, 17.20 PB

    5 x 91kg
    3 x 101kg
    11 x 113.5kg

    Bird Dogs
    2 x 20

    3 x 25

    Wasn’t meant to do OH Shot but my friend wanted some competition, ended up throwing half a metre more than I’ve ever done. Nice series of runs, tied up in the last 20 metres of the 150 but the others were smooth. Had a rest then smashed out some deadlift reps, didn’t push it like last time as it’s an easy week starting tomorrow.

    Mar 22

    Bench Press
    5 x 71kg
    5 x 82.5kg
    6 x 93.5kg

    DB Rows
    2 x 8 x 42.5kg

    Side Bridge, 75 secs
    Front Bridge, 120 secs

    My right palm was hurting during the last set of bench, shouldn’t be an issue again but stopped a rep early. Feel like shit today, can’t walk properly.

    Mar 24

    Track Work
    80, 90m falling. 9.30mon PB, 10.36mon PB

    Back Squat
    5 x 80kg
    5 x 95kg
    5 x 112.5kg

    Hip Thrusts
    2 x 8 x 80kg

    Ab Circuit, 5 mins

    Only a hundredth quicker in both runs but i’ll take that.

    Mar 26

    Track Work
    100, 150, 150m falling. 12.11, 18.13, 18.11. slight headwind, no excuse.

    5 x 58.5kg
    5 x 73.5kg
    5 x 83.5kg

    Bird Dogs
    2 x 20

    Jack knives
    4 x 20

    Have been working a lot this week, still shouldn’t be running 12. and 18. under any circumstances. If this is how fast I run when I take weights easy on the Thursday then it’s no wonder my races are so poor.

    Mar 28

    Track Work
    50, 60m falling. 6.22mon, 7.23mon

    Bench Press
    3 x 77.5kg
    3 x 87.5kg
    5 x 100kg

    DB Rows
    3 x 8 x 42.5kg

    Side Bridge 2 x 80 secs
    Front Bridge 2 x 100 secs

    Mar 29

    Front Squat
    5 x 80kg
    5 x 92.5kg
    7 x 105kg

    Reverse Lunges
    2 x 12 x 33.5kg

    Hang Power Cleans
    2 x 4 x 78.5kg

    Ab Wheel, 3 x 7

    Sleep deprived and not in the mood, scrambled through the workout and will be getting an early night.

    Mar 31

    Track Work
    2 x 3 x 80m, 30m intensity limit (stop accelerating), falling start. 9.34, 9.31, 9.40 – 9.31, 9.26 PB, 9.26 =PB.

    Back Squats
    5 x 107.5kg
    5 x 122.5kg
    5 x 140kg

    KB Swings
    2 x 15 x 18.5kg

    New warm-up that’s really getting me fresh for track, short recovery runs so to p.b. with an intensity limit too was a good step forward. Was tired for squats so did bare minimum, and no abs as they still hurt from circuits yesterday.