Reply To: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020)


    WEEK 19

    23 Jun

    A1 Resistance Band Lateral – 3 sets
    A2 Lateral Step w Jump – 3 sets
    B1 Res. Band Block Step – 3 sets
    B2 Bound to Jump – 3 sets
    C1 Hex Hang Pull – 4 sets
    C2 Pogo Jumps – 4 sets
    Split Stance 1/4 Squat – 4 sets
    D1 Rhythm Squats – 3 sets
    D2 Banded Pull Through – 3 sets
    Sub Max Jumping – SKIPPED

    My Achilles continues to be a minor problem so I thought I could skip the sub max jumps and allow it a bit of time to rest.

    24 Jun

    Foam Roll, 4 Core Exercises, 1 Foot Conditioning Drill

    I took the stretches out because I’ve possibly been dealing with minor strains in my adductors and hip flexors and I don’t want to make them worse.

    25 Jun

    2x Resistance Band Drills – 2 sets
    Cone Drill – 3 sets
    Hurdle Jumps – 3 sets
    A1 SL DB Jump – 4 sets
    A2 SL takeoff – 4 sets
    B1 SLRDL variation – 4 sets
    B2 SL Broad Jump to SL Vert – 4 sets
    Weighted Reverse Plank – 3 sets
    Sub Max Jumping – 3 x 90 secs

    There was no benefit to trying to max out my SL broad jump so I stopped measuring it.

    26 Jun

    Foam Roll, 4 Core Exercises

    28 Jun

    Running Vert – ~70cm
    A1 Resistance Band Lateral – 3 sets
    A2 Lateral Step w Jump – 3 sets
    B1 Res. Band Block Step – 3 sets
    B2 Bound to Jump – 3 sets
    C1 Hex Hang Pull – 4 sets
    C2 Pogo Jumps – 4 sets
    Split Stance 1/4 Squat – 3 sets
    D1 Rhythm Squats – 3 sets
    D2 Banded Pull Through – 3 sets
    Sub Max Jumping (in shoes) – 2:00, 2:00

    I have been carrying small injuries through the last week and I know how important it is to give near 100% in the exercises so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t subconsciously holding back. I did 3-4 jumps after my warm up and managed to get within about 4cm of my PB without really committing to the jump, so I was very pleased. I’ll continue to put the work in and test my vert properly after the deload on 9th July.