Reply To: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020)


    WEEK 14

    6 May

    Foam Roll & Dynamic WU
    Lateral Band Exercise – 3 sets
    SL Jump – 3 sets
    Bounding Series – 2 sets
    Hurdle Jumps – 6 sets
    Weighted Pistol Variation – 3 sets
    RDL – 3 x 6 x 70kg

    First time doing this session and I really liked it.

    7 May

    Core/balance/feet supersets

    9 May

    Foam Roll & Dynamic WU
    1st Step Exercise – 3 sets
    Weighted DB Skip – 3 sets
    Hurdle Jumps – 4 sets
    Step Up Variation – 3 sets
    Jump Practice – 10 mins

    10 May

    Core/balance/feet supersets

    11 May

    Foam Roll & Dynamic WU
    Agility drill – 4 sets
    Bounding – 2 sets
    Hurdle Jumps – 4 sets
    Weighted Pistol Variation – 3 sets
    RDL – 3 x 6 x 72.5kg

    My back was troubling me the day before this and it was made worse by trying to be too explosive coming up from RDL, so it was fast on the way up but not max intent.

    The week as a whole was tougher on my body than I expected. It’s the “Spring” phase so I thought it would feel like a 4 week taper where I would go through each session feeling light on my feet and more explosive. I’m quite achey day to day which could be down to the hard surface I jump on because it’s joints more than muscles. I’m stepping up my rehab and taking cold showers a few hours after the hard sessions.

    Here’s the “hurdle” jumps from 6th May, I have to use a cone because I don’t have real hurdles.