Reply To: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020)


    PHASE 4

    WEEK 13

    29 Apr – 1 May

    Deload days, I had an epsom salt bath and did an extra mobility routine. I’m rehabbing my ankle so there was no light cardio, though I could have done some rowing if I really wanted to.

    2 May

    Foam Roll & Dynamic WU
    1st Step Exercise – 3 sets
    Weighted DB Skip – 3 sets
    Hurdle Jumps – 4 sets
    Step Up Variation – 3 sets
    Jump Practice – 10 mins

    I was hesitant about this session because the moves looked like they required a lot of coordination but I found them manageable and enjoyable.

    3 May

    Core/balance/feet supersets
    Additional ankle exercise – 2 sets

    There’s less emphasis on the foot and ankles now so I’m adding in my own exercises. This is something he suggests you do later in the program as he gives you the freedom to choose what you want rather than programming everything you do.

    4 May

    Foam Roll & Dynamic WU
    Agility drill – 4 sets
    Bounding – 2 sets
    Hurdle Jumps – 4 sets
    Weighted Pistol Variation – 3 sets
    RDL – 6 x 60kg, 2 x 6 x 70kg

    Another enjoyable session, bounding is very high impact and my technique needs some work. I was impressed with my change of direction in the agility drill, it’s very clear I’ve improved and it’s a shame I didn’t do some sort of test in week 0 to show how much better I am now.

    Here’s the RDL, I appreciate how much you can improve without weights but I still love lifting and was pleased to see this feature