Reply To: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020)


    WEEK 11

    16 Apr

    OH Squat – 2 sets
    Lateral Exercises – 3 sets each
    Jump Squat variation – 4 sets
    Squat/Jump superset – 4 sets
    Reverse Plank – 3 sets
    Balance Exercise – 2 sets

    17 Apr

    Core/balance/feet supersets

    19 Apr

    3 Jump Variations – 3 sets each
    Jump Practice – 15 mins
    RLESS Variation – 3 sets

    I felt quite flat in this session but was still getting close to my PB. I trained before 11am and I think I’m most powerful early afternoon, but also there’s a touch of fatigue coming through from the weekly training load. I’m less optimistic about jumping well next Sunday but also more confident that after a deload I’ll be adding at least an inch to my PB.

    20 Apr

    Core/balance/feet supersets

    21 Apr

    OH Squat – 2 sets
    Lateral Exercises – 3 sets each
    Jump Squat variation – 4 sets
    Squat/Jump superset – 4 sets
    Reverse Plank – 3 sets
    Balance Exercise – 2 sets

    In my Squat/Jump superset I’ve now set up a hoop in my garden and I was a few inches down on the 21st compared to the 16th. My legs are starting to feel a little heavy again and these are also earlier in the day so I’m not concerned.

    Here’s a jump from the 16th, I edited it to show how high I jump relative to myself. This wasn’t my best of the day and the hoop is around 298cm (touching it would mean a 72cm vert).