Reply To: Jump Science 2.0 (October 2019)


    Week 7

    REST (still daily stretching routine)

    24 Nov

    Depth Drops – 4 x 5 x 70cm
    Tuck Jumps – 3 x 10
    Squat Jumps – 3 x 10

    Depth Jumps weren’t a precise height, I couldn’t pile enough stuff on a chair so I jumped up off the chair for more height.

    26 Nov

    Bounding – 5 x 5 (I took it to mean 5 per leg so 10 total contacts)
    Flying 30m – 4 x 30m in 4.04, 3.94, 4.00, 4.08 secs
    Depth Jumps – 4 x 5 x 60cm

    Bounding went better than I expected, we were working up to it at Uni when I did sprint training. Flying 30m runs (being at top speed by the time you reach the first cone and holding it for 30m) were good, I didn’t push it but it was closer to a sprint than a run.

    28 Nov

    CMJ – 52,54,53,54,54cm
    2 Step Approach – 5 x 1
    Full Approach 2 foot – 10 x 1
    Full Approach 1 foot – 4 x 1 per leg
    Lunge Jumps – 3 x 12

    Yikes. You should have seen my face when I landed and looked up at that first chalk mark on my outside wall, only to realise it’s well down on what I’ve been doing. My body feels fine, not super fresh but I had a whole week off and the day to day soreness has mainly subsided. The jumps at the court were no better, I didn’t do as many as I wasn’t feeling it. Ended with lunge jumps which have been in several other programs, I did these on concrete as my garden is too soft a surface when it’s wet.

    Here’s a flying 30m run, measured precisely with a tape measure and timed with a stopwatch in my hand. Fastest was 3.94 secs and works out at 7.6 m/s, at Uni on an athletics track with sprint spikes and timing gates my best was 3.19 secs which is 9.4 m/s.