Reply To: Vertical Jump Bible (July 2019)


    16 Sept

    CMJ – 61cm/24″ (what?!)

    SL Box Jumps – 2 x 12 (per leg)
    Box Jumps – 2 x 6
    18″ Depth Jumps – 2 x 5
    Jump Squats – 2 x 5 x 40kg
    RDL – 2 x 3 x 100kg
    Squat – 2 x 3 x 122.5kg

    17 Sept

    Stretches – Hamstring, Quad, Back, Hips
    Planche Lean – 5 x 20 secs
    Sprinter Situps – 3 x 20
    Frogstand – max 15 secs (8 mins)

    19 Sept

    Squat – 2 x 3 x 122.5kg (belted)
    Hex DL – 2 x 3 x 135kg
    Jump Squats – 2 x 5 x 40kg
    18″ Depth Jumps – 2 x 5
    Box Jumps – 2 x 6
    SL Box Jumps – 2 x 12 (per leg)

    I blame having to avoid all ab work for 3 weeks on my poor squatting, felt my lower back when I was warming up with 100kg so no point in risking it. Really need to sort it out as 122kg is not that heavy to be folding in half or relying on a belt.

    20 Sept

    Pull ups – 10,10,9,9,6,6
    Push ups – 4 x 15
    V Situps – 2 x 15

    Tired after the pull ups so I cut the push ups short, meant to be doing 100 total.

    Vert Progress

    That 24 inch jump came out of nowhere given I had just finished a pretty heavy week of training. I suppose I already moved to 2 sets of weights instead of the usual 5, but I still do not feel fresh. Very much looking forward to re-tests, I’ll probably do several and the 23rd, 27th and 2nd look like good options. I don’t see anything wrong with a full warm up on those days then a dozen or so running verts, enough to work on technique without fatiguing me.