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  • in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10354

      WEEK 29

      23 Apr

      Tuck Planche with Single Knee Drop – 4,3,3,4,3,5,5,6,6,6,6 secs
      Tucked L-Sit – 30,30 secs
      Raised L-Sit – 20,16 secs

      Rather than drop both legs to get into an advanced tuck, I chose to let one leg drop on its own. The tutorial I watched stressed how much the abs are involved here so I plan to increase the volume I do.

      26 Apr

      Tuck Planche with Single Knee Drop – 5,4,6,7,5,5 secs
      Raised Planche Lean – 10,12,12,12 secs
      Hollow Body Hold – 3 x 30 secs

      WEEK 30

      29 Apr

      Raised Planche Lean – 12,10,10 secs
      Tuck Planche to Advanced – 5,6,5,5 secs
      A1 Tuck Planche – 9,11,12 secs
      A2 ISO Chair Pose – 20,20,20 secs
      Dying Roach – 3 x 50 secs

      A small breakthrough in technique, instead of initiating the transition to advanced tuck with my legs, I started by leaning further with my arms and used my leg position to counterbalance. I wanted to keep practising regular tuck planche because the longer I can hold, the stronger the base I have in which to try shifting to advanced.

      3 May

      Tuck Planche with Single Knee Drop – 5,6,6,5,6 secs
      Tuck Planche – 13,12,15 secs
      Dying Roach – 3 x 50 secs

      I’m feeling the consistency as my positions are more stable. I struggle a bit with my breathing because I exhale and then only manage to inhale in short bursts. Pleased to do a 15 second hold, I’m expecting to build quite quickly from here (1-2 seconds/week).

      in reply to: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020) #10352

        PHASE 4

        WEEK 13

        29 Apr – 1 May

        Deload days, I had an epsom salt bath and did an extra mobility routine. I’m rehabbing my ankle so there was no light cardio, though I could have done some rowing if I really wanted to.

        2 May

        Foam Roll & Dynamic WU
        1st Step Exercise – 3 sets
        Weighted DB Skip – 3 sets
        Hurdle Jumps – 4 sets
        Step Up Variation – 3 sets
        Jump Practice – 10 mins

        I was hesitant about this session because the moves looked like they required a lot of coordination but I found them manageable and enjoyable.

        3 May

        Core/balance/feet supersets
        Additional ankle exercise – 2 sets

        There’s less emphasis on the foot and ankles now so I’m adding in my own exercises. This is something he suggests you do later in the program as he gives you the freedom to choose what you want rather than programming everything you do.

        4 May

        Foam Roll & Dynamic WU
        Agility drill – 4 sets
        Bounding – 2 sets
        Hurdle Jumps – 4 sets
        Weighted Pistol Variation – 3 sets
        RDL – 6 x 60kg, 2 x 6 x 70kg

        Another enjoyable session, bounding is very high impact and my technique needs some work. I was impressed with my change of direction in the agility drill, it’s very clear I’ve improved and it’s a shame I didn’t do some sort of test in week 0 to show how much better I am now.

        Here’s the RDL, I appreciate how much you can improve without weights but I still love lifting and was pleased to see this feature

        in reply to: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020) #10351

          WEEK 12

          23 Apr

          OH Squat – 2 sets
          Lateral Exercises – 3 sets each
          Jump Squat variation – 4 sets
          Squat/Jump superset – 4 sets
          Reverse Plank – 3 sets
          Balance Exercise – 2 sets

          24 Apr

          Core/balance/feet supersets

          26 Apr

          3 Jump Variations – 3 sets each
          Jump Practice – 10 mins
          RLESS Variation – 3 sets

          I did one max effort during warm up and noticed I had really good air time, which made me immediately optimistic about the jump practice. I tried a 2 step approach and broke my PB by 1cm, then the very next jump from a longer approach added another 2cm, taking me to a 73cm PB. A few jumps later I touched my marker at 74cm, which is where my PB now stands. That’s just over 29″ and means I’ve added 6cm/2.3″ to my PB on this program and improved by 9cm/3.5″ since week 0.

          I thought I could trouble 30″ after my deload, so to do this a week early while still in hard training is encouraging. I did feel superb so I won’t be disheartened if I don’t jump higher next week.

          27 Apr

          Core/balance/feet supersets

          28 Apr

          OH Squat – 2 sets
          Lateral Exercises – 2 sets each
          Jump Squat variation – 4 sets
          Squat/Jump superset – 4 sets
          Reverse Plank – 3 sets
          Balance Exercise – 2 sets

          Terrible weather, wet surface meant my lateral exercises had to be heavily modified and were less effective. My jumps in the superset had to go from a longer approach to just a 2 step, but I still feel like I had a good session.

          Here’s my 73cm PB. I didn’t celebrate because of the PB, it was about what it meant for the next 5 weeks knowing that I still had clear areas to improve.

          in reply to: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020) #10350

            WEEK 11

            16 Apr

            OH Squat – 2 sets
            Lateral Exercises – 3 sets each
            Jump Squat variation – 4 sets
            Squat/Jump superset – 4 sets
            Reverse Plank – 3 sets
            Balance Exercise – 2 sets

            17 Apr

            Core/balance/feet supersets

            19 Apr

            3 Jump Variations – 3 sets each
            Jump Practice – 15 mins
            RLESS Variation – 3 sets

            I felt quite flat in this session but was still getting close to my PB. I trained before 11am and I think I’m most powerful early afternoon, but also there’s a touch of fatigue coming through from the weekly training load. I’m less optimistic about jumping well next Sunday but also more confident that after a deload I’ll be adding at least an inch to my PB.

            20 Apr

            Core/balance/feet supersets

            21 Apr

            OH Squat – 2 sets
            Lateral Exercises – 3 sets each
            Jump Squat variation – 4 sets
            Squat/Jump superset – 4 sets
            Reverse Plank – 3 sets
            Balance Exercise – 2 sets

            In my Squat/Jump superset I’ve now set up a hoop in my garden and I was a few inches down on the 21st compared to the 16th. My legs are starting to feel a little heavy again and these are also earlier in the day so I’m not concerned.

            Here’s a jump from the 16th, I edited it to show how high I jump relative to myself. This wasn’t my best of the day and the hoop is around 298cm (touching it would mean a 72cm vert).

            in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10349

              WEEK 28

              16 Apr

              Tuck Planche – 5,5,10,11,12,13,14,13 secs (83 total)

              Focus on pushing the ground away.

              19 Apr

              Planche Lean – 20 secs (warm up)
              Bent Arm Tuck Planche – 16,18,15,18,12 secs
              PPPu – 3,4,6
              L-Sit (raised feet) – 17,17,15 secs

              The pseudo push ups were with the biggest lean I could handle, trying to keep the forearm angle as I descend. I didn’t want to get caught up doing the regular tucks as I’d be trying to set a PB and neglect the bigger picture. Will try advanced tuck from next week as I feel ready.

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