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  • in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10372

      WEEK 38

      24 Jun

      Straddle Planche Lean – 3 attempts
      Advanced Tuck Planche – 10,8,13,7,7 secs (45 total)

      I had a whole week off due to tightness in my bicep, possibly overexerting myself. I’m not able to hold a straddle for even 1 second but at least I know that.

      27 Jun

      Bring Sally Up – 80 secs
      PPPu – 8,6,8,6,5
      TRX Tucks – 3 x 16

      WEEK 39

      1 Jul

      Advanced Tuck – 8,14,7,11,2 (42 total)
      Rear Leg Lift (Bird Dog style) – 3 x 30 secs

      Nice to get an extra second, I’m feeling good in this position and already looking to progressing. I wanted to make sure I have the strength to hold my leg out in a straddle so I did a single leg version from all fours and that was fine.

      4 Jul

      L-Sit to Straddle – 2,4,3
      Tuck Planche Push up – 4,5,3,3
      Pull ups – 10,8,6
      A1 Sphinx Push ups – 31,20,24
      A2 TRX Tucks – 15,12,10

      A few new exercises after watching more on YouTube. I had been doing L-Sit to tuck and back, the suggestion was to hold a split second in a straddle then recover and I was able to do a few reps. The idea behind that is your body gets familiar with being in that position. Then a tuck planche push up, sold as an alternative to PPPu. You have to keep the torso parallel and I found the first few reps easy then immediately struggled, I was trying not to rush and making sure I locked out at the elbows each time.

      I wanted to add in more general strength because the volume hasn’t been that high, so pull ups came in. Sphinx push ups are for forearm conditioning and tucks were in my program already.

      I still want to get to 20 seconds on the advanced tuck but I’m already incorporating straddle exercises.

      in reply to: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020) #10371

        WEEK 19

        23 Jun

        A1 Resistance Band Lateral – 3 sets
        A2 Lateral Step w Jump – 3 sets
        B1 Res. Band Block Step – 3 sets
        B2 Bound to Jump – 3 sets
        C1 Hex Hang Pull – 4 sets
        C2 Pogo Jumps – 4 sets
        Split Stance 1/4 Squat – 4 sets
        D1 Rhythm Squats – 3 sets
        D2 Banded Pull Through – 3 sets
        Sub Max Jumping – SKIPPED

        My Achilles continues to be a minor problem so I thought I could skip the sub max jumps and allow it a bit of time to rest.

        24 Jun

        Foam Roll, 4 Core Exercises, 1 Foot Conditioning Drill

        I took the stretches out because I’ve possibly been dealing with minor strains in my adductors and hip flexors and I don’t want to make them worse.

        25 Jun

        2x Resistance Band Drills – 2 sets
        Cone Drill – 3 sets
        Hurdle Jumps – 3 sets
        A1 SL DB Jump – 4 sets
        A2 SL takeoff – 4 sets
        B1 SLRDL variation – 4 sets
        B2 SL Broad Jump to SL Vert – 4 sets
        Weighted Reverse Plank – 3 sets
        Sub Max Jumping – 3 x 90 secs

        There was no benefit to trying to max out my SL broad jump so I stopped measuring it.

        26 Jun

        Foam Roll, 4 Core Exercises

        28 Jun

        Running Vert – ~70cm
        A1 Resistance Band Lateral – 3 sets
        A2 Lateral Step w Jump – 3 sets
        B1 Res. Band Block Step – 3 sets
        B2 Bound to Jump – 3 sets
        C1 Hex Hang Pull – 4 sets
        C2 Pogo Jumps – 4 sets
        Split Stance 1/4 Squat – 3 sets
        D1 Rhythm Squats – 3 sets
        D2 Banded Pull Through – 3 sets
        Sub Max Jumping (in shoes) – 2:00, 2:00

        I have been carrying small injuries through the last week and I know how important it is to give near 100% in the exercises so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t subconsciously holding back. I did 3-4 jumps after my warm up and managed to get within about 4cm of my PB without really committing to the jump, so I was very pleased. I’ll continue to put the work in and test my vert properly after the deload on 9th July.

        in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10370

          WEEK 37

          15 Jun

          Bring Sally Up – 80 secs
          Advanced Tuck Planche – 4,7,8,6,4,5,5 secs (39 total)
          Bring Sally Up – 90 secs

          Only 1 second longer in my best effort but overall I managed more volume.

          17 Jun

          Planche Lean Touch – 27cm, 2 x 28cm, 1 x 29cm, 1 x 30cm
          A1 Inverted Rows – 20,15,11
          A2 Hanging Toes to Bar – 8,8,8

          I strained the inside of my left elbow/bicep getting that 30cm lean, need to calm down. I was in a bit of a hurry to improve now that I feel like I’m on track, and as a precaution I’ve skipped the PPPu I would have done on the 20th. It’s a very minor injury but knowing how much pressure builds up doing PPPu I’m happy to give my body a little rest from this 3x/week program.

          I plan to try a straddle planche because I don’t think I’m a million miles away from it, for now here’s my slightly longer advanced tuck planche. I look to hold so my knees are in line with hands, because that feels the most natural.

          in reply to: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020) #10368

            WEEK 18

            15 Jun

            Foam Roll, 11 stretches, 4 Core Exercises, 1 Foot Conditioning Drill

            16 Jun

            A1 Resistance Band Lateral – 3 sets
            A2 Lateral Step w Jump – 3 sets
            B1 Res. Band Block Step – 3 sets
            B2 Bound to Jump – 3 sets
            C1 Hex Hang Pull – 4 sets
            C2 Pogo Jumps – 4 sets
            Split Stance 1/4 Squat – 4 sets
            D1 Rhythm Squats – 3 sets
            D2 Banded Pull Through – 3 sets
            Sub Max Jumping – 2:15, 2:30, 2:30

            17 Jun

            Foam Roll, 11 stretches, 4 Core Exercises, 1 Foot Conditioning Drill

            18 Jun

            2x Resistance Band Drills – 2 sets
            Cone Drill – 3 sets
            Hurdle Jumps – 3 sets
            A1 SL DB Jump – 4 sets
            A2 SL takeoff – 4 sets
            B1 SLRDL variation – 4 sets
            B2 SL Broad Jump to SL Vert – 4 sets (2.6m, 70cm)
            Weighted Reverse Plank – 3 sets
            Sub Max Jumping – 3 x 90 secs

            My Achilles was troubling me so I did the minimum on sub max jumping. I started measuring my SL takeoff and I managed 58cm and 60cm, which is a PB simply because I’ve never measured it before. I have since watched the jump tutorial and I can certainly clean my technique up and get another few inches.

            19 Jun

            Foam Roll, 11 stretches, 4 Core Exercises, 1 Foot Conditioning Drill
            Rowing – 3km in 2:16/500m pace

            I’ve rushed into high volume work and my Achilles is tender, so instead of running I dusted off my erg and did some low impact rowing.

            21 Jun

            A1 Resistance Band Lateral – 3 sets
            A2 Lateral Step w Jump – 3 sets
            B1 Res. Band Block Step – 3 sets
            B2 Bound to Jump – 3 sets
            C1 Hex Hang Pull – 4 sets
            C2 Pogo Jumps – 4 sets
            Split Stance 1/4 Squat – 2 sets*
            D1 Rhythm Squats – 3 sets
            D2 Banded Pull Through – 3 sets
            Sub Max Jumping (in shoes) – 1:30, 2:00, 2:15

            *I misread this exercise and I’d been doing 4 sets instead of 3, so I balanced it out with 2 sets today.

            My Achilles was fine, I can feel it but it didn’t get any worse and it’s only really the pogo jumps where I could tell it was being worked. It just dawned on me that the first two supersets are dedicated to improving my block step so I was paying extra attention to shin angle etc. I had been doing the sub max jumps in socks but I kept my trainers on to lessen the impact on my Achilles. I have tightness in the very upper, upper part of my adductor which I can feel when I try a really aggressive long penultimate, so I held back a little in this. It’s not about doing the splits in mid air anyway, you can get just as much force by jumping into it.

            Here’s the split stance squats I’d been overdoing in the first session.

            in reply to: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020) #10367

              PHASE 5

              WEEK 17

              9 Jun

              A1 Resistance Band Lateral – 3 sets
              A2 Lateral Step w Jump – 3 sets
              B1 Res. Band Block Step – 3 sets
              B2 Bound to Jump – 3 sets
              C1 Hex Hang Pull – 3 sets 60kg, 1 set 70kg
              C2 Pogo Jumps – 4 sets
              Split Stance 1/4 Squat – 2 sets 100kg, 2 sets 110kg
              D1 Rhythm Squats – 3 sets
              D2 Banded Pull Through – 3 sets
              Sub Max Jumping – 1:45, 2:00, 2:15

              Well, that was a lot. My adductor was 90+% but I held back slightly, I really like the block step exercise because I can see so much room for improvement in the technique he recommends compared to what I do currently. I like the hang pull too, I didn’t bother with a high pull because I’ve never done them before whereas I’ve done years of hang power cleans so a hang pull is comfortable. I did feel a twinge on the back of my knee doing the sets of several minutes jumping at the end.

              10 Jun

              Foam Roll, 11 stretches, 4 Core Exercises, 1 Foot Conditioning Drill

              I’ve revisited earlier phases to stay on top of my stretching, I also intend to do the optional third session a week of this.

              11 Jun

              2x Resistance Band Drills – 3 sets
              Cone Drill – 3 sets
              Hurdle Jumps – 3 sets
              A1 SL DB Jump – 4 sets
              A2 SL takeoff – 4 sets
              B1 SLRDL variation – 4 sets
              B2 SL Broad Jump to SL Vert – 4 sets (2.5m, 60cm)
              Weighted Reverse Plank – 3 sets
              Sub Max Jumping – 3 x 120 secs

              Long jumping was much better this time. A few drills could have done with a hurdle so I’ve made one and will be using it next week.

              12 Jun

              Foam Roll, 11 stretches, 4 Core Exercises, 1 Foot Conditioning Drill
              Running – 1.25 miles in 8:30/mi pace

              I really neglect my cardio so I put in a token 10-12 minute run this week and I want to keep doing it.

              14 Jun

              A1 Resistance Band Lateral – 3 sets
              A2 Lateral Step w Jump – 3 sets
              B1 Res. Band Block Step – 3 sets
              B2 Bound to Jump – 3 sets
              C1 Hex Hang Pull – 1 set 70kg, 3 sets 72.5kg
              C2 Pogo Jumps – 4 sets
              Split Stance 1/4 Squat – 4 sets 120kg
              D1 Rhythm Squats – 3 sets
              D2 Banded Pull Through – 3 sets
              Sub Max Jumping – 3 x 2:15

              Great session, I feel 100% and I smashed through it. Hang pulls are a touch light so I added another 2.5kg, maybe 75kg is still better. The same with the split stance squat, I had a few reps where I left the ground and that doesn’t help my knees when I land again. I bloody love this workout, I’d do that year round if I could.

              Here is SL Bound to SL Vert, I put a piece of table to jump over. I measured the distance from the cone to the base and then I measured the height of it, which is the two numbers in brackets (2.5m, 60cm). I will look to push myself and extend those numbers across the coming weeks.

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