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  • in reply to: 2011 Training Log #10379

      Jan 17

      DB Rows – 3 x 8 x 42.5kg
      DB Front Raises – 3 x 8 x 8.5kg
      A1 DB Alternate Bench – 14 x 39kg, 13 x 39kg
      A2 Explosive Pushups – 2 x 8
      Front Bridge 2 x 90 secs
      Side Bridge 2 x 60 secs

      Biceps were hurting from the weekend. I like these front raises, can really feel my muscle working. I’ve got my calories to a stage where my weight is stable, now looking to refine my diet and remove some of the processed junk I’ve been sneaking in. Race on Saturday, still a week or two from peak shape but should be able to produce a decent run.

      Jan 18

      Back Squats – 3 x 108.5kg, 3 x 125kg, 4 x 140kg
      SL Eccentric Ham Curls – 2 x 8 x 27.5kg
      Bird Dogs – 2 x 20
      Eccentric Calf Lower – 2 x 20 x 10kg (Gastroc), 2 x 20 x 10kg (Soleus)
      Reverse Crunch Hold – 3 x 45 secs

      I’m repeating this week of 5/3/1 next week, so was going to do the bare minimum but I thought 4 reps would be good for my confidence at the higher weights. Calf exercise was better with two sets for each muscle, as three seemed a little laboured and drawn out. I’m splitting up the three hours of track work and the weights on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so this session was done in the evening having regained some energy since this morning.

      Jan 19

      Running Arms – 2 x 80, 4 x 50
      A1 Bench Press – 3 x 73.5kg, 3 x 83.5kg, 5 x 95kg
      Explosive Pushups – 3 x 8
      Dips – 3 x 22

      As above, I felt I could do 6 reps of bench so stopped at 5. I had a quality speed session yesterday and if I can replicate that tomorrow then I will be much more confident about the weekend. I need to stop thinking about p.b’s and focus on beating whoever’s lining up next to me.

      Jan 22

      60m Race – 7.59

      My hamstring was bothering me on Thursday and it was still on my mind today, so the whole race was tense and sub-maximal because I worried about pulling it. Didn’t stick around for 2nd race, I know when it isn’t my day.

      Front Squat – 3 x 78.5kg, 3 x 90kg, 8 x 101kg
      Hip Thrusts – 6 x 95kg, 6 x 100kg, 6 x 105kg
      Ab Circuit, 6 mins

      New plan, do weeks 3 and 4 of 5/3/1 then just do some heavy triples the next few weeks so I don’t have to think about fitting it in with my races, think I need more time under a 140kg+ bar anyway. Pleased with front squats, could’ve done a few more reps.

      Jan 24

      DB Rows – 3 x 8 x 42.5kg
      Front Raises – 3 x 8 x 9kg
      A1 Alternate DB Bench – 1 x 12 x 39kg, 1 x 9 x 39kg
      A2 Explosive Pushups – 2 x 8
      Front Bridge 90 secs
      Side Bridge 60 secs

      Got the recovery wrong and paid for it in the second set of alternate bench. I have a new workout template that should keep weights workouts where they are but exercises will be moved around. Alternate bench will go as I have tough circuits to do, volume of plyos will be less with longer runs afterwards and Tuesday will be just weights.

      Monday – Short Speed & UB Weights
      Tuesday – LB Weights
      Wednesday – Circuits & UB Weights
      Thursday – Speed Endurance & LB Weights
      Friday – Technical Work
      Saturday – Plyometrics, Long Speed & Full Body Weights
      Sunday – Recovery Stretching & Foam Rolling

      Jan 25

      Front Squats – 5 x 83.5kg, 3 x 95kg, 8 x 106kg
      Stiff Legged Deadlift – 2 x 5 x 131kg
      Bird Dogs – 2 x 20
      Reverse Crunch Hold – 3 x 45 secs

      Rest periods have increased which should help me maintain intensity a bit better. Pleased with front squats, could’ve done more but will save something for Thursday.

      Jan 26

      Bench Press (power matrix) – 8 x 77.5kg, 5 x 87.5kg, 3 x 95kg, 3 x 1 x 105kg, 5 x 90kg
      Dips – 3 x 20
      Running Arms – 2 x 80, 4 x 50

      I was going to do the power matrix next week but realised it incorporated everything I was going to lift for 5/3/1, so figured i’d do it today. Tried to rush the 1RM so the first two stalled in the middle, last one was smooth. Did running arms last so that I finish the session with a coordinated movement pattern.

      Jan 27

      Back Squat
      5 x 120kg
      3 x 135kg
      2 x 150kg P.B. @ 73kg
      3 x 140kg

      Hip Thrusts
      2 x 5 x 110kg

      Abs, 6 mins

      Felt excellent in squats, upped everything by a few kgs as I saw the opportunity for a PB, did a nice double and didn’t push my luck by trying a third. Focus is on track work for the next four weeks, i’ll be damned if i’m running another 7.5* in Feb.

      Jan 29

      SL Box Jumps
      3 x 10 x 15cm

      Muscle Ups

      SL Eccentric Ham Curls
      1 x 6 x 27.5kg
      1 x 6 x 30kg

      4 x 90

      Side Bridge, 2 x 80 secs

      Did 2 x 2 x 120m runs at the track so didn’t have the energy for power cleans. Ham curls were good, got the stopwatch out to make sure it’s still a four second eccentric.

      Jan 31

      Bench Press
      8 x 80kg
      5 x 92.5kg
      3 x 97.5kg
      3 x 1 x 110kg = PB
      5 x 92.5kg

      DB Rows
      3 x 8 x 42.5kg

      Side Bridge 2 x 60 secs
      Front Bridge 2 x 90 secs

      Phew! 110kg was close to the limit, pretty chuffed to do all three attempts. Next power matrix has 115 in it, don’t know about that :s

      in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10377

        WEEK 42

        22 Jul

        Planche Lean Hold – 28cm x 5,14,14,10 secs
        A1 EZ Front Raise – 4 x 10 x 16kg
        A2 Pull ups – 11,8,7,7

        Good session, I’m looking to progress a little each time and edge closer to a straddle planche. My groin is tight at the moment so I’m avoiding any of the dynamic straddle exercises in favour of isometric holds.

        25 Jul

        Advanced Tuck Planche – 6,8,7,9,6,4,7,6 secs (53 total)
        Sphinx Push ups – 28

        This was quite scrappy, it was my abs that let me down as I couldn’t hold my legs off the ground. I’ve got my lean to the point where my weight shifts to the front half of my hands and I’m probably not far from progressing to a straddle. If you look at centre of mass with an advanced tuck compared to a nice wide straddle there’s probably not much between them

        Here are my EZ bar front raises, I’ve felt much more positive about my overall upper body strength since I’ve got back in the gym.

        in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10376

          WEEK 40-41

          8 Jul

          DB Front Faises – 15 x 5kg, 12 x 6kg
          DB Front Raise w 3 sec ISO – 8 x 6kg
          Pull ups – 4 x 6
          Banded Front Raise – 20
          EZ Bar Front Raise – 12 x 6kg, 15 x 6kg, 2 x 12 x 8.5kg
          Wrist Roller – 2 mins w 5kg

          I wanted to find a front deltoid exercise that could mimic the planche and after a few failed experiments I settled on the EZ bar. The zigzag bar allows me to turn my hands enough to have inner elbows facing up and a correct distance apart. I plan to load up on that because I want to add some volume back in.

          15 Jul

          Planche Lean Hold – 28cm x 6,9,12,6 secs
          A1 EZ Bar Front Raise – 4 x 12 x 11kg
          A2 Pull ups – 7,7,6,6

          I had laser tattoo removal on the 11th and there’s a few days where my torso is swollen and bandaged, so no exercise. Instead of a brief touch I wanted to accumulate some seconds at a specific lean, which I chose to be 28cm (lean measuring device on my Instagram). Great to bring pull ups back, I watched a YT video where he said full planche required back and not just relentless ab training.

          18 Jul

          Advanced Tuck – 10,11,8,7,7,5,3 secs (51 total)
          Sphinx Push ups – 2 x 20

          I was a little disappointed to not hold longer here. I’m behaving in the kitchen and holding ~2400kcal/day which should bring my weight down. I’ve been a slightly doughy 72.5kg and knowing how much difference dropping to 70kg would make to other body-weight exercises like pull ups I believe it will help me a lot in planche.

          in reply to: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020) #10375

            9 Jul

            Vert Test – 20+ jumps with a best of 71cm/28″

            I shouldn’t take it for granted that I can consistently jump 70cm+ each week, I didn’t feel amazing or springy today so it was a solid effort.

            PHASE 6

            WEEK 21

            12 Jul

            Single Step Accel – 2 sets
            Diagonal Step/Bound – 3 sets
            Skip Bounds – 4 sets
            Practice Jumps – 6 per side, LR = 70cm, RL = below 68cm
            Triple CC – 4 sets, 120kg Hex DL
            Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
            Agility Drill – 2 sets

            I know my jumps are weaker going right-left, so I measured each separately. I couldn’t even touch 68cm which in hindsight was a high starting point considering there’s a clear difference between each side (i.e. certainly 2cm+). I had to do some hex DL and my adductors on both sides felt very weak, and they continued to feel weak during RLESS.

            14 Jul

            Ankle Stiffness – 4 sets
            Hamstring ISO – 3 sets
            Resistance Band Adductor – 15 x 3 sec ISO
            Back Squat – 8 x 60kg, 8 x 70kg, 8 x 80kg, 8 x 85kg

            My adductors were having none of it in the warm up and they were so tender I wouldn’t trust myself to jump on the spot, let alone do sprints and bounds. I did the final two exercises of what should be Day 3, then I did some adductor work to warm them up before trying some squats.

            WEEK 21 (take 2)

            16 Jul

            Single Step Accel – 2 sets
            Diagonal Step/Bound – 3 sets
            Skip Bounds – 4 sets
            Practice Jumps – 18 mins working on block foot
            Triple CC – 4 sets, 125kg Hex DL
            Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
            Agility Drill – 2 sets

            I reviewed the practice jumps when I got home and was annoyed that there were clear improvements I could have made at the time if I’d known. While I was angling my block foot well, it was planted too far from my penultimate. I also wasn’t sure which arm to reach with depending on the approach but watching the vid one was clearly far more natural than the other. Work to be done.

            17 Jul

            Hip/Hamstring Superset
            Ab/Hip Superset
            Lower Abs – 3 sets
            Lower Back – 2 sets
            Rowing Machine – 3km in 2:10/500m pace

            Great session this, my hips are a mess and need this sort of strengthening and mobility. I finished with a 3km row instead of a jog, it was meant to be a chilled pace but I took it out a bit fast and felt obligated to maintain it.

            19 Jul

            Sprint – 6 x 54m in 8.85, 9.06, 8.15, 8.38, 8.21, 8.49
            Speed Hops – 4 x 20m per leg. Left: best of 4.30, Right: best of 4.61
            Broad Jump to Bound – 3 sets
            Speed Skater Variation – 2 sets
            Hurdle Jumps – 6 sets
            Ankle Stiffness – 4 sets
            Hamstring ISO – 3 sets

            The sprints were in phase 2 (?) and my fastest was 8.26 so I was taken aback at my 8.15 given the ground was wet and I was holding back. I sprinted at Uni and I could tell I was really covering ground in my acceleration so I believe it was a legit time. To be fair the times are still slow, I’ll go to a track either next week or the one after and see what I can really do. Speed hops were also at 90% and I was ecstatic to get through the session feeling so good. The broad jumps and hurdle jumps were also from previous phases, so far less new content.

            20 Jul

            Hip/Hamstring Superset
            Ab/Hip Superset
            Lower Abs – 3 sets
            Lower Back – 2 sets

            21 Jul

            Single Step Accel – 2 sets
            Diagonal Step/Bound – 3 sets
            Skip Bounds – 4 sets
            Practice Jumps – 15 total, RL = 67cm, LR = 73cm
            Triple CC – 4 sets, 130kg Hex DL
            Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
            Agility Drill – 2 sets

            My hip flexors are still knackered from the hopping on Day 3 but I could still move around. My jumps were better, I worked on “push”, “punch” cues as well as accelerating through the jump. Only 1cm off my PB with a left-right takeoff, I moved it to 75cm rather than try to match my PB but wasn’t able to touch it. Hex DL was better, my adductors are getting stronger each session and I’m adding 5kg every time.

            in reply to: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020) #10373

              WEEK 20

              30 Jun

              A1 Resistance Band Lateral – 3 sets
              A2 Lateral Step w Jump – 3 sets
              B1 Res. Band Block Step – 6 sets
              B2 Bound to Jump – ground was too wet
              C1 Hex Hang Pull – 4 sets
              C2 Pogo Jumps – 1 set (stopped due to Achilles pain)
              Split Stance 1/4 Squat – 3 sets
              D1 Rhythm Squats – 3 sets
              D2 Banded Pull Through – 3 sets
              Sub Max Jumping – SKIPPED

              I’m not having a good time with this Achilles tendinopathy, I know now that pogo jumps cause the most problem so I stopped as soon as I felt it getting worse. It doesn’t impede me in any of the other exercises which is nice.

              1 Jul

              Foam Roll, 3 Core Exercises

              Really bare bones stuff, one of the exercises causes me to stress my hip flexor/groin which has also been bothering me if I do too big a range of motion, and I have no intention of soldiering on through Phase 6 with niggling injuries so I want to be 100% by then.

              2 Jul

              2x Resistance Band Drills – 2 sets
              Cone Drill – 3 sets
              Hurdle Jumps – 3 sets
              A1 SL DB Jump – 4 sets
              A2 SL takeoff – 4 sets (62cm, 63cm, 64cm)
              B1 SLRDL variation – 4 sets
              B2 SL Broad Jump to SL Vert – 4 sets
              Weighted Reverse Plank – 3 sets
              Sub Max Jumping – 120,150,150 secs

              I iced my Achilles an extra few times and also have some Gua Sha tools which my massage therapist recommended for Achilles problems. It felt much better and I barely noticed it in the session. There was a PJF podcast about barefoot training on softer surfaces and that’s what I did here, doubling up a towel to jump on instead of my rubber gym mat.

              I had a lot more coordination for my single leg takeoffs and I added 4cm to my PB, taking it to 64cm/25.2″. Here’s how that looked

              3 Jul

              Foam Roll, 4 Core Exercises

              I used my ab wheel in place of the one that bothers my hip.

              5 Jul

              A1 Resistance Band Lateral – 3 sets
              A2 Lateral Step w Jump – 3 sets
              B1 Res. Band Block Step – 3 sets
              B2 Bound to Jump – 3 sets
              C1 Hex Hang Pull – 4 sets
              C2 Pogo Jumps – 4 sets
              Split Stance 1/4 Squat – 3 sets
              D1 Rhythm Squats – 3 sets
              D2 Banded Pull Through – 3 sets
              Sub Max Jumping (grass) – 2:30, 3:00, 2:30

              Great session! No pain, no real discomfort and a few of the exercises clicked for me a little more than usual. I completed the pogo jumps without a problem and I did the long jumping on grass for up to 3 minutes with no issues.

              Tomorrow I will have an Epsom salt bath, Tuesday I’m giving plasma for a Covid trial and 48 hours after that I should be cleared to test my vertical (9th July). I have laser tattoo removal on the Saturday which requires a 24 hour bandage on my torso, meaning my first session of Phase 6 is likely to be Monday 13th.

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