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  • in reply to: 2021 Training Log #10503

      2 Nov

      Front Squat – 5 x 50kg, 5 x 57.5kg, 10 x 65kg
      Around The Square – 3 x 4
      Straight Leg DL – 5 x 10 x 42.5kg

      I had a week off which coincided nicely with laser tattoo removal. Still have some residual heavy leggedness so I didn’t max out on the 5+ set of front squats. I also skipped ahead in 5/3/1 so instead of the 75kg template I’m using the 77.5kg.

      4 Nov

      Straight Leg DL – 5 x 42.5kg, 5 x 50kg, 12 x 55kg
      Front Squat – 5 x 10 x 55kg
      SL Calf Raises – 3 x 12 x BW

      I filmed my last set of straight leg deadlifts because I know my knees aren’t perfect but they were better than I expected. Front squats are getting a little boost each time, 55kg feels good.

      7 Nov

      Rowing Machine – 2 x 1000m (4 mins) in 3:58, 3:59

      I wanted under 4 minutes and I was never in danger of failing. In the second rep I went through 500m in 1:56 and that was too fast so I struggled a bit in the end

      in reply to: 2021 Training Log #10502

        19 Oct

        Front Squat – 5 x 55kg, 3 x 62.5kg, 14 x 70kg
        Around The Square – 3 x 4
        Straight Leg DL – 5 x 10 x 40kg

        I’ve been stopping short on the final set but I pushed it more this time, still not to failure though.

        21 Oct

        Straight Leg DL – 5 x 47.5kg, 3 x 52.5kg, 10 x 60kg
        Front Squat – 5 x 10 x 52.5kg
        SL Calf Raises – 3 x 12 x BW

        I bumped the front squat weight but I can go heavier again. I feel like I’m getting in the groove now and can start challenging myself, it’s possible I jump ahead on the 5/3/1 for front squats but probably not.

        24 Oct

        Rowing Machine – 4 x 500m (2 mins) in 1:53, 1:53, 1:56, 1:54

        I try to set a tough pace but always run the risk of blowing up and not being able to finish all four reps.

        in reply to: Soccer Ball Throw Ins (Oct 2021) #10501

          WEEK 2

          18 Oct

          Throw Ins (Session 4.1) – 10 throws, median 17.5m
          Throw Ins (Session 4.2) – 10 throws, median 17.6m

          20 Oct

          Throw Ins (Session 5.1) – 10 throws, median 17.6m
          Throw Ins (Session 5.2) – 10 throws, median 18.2m

          I’m starting to get consistency, the problem before was I was trying a flat throw so it was never going much above head height to begin with which is obviously not the optimal release angle. Now I pretend I’m throwing it for someone to head in the box and I don’t try to be too clever with an aggressive run up or quick release.

          22 Oct

          Throw Ins (Session 6.1) – 10 throws, median 19.0m
          Throw Ins (Session 6.2) – 10 throws, median 17.9m

          I should note that the pitch I go to is a slight incline, while this was in my garden which is flat. That being said, I did feel really good and I got a new max effort of 19.6m and several others around that distance. I was questioning whether I will gain anything from another week of purely practicing throw ins without changing anything else but I want to stick with it and see where it takes me.

          in reply to: Soccer Ball Throw Ins (Oct 2021) #10500

            WEEK 0

            6 Oct

            Practice Throw Ins – 5m, 10m, 15m, 10 x ~20m

            This was a quick check to see if my garden was long enough, but even before training I’m able to throw it the full length. I have a park about 5 minutes walk from me so that’s fine to use.

            WEEK 1

            11 Oct

            Throw Ins (1) – 15.5,16.3,17.0,15.0,15.5 (foul), 15.8, 18.2, 15.3, 16.7, 16.1m

            Median Throw: 15.95m
            Best Throw: 18.20m

            I’m limiting myself to a 2.5m run up, because depending on the stadium the advertising boards can be quite close to the pitch so it’s not always possible to take a big long run up. I was quite pleased with these until I saw the Hashtag United video after and I’d come dead last for distance. This was also shorter than my garden, but that was measured quite roughly. I am on a slight incline here which I wouldn’t expect to make more than 1m difference but I could be wrong.

            13 Oct

            Throw Ins (2) – 16.7,18.1,17.0,16.9,17.1,18.6,18.8,18.3,17.6,15.0m

            Median Throw: 17.35m
            Best Throw: 18.8m

            The only change here was a proper upper body warm up (in session 1 it was the standard arm swings that footballers do) and some activation exercises. Link here.

            Throw Ins (3) – 17.6,18.2,18.6,19.0,19.1,19.4,17.7,18.5,18.6,18.0m

            Median Throw: 18.55m
            Best Throw: 19.40m

            I had 10 minutes rest, in which time I watched a video I bookmarked from none other than the Liverpool throw in coach. The two things I changed was a slightly narrower hand position, so thumbs are 3-4cm apart, and some attempt at releasing the ball with backspin. I was pleased to have such consistency but also expected more. He has a YouTube channel and afterwards I watched a few more, generally players improve by 5-15m once all his training is complete so 1.2m on my median throw is okay for a first session.

            16 Oct

            Throw Ins (4) – not measured

            These were in my garden, I feel training three times a week will be optimal.

            Drawing on my experience of vertical jump I’m not going to rush into skull crushers or med ball throws, instead I will repeat the same week, possibly multiple times, to improve through technique alone.

            Beyond that I plan to draw on the throwing events (mainly javelin) as I feel they have more to teach about long throwing than going to soccer resources.

            in reply to: 2021 Training Log #10498

              5 Oct

              Front Squat – 5 x 47.5kg, 5 x 55kg, 12 x 62.5kg
              Straight Leg DL – 5 x 10 x 40kg

              6 Oct

              Dominik Sky Beginner Abs – 1 set

              7 Oct

              Straight Leg DL – 5 x 40kg, 5 x 47.5kg, 11 x 52.5kg
              Front Squat – 5 x 10 x 50kg

              Decent weight for 5 x 10, not in a rush to progress

              9 Oct

              Rowing Machine – 4 x 500m (2 mins) in 1:54-1:56

              Bought a new pm3 monitor on my concept2 so I’m back to rowing.

              12 Oct

              Front Squat – 3 x 50kg, 3 x 57.5kg, 10 x 65kg
              Straight Leg DL – 5 x 10 x 40kg
              Around The Square – 3 x 4

              I’m still not maxing out on the reps, my lower back has felt a bit stiff and I probably need to stretch more outside of workouts.

              14 Oct

              Straight Leg DL – 3 x 45kg, 3 x 50kg, 8 x 57.5kg
              Front Squat – 5 x 10 x 50kg
              SL Calf Raises – 3 x 12 x BW

              Front squat was easier this time, fine to progress slightly. I’m adding in a few additional exercises as my Achilles is very tender and needs strengthening/rehab.

              16 Oct

              Rowing Machine – 4 x 500m (2 mins) in 1:54-1:56

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