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  • in reply to: Soccer Ball Throw Ins (Oct 2021) #10745

      GPP (4 week block)

      3 Jan 2022

      A1 Bench Press – 4 x 8 x 60kg
      A2 Underhand Barbell Rows – 4 x 8 x 60kg
      B1 Push Press – 3 x 5 x 50kg
      B2 Pull ups – 3 x 6
      V situps – 3 x 15
      Russian Twists – 3 x 20 x 10kg

      I know a rule of thumb is that you should be able to row what you can bench, so I kept both at 60kg. For push press I couldn’t be bothered to take my 15kg plates off the bar so I used that and was disappointed I couldn’t do 8 reps.

      5 Jan

      A1 Bench Press – 4 x 8 x 62.5kg
      A2 Underhand Barbell Rows – 4 x 8 x 62.5kg
      B1 Push Press – 3 x 6 x 50kg
      B2 Pull ups – 3 x 6
      V situps – 3 x 15
      Russian Twists – 3 x 30 x 10kg

      Quite quick to jump up the weight and will probably do the same next week. My 1RM should still be about 100kg so 60kg is quite comfortable.

      8 Jan

      EZ Bar Skull Crushers – 4 x 8 x 33.5kg
      EZ Bicep Curls – 4 x 8 x 26kg
      MB Slams – 4 x 5 x 5kg
      Planks (1 arm 1 leg) – 3 x 60 secs

      I must have miscalculated last time because 33.5kg was a bit too heavy for me, 31kg must be what I meant to write. Bicep curls can go heavier, but overall a solid week of training.

      in reply to: 2022 Training Log #10744

        4 Jan

        Around The Square – 3 x 4
        Front Squat – 3 x 62.5kg, 3 x 70kg, 10 x 80kg
        Straight Legged Deadlifts – 5 x 10 x 52.5kg

        Hitting a set of 10 on the front squats was quite tough, and my grip nearly gave out from the deadlifts.

        6 Jan

        Straight Legged Deadlifts – 3 x 50kg, 3 x 57.5kg, 10 x 65kg
        Front Squat – 5 x 10 x 62.5kg
        Single Leg Calf Raises – 3 x 16 x BW

        9 Jan

        Running – 5 x 300m in 57 secs (3 mins)
        (6 mins)
        3 x 200m in 36,36,34 secs

        When I run I break it down into a per 100m pace. As a sprint athlete our coach would add 1 second for every 100m run at “tempo” pace. 100m would be 15 secs, 200 in 32 secs (16 secs per 100m), 300m in 51 secs (17 secs per 100m) and so on. I’ve been doing 20 secs per 100m previously because I wanted to do a mile at that pace, and the plan was to start at 400m reps and add 100m when I feel fit enough.

        You can’t keep me away from faster running for long, so I went round 300m in 19 secs/100m and after a break I chose to resume with some faster 200’s. It was only on the last rep that I remember my old training and how I should be doing these in 32 secs, so I found a middle ground and ran a 34 second 200m. It’s very likely that I’ll mix in some shorter runs on this session as 20 secs per 100m is such a plod for me.

        in reply to: Soccer Ball Throw Ins (Oct 2021) #10730

          WEEK 11

          22 Dec

          Technical Throws – 10 x 10
          Heavy Throws – 4 x 5 x 950g
          Skull Crushers – 4 x 8 x 28.5kg
          Pull ups – 6 x 6
          Hollow Rock – 6 x 25 secs

          For my technical throws I’m now aiming for a point on the wall that represents crossbar height. If I get consistently near it I move back a few feet. I found having slightly offset thumbs (so one is about an inch above the other) and finishing the throw with my hands in the direction of the target helped a lot. I went straight into my other midweek session as I missed a few days of training.

          WEEK 12

          27 Dec

          Technical Throws – 20
          Throw ins (Session 21) – 10 throws, median 19.9m
          MB Slams – 4 x 5 x 5kg
          Pull ups – 6 x 6
          DB Pullover – 4 x 8 x 8.5kg
          Resistance Band ISO hold – 3 x 3 x 15 secs

          29 Dec

          Technical Throws – 2 x 10
          36ft, 36-42ft
          MB Slams – 4 x 5 x 5kg

          Absolutely sodden ground, soaking wet so a waste of a session. Instead of 10 of each distance I moved a few feet every time I hit the target exactly. Good to know for future sessions that 40ft+ is possible.

          1 Jan

          Technical Throws – 20
          Throw Ins (Session 22) – median 18.95m
          MB Slams – 4 x 5 x 5kg
          Skull Crushers – 3 x 8 x 31kg
          BB Rows – 3 x 8 x 50kg
          Pull ups – 3 x 6
          Seated Plate Twist – 3 x 20 x 5kg (20 touches, 10 per side)

          I got discouraged by a really poor series of throws and set about overhauling my whole training. It’s possibly an overreaction, but I want to approach this like javelin training in which case there would be some periodisation. It’s currently a mish mash of strength, power, technical drills and could do with some structure.

          I’ve written up a GPP style plan which I will run for 4 weeks, it’s a very basic strength template with bench press, rows, overhead pressing and pull ups.

          in reply to: 2022 Training Log #10729

            Oh, and I’ll be 35 years old in March.

            28 Dec 2021

            Around The Square – 3 x 4
            Front Squat – 5 x 57.5kg, 5 x 65kg, 10 x 75kg
            Straight Legged Deadlifts – 5 x 10 x 50kg

            30 Dec

            Straight Legged Deadlifts – 5 x 47.5kg, 5 x 55kg, 10 x 62.5kg
            Front Squat – 5 x 10 x 62.5kg
            Single Leg Calf Raises – 3 x 16 x BW

            I opted for a top set of 10, if I aim for a big number I end up doing incomplete reps. I love boring but big, I’m keeping 2 minutes rest and the weight I’m using aligns with the first set of week 2 for that lift.

            2 Jan 2022

            Running – 2 x 1 mile (5 mins rest), 7:49, 7:21

            I usually do repeat 400’s but I’m drawing on a rowing program I once did that mixed in faster interval work with slower steady stuff. I was at the track and When I started running I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, but after a lap I decided on a mile rep. I have no idea what I’m capable of so I was aiming for an 8 minute mile and sped up at the end when I realised it was well within my capability. The next rep I didn’t have a target in mind I just wanted to push a little harder, it was still relatively easy and a hard rep would perhaps be a 6:30 mile.

            in reply to: Soccer Ball Throw Ins (Oct 2021) #10547

              PHASE 2

              I sat down and took everything I’ve tried so far and structured it into three distinct sessions, which I’ll repeat each week.

              WEEK 10

              14 Dec

              Throw In Technique – 10 x 10
              22, 23, 24, 3 x 25, 2 x 27, 28, 29ft

              Time to really progress these. If I consistently hit on/near the target with my 10 throws I go further back. In the YouTube video Thomas Gronnemark spoke about trying to hit the crossbar from the 18 yard box (54 feet) so next session I’ll probably move back in multiples of 2 feet else I’ll never get there.

              15 Dec

              Heavy Throws – 4 x 5 x 950g
              EZ Bar Skull Crushers – 5 x 10 x 23.5kg
              Pull ups – 8 x 5
              Hollow Rock – 5 x 25 secs

              Since I have a technical drill day I also wanted one with more muscle building exercises.

              18 Dec

              Throw In Technique – 20 throws
              Throw Ins (Session 20) – 10 throws, median 19.25m
              MB Slams – 4 x 5 x 5kg
              Pull ups – 8 x 5
              Pullovers – 4 x 8 x 15kg plate
              Resistance Band Throw In ISO – 3 x 15 secs

              I borrowed the concept of isometric –> eccentric –> concentric from my vertical jump training and held a resistance band in the throw in position (while holding a ball). I started with two 20m+ throws so to end with a median of low 19’s was disappointing. I’ll no doubt tweak the sessions from here but I’m more confident this is generally the right way to go.

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