Full Planche (Oct 2019)

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  • #10270
    Fraser Young

      WEEK 20

      Reading up was a great use of my time and I found several new ab exercises and also decided that a handstand is worth learning. A lot of people use a handstand as a starting position before descending into a straddle planche and there’s also a seated tuck into handstand transition that looks like it will build the right strength for planche.

      To give my body a break from planche training I will switch to handstand training for a few weeks. The format will be the same as learning frog stand, which is 5 x 20 secs of a strength move followed by balancing practice.

      20 Feb

      Bent Arm Tuck Planche – 9,14,15,10,8 secs
      Handstand To Wall – 17,19,23,20 secs
      L-Sit with High Feet (end on foam roller) – 7,8 secs

      To get the tuck handstand press it’s recommended to do a bent arm tuck planche for a stable base to push off. These were tough but taught me that my core is not the limiting factor in my tuck planche because I could hold my legs there easily. A regular L-Sit isn’t a problem so with straight legs I’m looking to hold them up over an object, in this case a ~50cm foam roller. Handstands were against the wall with the intention of pushing my feet off to balance for 2-3 secs, which didn’t really work.

      23 Feb

      Bent Arm Tuck Planche – 20,12,15,12,14 secs
      Handstand (aided) – 30,35,13,15 secs
      Free Handstand Practice – 3 mins

      Glad to see the strength from bent arm tucks come through and I hit my first 20 second hold. My wife caught my legs for the handstand but that felt more awkward than using the wall. I tried the standard ‘kick the legs up’ into a handstand hold and while it didn’t last more than 1-2 seconds I feel like that’s the best way to improve. I laid out cushions to soften my fall but the main problem was fatigue from the aided handstands, so next time I’ll jump straight into free handstands.

      Here’s a few sets from the 20th

      Fraser Young

        WEEK 21

        25 Feb

        Wrist warm up 3 x 10
        Shoulder warm up
        Free Handstand Practice – 5 mins
        A1 Wall Handstand Flutter kicks – 30,35,25 secs
        A2 Reverse Table Top – 25,30,30 secs
        Handstand Pike Pushups – 5
        Hollow Body Hold – 35,20,30 secs
        Tuck Planche – 12 secs

        This was more structured having looked online for a good routine. It turns out I was on the right path with the wall handstand, so now I bring one leg away from the wall in what would be its correct position, then try to get the second leg to meet it and hold the balance there.

        27 Feb

        Wrist warm up 3 x 10
        Shoulder warm up
        Free Handstand Practice – 5 mins
        A1 Wall Handstand Flutter kicks – 30,30,25 secs
        A2 Reverse Table Top – 3 x 30 secs
        Hollow Body Hold – 30,25,20 secs

        Holding the correct position takes a lot out of me and I only really have three good sets. I do 10-12 attempts during the free practice but since I want to end up going from a tuck into handstand then the ‘kick the legs up’ approach might not be that useful to me.

        I did want a third session this week but I was very busy.

        Fraser Young

          WEEK 22

          3 Mar

          Tuck to Press Handstand Practice – 10
          Headstand to Handstand Press – 4
          Wall Handstand Flutter – 15, 20, 5 secs
          Hollow Body Holds – 30,35,30 secs

          8 Mar

          Handstand Pushups – 2,3,3,2
          Bent Arm Tuck Planche – 20, 15 secs
          Hollow Body Hold – 3 x 30 secs

          Fraser Young

            WEEK 23-26

            10 Mar

            Tuck to Press Handstand Practice – 10
            Headstand to Handstand Press – 5
            Hollow Body – 3 x 30 secs

            13-22 Mar

            I had a fever, trouble breathing, then whole body aches and finally an upset stomach. I didn’t do any calisthenics in that time.

            26 Mar

            Bent Arm Tuck Planche – 20,14 secs
            Tuck Planche – 8,5 secs
            Pseudo Planche Push ups – 6,6
            L-Sit High Feet – 18,15 secs

            2 Apr

            Tuck to Press Handstand Practice – 9
            Handstand Press – 6
            Pseudo Planche Pushup – 8,9,6
            L-Sit High Feet – 2 x 15 secs

            I’m comfortable in a bent/straight arm tuck but beyond that it’s new territory. I probably need to work on my handstand balance so that when I do extend into the position I can hold it.

            Fraser Young

              WEEK 27

              I’m coming back to Tuck Planche as I really want to nail it for 20 seconds then get into advanced tuck.

              8 Apr

              Tuck Planche – 15, 10 secs
              PPPu – 8,8,6
              Bent Arm Tuck Planche – 11 secs

              I did a short session on the living room floor and having had time away from tucks I started off with a personal best of 15 seconds (previous was 13 secs on 22 Jan). I’m confident I have the exercises to improve and I’ll implement them in twice weekly training and work my way to 20 seconds.

              12 Apr

              Tuck Planche – 10,9,10,5,5 secs
              Raised Planche Lean – 20, 16 secs

              I was surprised at how weak I felt when doing these and that it was a real struggle to get to 10 seconds compared to a few days earlier. Typing it up now I realised that I did circuit training with a lot of push ups and some planche lean a few days ago and that must have knackered me. I will look to train either Wed/Sat or Wed/Sun and stick to the 4-5 exercises I feel are most beneficial. I have renewed my patience but I’m expecting to hit 20 seconds by my first session of May.

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