Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020)

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  • #10419
    Fraser Young

      WEEK 23

      30 Jul

      Single Step Accel – 2 sets
      Diagonal Step/Bound – 3 sets
      Skip Bounds – 4 sets
      Practice Jumps – 15 total, failed at RL 70cm and LR = 73cm
      Triple CC – 4 sets, 140kg Hex DL
      Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
      Agility Drill – 2 sets

      I was a LONG way from getting those practice jump heights, I watched the videos back and I was flapping away at the air. Deadlifts were pushing it, I had to use my straps for one set, I felt a bit flat today.

      31 Jul

      Hip/Hamstring Superset
      Ab/Hip Superset
      Lower Abs – 3 sets
      Lower Back – 2 sets
      Row 3km in 2:18/500m pace

      Really leisurely row, not trying to push it.

      2 Aug

      Sprint – 10 x 60m(?) in 9.47, 8.70, 8.49, 8.26, ?, 8.13, 8.31, ?, 8.26, 8.45
      Speed Hops – 4 x 20m per leg
      Broad Jump to Bound – 3 sets
      Speed Skater Variation – 2 sets
      Hurdle Jumps – 6 sets
      Ankle Stiffness – 4 sets
      Hamstring ISO – 3 sets

      Who knows what distance that was, I paced it out as 60m but when I measured it after the session I got ~62m. I did this on a proper track and it was so nice to accelerate properly in sprint spikes. I was wary of pulling a muscle so I sat at 95% for most of the runs.

      3 Aug

      Hip/Hamstring Superset
      Ab/Hip Superset
      Lower Abs – 3 sets
      Lower Back – 2 sets

      4 Aug
      AM Barefoot Walking – 1 mile in 20 mins
      Single Step Accel – 2 sets
      Diagonal Step/Bound – 3 sets
      Skip Bounds – 4 sets
      Practice Jumps – 10 total, LR = 67cm
      Triple CC – 4 sets, 130kg Hex DL
      Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
      Agility Drill – 2 sets

      Not at the races today. I’m reading “Born to Run” and it advocates barefoot walking/running to strengthen the foot so I did a mile in the morning. I felt my adductor stretch a bit doing a RL approach so I focused on LR today while also holding back. I had no spring and was barely able to touch 67cm, which was initially set up for my weaker RL jumps. I’m not concerned at all, when I trained in sprinting I’d have days where I was completely off the pace. You don’t magically lose your power and spring in a couple of days so I’ve taken an epsom salt bath and might push the next session back a day to let my legs rest.

      Here’s one of my track sprints

      Fraser Young

        WEEK 24

        6 Aug

        Single Step Accel – 3 sets
        Diagonal Step/Bound – 4 sets
        Skip Bounds – 4 sets
        Practice Jumps – 12 total, not measured
        Triple CC – 4 sets, 145kg Hex DL
        Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
        Agility Drill – 3 sets

        I don’t seem to jump well on Day 1 with only 48 hours rest so I didn’t bother measuring my practice jumps. The session as a whole felt very good.

        7 Aug

        Hip/Hamstring Superset
        Ab/Hip Superset
        Lower Abs – 3 sets
        Lower Back – 2 sets

        9 Aug

        Sprint – 6 x 54m in 9.00, 8.37, 7.96, 7.79, 7.82
        Speed Hops – 4 x 20m per leg
        Broad Jump to Bound – 3 sets
        Speed Skater Variation – 2 sets
        Hurdle Jumps – 6 sets
        Ankle Stiffness – 4 sets
        Hamstring ISO – 3 sets

        Good sprints on a nice dry road. These are a good 0.3-0.4 seconds faster than when I did them in phase 2 which has given me a lot of confidence.

        Instead of a deload (skipping week 1 days 1 & 2) I did them, but I’m now happy to say that’s the end of phase 6 and to not finish off with week 4 days 4 & 5. I had a sports massage on the 10th and she identified my groin/hip tightness as my vastus lateralis quad muscle being very tight. She also noted I had slightly collapsed arches, I was already in the process of fixing these with barefoot walking but that’s encouraged me to get it sorted even quicker, because that can put pressure on the ankle and the Achilles.

        Overall while I was pleased with phase 6 my body was really fighting against me and I need to spend more time addressing imbalances and staying on top of mobility work. She said that I’m quite flexible which can actually be detrimental to noticing the condition of muscles, because if I can e.g. touch my toes then in my head it means my hamstrings aren’t tight, but they were.

        I need 48-72 hours after the massage to let everything settle down and then I can re-test my vert and immediately follow it with the first session of phase 7. She found a whole load of tightness in my outer quads so with that fixed I’m excited to see how I feel after a rest.

        Here are a few from day 1

        Fraser Young

          PHASE 7

          WEEK 25

          13 Aug

          Vert Test – LR 70cm
          Lateral Drills – 2 x 3 sets
          Bound/Sprint – 6 runs
          Depth Jump variation – 3 sets
          Jump Complex – 3 sets

          I was so, so disheartened after yet another mediocre vert test. I could jump 73cm a few weeks ago and since I haven’t magically got worse I put it down to not peaking. Rather than force it I stopped trying and went straight into day 1, which caused me some minor Achilles pain in the bound/sprint. I’m sick of feeling like my body is falling apart so I am making some changes in this phase.

          14 Aug

          Clean Variation – 3 sets
          Pistol Squat Variation – 4 sets
          Nordic Curls – 4 sets
          Calf Raise – 3 sets

          I do love me some nordic curls. This was short and sweet, I didn’t really feel a benefit from the clean but the other three were great. I filmed my nordic curls and they’re way less impressive than they felt, so lots of gains to be made. I’ve seen kneesovertoesguy go all the way down and that’s a reasonable goal (maybe not in the next four weeks!).

          15 Aug

          Barefoot walk/jog 1.65mi
          Foot Drill – 3 sets
          3x Core/Mobility supersets

          The biggest change I’m making is with my feet, I was told by a masseuse that I have collapsed arches and that could be adding stress to my Achilles as well as causing problems further up the body. She also cleared my adductors as not being tight, which means that when I feel them during exercise that’s just weakness and I can add in exercises to fix that.

          16 Aug

          Jump Bible Warm Up
          Lateral Drills – 2 x 3 sets
          Bound/Sprint – 6 runs
          Depth Jump variation – 3 sets
          Jump Complex – 3 sets
          Eccentric Calf Lower – 10 x 10 secs w 15kg

          The jump bible warm up was my favourite so far and I went back to doing it at the start of leg day. I’ll be doing it every time but not necessarily writing it in my journal. This was way better than Thursday, I felt decent. I realised I don’t need to go to the court for the lateral drills so having four weeks without testing my vert will allow me to focus on the exercises. I finished with an Achilles strengthener, weighted calf lowers (2 legs up, 1 leg down) going really slowly and beyond parallel, so foot is half on a platform.

          18 Aug

          Clean Variation – 3 sets
          Pistol Squat Variation – 4 sets
          Nordic Curls – 4 sets
          Calf Raise – 3 sets

          19 Aug

          Barefoot jog 1.65mi
          3x Core/Mobility supersets

          It was a non-stop jog today at ~10 min/mi pace. Good first week, I am loving how short the sessions are as the lower body ones are about an hour each which suits my schedule a lot more.

          Here’s the pistol variation, I now do this barefoot as I’m trying to remove shoes from as many exercises as is sensible

          Fraser Young

            WEEK 26

            20 Aug

            Lateral Drills – 2 x 3 sets
            Bound/Sprint – 7 runs
            Depth Jump variation – 3 sets
            Jump Complex – 3 sets
            Eccentric Calf Lower – 10 x 10 secs x 20kg
            Side Lying Adductor Raise – 50,40,30

            I added in Achilles and adductor strengthening exercises as I need to correct my weaknesses.

            21 Aug

            Clean Variation – 3 sets
            Pistol Squat Variation – 4 sets
            Nordic Curls – 4 sets
            Calf Raise – 3 sets

            22 Aug

            3x Core/Mobility supersets

            23 Aug

            Lateral Drills – 2 x 3 sets
            Bound/Sprint – 7 runs
            Depth Jump variation – 3 sets
            Jump Complex – 3 sets
            Eccentric Calf Lower – 10 x 10 secs w 20kg
            Copenhagen Plank (knee) – 3 x 25 secs

            My adductors need strengthened asap. It’s actually quite nice to not have to go to the court for 4 weeks, while I’m not practising jumping I can focus more on executing each exercise well and correcting weaknesses.

            25 Aug

            Clean Variation – 3 sets
            Pistol Squat Variation – 4 sets
            Nordic Curls – 4 sets
            Calf Raise – 3 sets

            26 Aug

            Walk (minimalist shoes) – 2 miles
            3x Core/Mobility supersets

            My “barefoot” shoes arrived and I gave them a go in my morning walk. There is some padding to them but my feet felt closer to how they do barefoot than they do in trainers, so I will keep it up. I didn’t run as the council were mowing the grass where I normally drop my stuff, so just a long walk at about 18 min/mi pace.

            Good week of training, I can see why people enjoy phase 7 as they are short but effective sessions. I don’t even mind not testing my vert after this phase as it feels like more of a strength builder, though there are single leg depth jumps which should be great for gains. Here are said depth jumps, only coming down from mid-shin to control for ground contact time.

            Fraser Young

              WEEK 27

              27 Aug

              Lateral Drills – 2 x 3 sets
              Bound/Sprint – 8 runs
              Depth Jump variation – 3 sets
              Jump Complex – 3 sets
              Copenhagen Plank (mid-calf) – 3 x 20 secs

              29 Aug

              Clean Variation – 3 sets
              Pistol Squat Variation – 4 sets
              Nordic Curls – 4 sets
              Calf Raise – 3 sets

              After 2 sets of Nordics I accepted that I’m not getting anywhere near the Range of Motion I require so I set up resistance band and did sets of band assisted nordics.

              30 Aug

              Walk (minimalist shoes) – 2.3 miles
              3x Core/Mobility supersets

              31 Aug

              Lateral Drills – 2 x 3 sets
              Bound/Sprint – 8 runs
              Depth Jump variation – 3 sets
              Jump Complex – 3 sets
              Eccentric Calf Lower – 11 x 10 secs w 29kg
              Copenhagen Plank (mid-calf) – 2 x 25 secs
              Copenhagen Plank (full) – 15 secs

              Pleased to improve on Copenhagen planks, adductors feel much less flimsy. I also increased the weight on the calf lower for my Achilles, which supposedly needs over a month of complete rest to heal but isn’t getting any worse, so I hope this helps it.

              1 Sept

              Clean Variation – 3 sets
              Pistol Squat Variation – 4 sets
              Nordic Curls – 4 sets
              Calf Raise – 3 sets

              2 Sept

              Walk (minimalist shoes) – 2.3 miles
              3x Core/Mobility supersets

              Good week of training, really pleased with the progress of my adductors which no longer feel like they could give way at any moment. Since there are only 3 sessions that get repeated 8 times it’s already a little bit tedious but the short duration workouts suit my schedule so it’s been nice. I can tell in the jump complex that my quads are pretty tired and the plan is to complete the final session of phase 7 on Wed 9th, re-test vert on Fri 11th and start phase 8 on Monday 14th or even Sunday 13th.

              Here are my band assisted Nordic curls

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