Full Planche (Oct 2019)

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  • #10452
    Fraser Young

      WEEKS 64-65

      29 Dec

      Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 9.5kg
      Weighted Pull ups – 3 x 6 x 15kg
      Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 3 x 8
      Handstand practice – 4 x 30 secs
      Reverse Table Top – 30 secs

      1 Jan 2021

      L-Sit to Tuck to Pulse – 4 x 3
      Advanced Tuck Planche – 5 x 5 secs
      Raised L-Sit (30cm) – 3 x 20 secs

      The advanced tuck was supposed to be 5 x 7 secs but I’m a bit rusty and deconditioned.

      3 Jan

      7 stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard

      I have a list of 12 upper body stretches and I worked through a sample of them to see which ones are best.

      5 Jan

      Pseudo Waistline Hold – 2 x 2 x 10 secs
      PPPu – 5, 4
      PPPu Negatives – 2 x 8
      Planche Lean – 2 x 4 x 15 secs

      I’ve been dawdling with this one for too long so I’m ramping it up. The goal is a 20 second pseudo waistline hold so I moved it from 5 to 10 seconds and coped quite well. While I’m not racing to complete the full planche in the shortest time, I need some sort of urgency otherwise it will drag on forever.

      7 Jan

      Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 9.5kg
      A1 Weighted Pull ups – 3 x 6 x 15kg
      A2 Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 3 x 9
      Handstand practice – 4 x 30 secs (60 secs rest)
      Reverse Table Top – 30 secs

      I had barely any time so I cut a minute rest from each set and supersetted the pull ups and push ups. It went well but fell apart a bit at the handstands, really need to carve out more time for the gym.

      Fraser Young

        WEEKS 66-68

        11 Jan

        L-Sit to Tuck Planche – 4,4,4,3
        Advanced Tuck Planche – 7,7,7,6,6 secs

        13 Jan

        Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 9.5kg
        A1 Weighted Pull ups – 4 x 5 x 15kg
        A2 Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 4 x 8
        EZ Bar Curls – 3 x 10 x 21kg
        Handstand practice – 4 x 30 secs
        Reverse Table Top – 30 secs

        16 Jan

        Pseudo Waistline Hold – 2 x 2 x 10 secs
        PPPu – 5,4
        PPPu negatives – 8,8
        Planche Lean – 2 x 4 x 15 secs

        18 Jan

        Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 9.5kg
        A1 Weighted Pull ups – 3 x 5 x 15kg
        A2 Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 3 x 9
        A3 EZ Bar Curls – 3 x 8 x 23.5kg
        A4 Handstand practice – 3 x 25 secs
        A5 Hanging Toes to Bar – 3 x 7
        Reverse Table Top – 30 secs

        I can’t really spare much time for this session so I cut nearly all the rest periods and did it as a circuit. This worked really well and it’s a shame I didn’t try this sooner.

        23 Jan

        L-sit to Tuck Planche – 4,4,3
        Advanced Tuck Planche – 5,6,7,6 secs

        30 Jan

        Pseudo Waistline Hold – 15,8,15,7
        PPPu Negatives – 5
        Planche Lean – 2 x 4 x 15 secs

        I’m getting a bit bored of this session and have been pushing to complete a 20 second waistline hold so I can move on.

        Fraser Young

          WEEKS 69-72

          I’m dropping the gym session because I don’t have the time, so I’ll just be doing straight arm work every 4-5 days.

          4 Feb

          Pseudo Waistline Hold – 2 x 2 x 10 secs
          PPPu – 6,5
          Planche Lean – 2 x 4 x 15 secs

          9 Feb

          Planche Lean – 26cm x 15 secs, 27cm x 15 secs
          Planche Lean Touch – 27cm,28cm,29cm
          Planche Lean – 5 x 20 secs x 25cm

          (see my wooden structure below) Getting quite fed up with the slow progress, I looked online and found the angle I need for straddle and full planche and I’m not a million miles away, so I want to focus on squeezing out a bit more of an angle each time.

          14 Feb

          Pseudo Waistline Hold – 2 x 4 x 5 secs (115cm, 114cm)
          PPPu – 7,4
          PPPu negatives – 8,8
          Planche Lean – 2 x 4 x 15 secs (26cm)
          Pseudo Waistline – 11, 8 secs

          Again, quantification has to be the way forward. I’m used to lifting weights where it’s clear you’re progressing, with a waistline hold you do what you can but might have your hands far enough back. I measured from the base of the skirting board to an imaginary line which my hands don’t cross, and kept that for the four exercises, before reducing it by 1cm.

          19 Feb

          Pseudo Waistline Hold – 2 x 2 x 10 secs (114cm)
          PPPu – 5,5
          PPPu negatives – 8,8
          Planche Lean – 2 x 4 x 15 secs

          I feel like I’m improving now, really pleased to have got some consistency at last.

          24 Feb

          Pseudo Waistline Hold – 20 secs (!)
          Straddle Planche toes on – 5 x 15 secs
          Straddle Planche Lean Touch – 29cm, 3 x 30cm, fail at 31cm

          Hooray! I’ve been following Osvaldo Lugones workouts and the goal was a 20 second waistline hold, which I can now do. I immediately jumped to trying out straddle as I know I’m not that far from doing it. I got to the end position where the toes are about to lift off and held it there, so still in contact with the floor. Then I used my wooden structure to try a straddle lean touch and got about the same lean as I do from a regular planche lean.

          28 Feb

          Straddle Planche Lean – 8 x 15 secs

          Couldn’t get to the gym for this one, just leaned as much as I could.

          Here’s my wooden structure. I made it the right width so that my shoulders can both touch at the same time and helps me quantify what’s going on.

          Fraser Young

            WEEKS 73-76

            5 Mar

            Bent Arm Straddle Planche – 7 attempts (all under 2 secs)
            Bent Arm Straddle Jumps – 2 x 10

            I was nowhere near holding this for a sustained time, the jumps were much better because I could pop up into position and at least accumulate a little bit of time in there.

            11 Mar

            Bent Arm Straddle Planche – 7 attempts (all under 2 secs)
            Bent Arm Straddle Jumps – 2 x 10

            Same again, a little better this time.

            17 Mar

            L-Sit – 8 x 15 secs

            My inconsistency has cost me and I’ve lost some of my basic strength, meaning it’s pointless trying anything too advanced.

            23 Mar

            Bent Arm Straddle Planche – 2,2,3,3 secs, 2,2,1,1 secs
            Tuck planche to Bent Arm Straddle – 5,4
            Bent Arm Straddle Jumps – 3 x 10
            Straddle PPPu – 2 x 7

            This was Osvaldo Lugones next workout progression, the PPPU are actually easier because of the straddle stance. I quite liked the tuck to bent arm straddle, the first few were quite graceful but by the end I was basically falling with style.

            28 Mar

            Bent Arm Straddle Planche – 2,2,3,3 secs, 3,2,2,3 secs, 1,2,1,1 secs
            Tuck planche to Bent Arm Straddle – 2 x 5
            Bent Arm Straddle Jumps – 10,10,7
            Straddle PPPu – 2 x 7

            Slightly better than last time, he suggests four rounds and I was trying to build up the volume without falling to pieces.

            Fraser Young

              WEEKS 77-81

              1 Apr

              Straddle Bent Arm Planche – 3,2,2,2 secs, 4 x 2 secs
              Tuck to Straddle Bent Arm Planche – 5 attempts
              Straddle Bent Arm Planche Jump & Hold – 10 attempts
              Straddle PPPu – 10
              L-sit to tuck to tuck planche – 2,3,4
              Scap Pushups – 8,10,8

              I got a bit disheartened at the session I had been doing and went off on a tangent.

              6 Apr

              L-sit to tucked l-sit to tuck planche – 4 x 5
              Slow Scap Pushups – 4 x 8

              I stuck with my tangent, this series of transitions has helped me so much so I wanted to get back to doing it. I was trying tuck planche push ups and not managing more than 2-3, which made me realise my base level strength could do with some work. I did some slow pushups with a retracted scapula at the top (rounded back) and these felt good (and tough!).

              11 Apr

              L-sit to tucked l-sit to straddle planche – 5,4,5,5,4
              Slow Scap Pushups – 9,9,9,8,9

              I briefly popped my legs out into a straddle and was pleased with the stability I had, possibly due to my new parallettes. I’m quite happy to just do this session every 5 days and see if I can make progress.

              16 Apr

              L-sit to tucked l-sit to straddle planche – 5,5,4,4,3
              Slow Scap Pushups – 9,9,9,7

              21 Apr

              L-sit to tucked l-sit to straddle planche – 5,5,5,3,3
              Slow Scap Pushups – 10,9,8,8

              27 Apr

              L-sit to tucked l-sit to tuck planche to tuck pushups – 12 singles
              Slow Scap Pushups – 11,11,10,9

              I added to the combo move as I’m quite stable in a tuck planche. From there I lowered into a tuck planche pushup and back, then returning to the sequence of tucked l-sit and l-sit. That doubles as pushup work but I still added in some slow scap pushups to finish.

              2 May

              L-sit to tucked l-sit to tuck planche to tuck pushups – 2,2,2,3,2,2,2,2,2
              Slow Scap Pushups – 11,11,9,8,8

              I got ahead of myself with the 3 reps but I was doing two sequences back to back quite well. I also tried to lower into a straddle bent arm planche but it went horribly wrong so I won’t be doing that any time soon. I still feel like progress is being made but it would be nice to add in a straddle element.

              Here is the single L-sit/tucked l-sit/tuck planche/tuck pushup combo. Another option is to progress this into a handstand, but being able to do sets of 5+ would surely help with my planche goals.

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