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25 May
Around The Square – 3 x 4
Tuck Jumps – 2 x 10
Floor to Ceiling Jumps – 3 x 10
High Knee Running – 3 x 40 contacts27 May
Around The Square – 3 x 4
Single Leg Bench Hops – 2 x 8
Depth Jumps – 3 x 5 x 45cm
Seated Box Jumps – 3 x 829 May
Trek (plyos) – 2 x 20
Accels – 20m bend
Sprints – 3 x 200, 2 x 200 (2.5 mins / 10 mins) in 28.5, 28.7, 28.9 & 29.1, 29.5My series on 8th May was 27.7, 28.7, 28.9, 29.7, 30.9 so 0.8 slower on the first run (which was too fast last time) and 0.6 / 1.4 seconds faster on the final two reps. Pleased with that, I didn’t feel too horrible lining up for the final 200m and knowing my best is 26.2 I think a target of 28.5 is reasonable.
Thanks to the Jubilee I’ll have Thurs/Fri off so I plan to do a speed session on the Thursday and maybe some tempo on the Saturday or Sunday, meaning if I can work from home on Tuesday 7th I can finish a bit early and go to the local track meet.
17 May
Around The Square – 3 x 4
Tuck Jumps – 2 x 10
Floor to Ceiling Jumps – 3 x 10
High Knee Running – 3 x 40 contacts18 May
Around The Square – 3 x 4
Single Leg Bench Hops – 2 x 8
Depth Jumps – 3 x 5 x 45cm
Seated Box Jumps – 3 x 819 May
Uphill Sprints – 4 x 20m
Uphill Broad Jumps – 3 x 15
Plate Snatch to Box – 3 x 4 per legThe plate snatch to box I got from here
22 May
Trek – 2 x 20m
Accels – 3 x 30m in 4.45
Sprints – 80m, 100m, 120m (10 mins / 12 mins) in ??, 12.81, 15.22My spike plates were hanging off my shoes for the longer runs, I’ve just got home and glued them back on. Always annoying to incorrectly press the start/stop on my watch and not get a time as the 80m felt fast. Slight tailwind here so pleased with the times, I ran 15.15 with a big tailwind in late April.
The local track meet is on the 7th June so I may not take part, especially since I’d need to register at 5.30pm for the 100m and I’m very unlikely to be done with work by then. It would be nice to register an official electronic time but I’m not overly bothered by it so I may stop next week.
9 May
Runner’s Yoga
A1 Sprinter Situps – 3 x 8 x 20kg
A2 Bear Dogs w single arm move – 3 x 10
A3 Leg Lowers – 3 x 15I took out some of the mobility exercises and put all the core together into a superset.
10 May
Around The Square – 3 x 4
Tuck Jumps – 2 x 10
Floor to Ceiling Jumps – 3 x 10
High Knee Running – 3 x 40 contactsThis was my deload, some simple plyos and then a speed endurance drill.
11 May
Around The Square – 3 x 4
Single Leg Bench Hops – 2 x 8
Depth Jumps – 3 x 5 x 45cm
Seated Box Jumps – 3 x 8Depth jumps are quite intense but hopefully my CNS recovers for Sunday’s time trial.
13 May
Runner’s Yoga
A1 Sprinter Situps – 3 x 8 x 20kg
A2 Bear Dogs w single arm move – 3 x 10
A3 Leg Lowers – 3 x 1515 May
Full warm up, plyos etc.
100m in 12.60
200m in 26.19This was the weekend of the County Championships but I’d made other plans so I did a hand timed 100/200m at the local track instead. It’s hard to know how much to add on for reaction time because I’m not exactly pressing the timer on first movement. I would say 12.75 and 26.35 sound about right, though I’d like to think if I was racing other people I’d go faster.
I have another two weeks to maintain speed and hopefully there’s a local meet on 1st June.
Here’s my 100m
9 May (Day 27) – 5 x 42, 5 x 42
10 May (Day 28) – 5 x 42, 5 x 42
11 May (Day 29) – 5 x 42, 5 x 42
12 May (Day 30) – 5 x 47, 4 x 47
I was a little pushed for time on the final day so these were with 100 seconds rest.
16 May (Day 34)
Grip Strength – 53-54kg per hand
Max Dead Hang – 120 secsAfter a few days off I wanted to test my grip strength and endurance. The strength was no surprise, I probably need more of a stimulus than a simple double arm hang. I wasn’t expecting to get far beyond 90 seconds but I kept my head down and only looked at the clock when I was struggling, and by then it was 1:24. I really wanted that 2 minute mark and I probably let go just before, I might have mildly stretched some shoulder or chest muscles trying to hold on that long.
I felt the benefits by the end, and while 7 minutes is a big commitment I will certainly do 1-2 sets of 30-45 secs after any upper or lower body weights session, for the stretching and spinal decompression benefits.
Here’s me on day 30 experimenting with some single arm holds
2 May (Day 20) – 5 x 47, 4 x 47
3 May (Day 21) – 4 x 53, 4 x 53
Comfortable with 47 secs so extended to 53 as an experiment. Used 130 secs rest but it was tough.
4 May (Day 22) – 2 x 35, 14, 8 x 42
I was trying to mix it up here, the first 3 reps were with a lateral swing, briefly letting go with each hand. I wasn’t sure how much harder it would be (the answer: quite a bit) so I swiftly abandoned it and dropped to 42 secs for the remainder.
5 May (Day 23) – 3 x 30, 3 x 42, 2 x 42, 30
More experimenting, again 3 sets (90 secs total) using the lateral swings. It certainly works the grip more and I feel it improves single arm stability, but I’m still at the stage where I’m not taking it for granted that I can accumulate 7 minutes.
6 May (Day 24) – 5 x 42, 5 x 42
I did some more background reading about other people’s experiences and they spoke of staying away from long duration single holds in favour of more frequent ones (a popular protocol was 14 x 30 secs). The progressions like lateral swinging and eventually single arm holds tend to be attempted when you’ve reached the milestone of 2 minutes dead hang. While I’m clearly progressing, I feel like I’m starting the day no better than yesterday and it only takes about 10 seconds before I feel uncomfortable having to hold on.
7 May (Day 25) – 10 x 42
I should break it up, but some days I can only afford a single visit to the gym.
8 May (Day 26) – 5 x 42, 5 x 42
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