Soccer Ball Throw Ins (Oct 2021)

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  • #10969
    Fraser Young

      7 Feb

      Throw Ins (Session 24) – 10 throws, median 19.8m

      A really strong start then faded a bit. New personal best of 21.8m and my first five were the longest 5 throws.

      9 Feb

      Bench Press – 5 x 4 x 80kg
      Push Press – 5 x 4 x 55kg
      A1 EZ Skull Crushers – 3 x 8 x 31kg
      A2 EZ Bicep Curl – 3 x 8 x 31kg

      12 Feb

      Incline Bench Press – 5 x 4 x 70kg
      DB Pullover – 5 x 4 x 25kg
      A1 DB Row – 3 x 8 x 30kg
      A2 Pull ups – 3 x 7
      Rotator Cuff Resistance Band – 2 x 10

      I like these two sessions a lot. My incline was set one higher (by mistake) so it was tougher. One more week of this 🙂

      Fraser Young

        14 Feb

        Throw Ins (Session 25) – 10 throws, median 19.25m

        Hmm, a slight backwards step. This is proving harder than expected to see consistent improvements.

        16 Feb

        Bench Press – 5 x 4 x 80kg
        Push Press – 5 x 4 x 55kg
        A1 EZ Skull Crushers – 3 x 8 x 33.5kg
        A2 EZ Bicep Curl – 3 x 8 x 33.5kg

        19 Feb

        Incline Bench Press – 5 x 4 x 70kg
        DB Pullover – 5 x 4 x 25kg
        A1 DB Row – 3 x 8 x 30kg
        A2 Pull ups – 3 x 7
        Rotator Cuff Resistance Band – 2 x 10

        A good training week. I still need to sit down and write the next phase but I only really want to do another 4-6 weeks of this if I’m not getting anywhere.

        Fraser Young

          Pre-Comp (4 week block)

          I’ve been using a Javelin thrower training template and have continued that into my 3rd and final phase. I introduce more throws here, both weighted and unweighted, as well as maintaining strength in the gym.

          21 Feb

          Technical Throws – 50
          Handspring Practice – 31 attempts

          The setup for my technical throws allows me to reset and throw again after 15-20 seconds, which helps a lot with efficient use of time. The focus is on applying an amount of backspin on release and working in the 70-80% intensity range. I also toyed with the idea of learning the flip throw, which would mean getting a good grounding in handsprings. I’m unlikely to get far in 4 weeks but it’s interesting to try at least.

          23 Feb

          Technical Throws, Standing with step through – 2 x 6 @ 60%
          Technical Throws, Jogging with step through – 2 x 6 @ 70%

          DB Power Snatch – 3 x 5 x 15kg
          Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 80kg
          A1 DB Pullover – 3 x 8 x 20kg
          A2 Rotator Cuff (res band) – 3 x 8

          The technical throws were good, focusing on maintaining the tension as I reach back and following it through the throw, crossing the imaginary “line” I’m standing behind. The next progression was to do that from a jog in and I felt I was doing well.

          26 Feb

          Heavy Throws – 2 x 8 x 950g (soccer ball partially filled with water)
          Throw Ins (Session 26) – median 20.15m

          Barbell Cleans – 3 x 5 x 50kg
          Incline Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 70kg
          A1 Swiss Ball MB Throws – 3 x 8 x 5kg
          A2 Pull ups – 3 x 8

          The heavy throws were good but left me a little fatigued and it took a few throws with a regular ball to get back in the rhythm. Once I did I was peppering the 20m line and felt like I could catch a really good one. This was one of my most consistent series of throws.

          I don’t really do regular cleans but it was 60% of max. so I could get by. My legs are very sore from my other training so I didn’t push it.

          Overall a good week, three more like that and then a 7-10 day taper.

          Fraser Young

            28 Feb

            Technical Throws – 50
            Handspring Practice – 15 attempts

            Handsprings were short lived, I landed with a heavy impact on my calf and decided it’s not worth the injury risk.

            2 Mar

            Technical Throws, Standing with step through – 2 x 6 @ 60%
            Technical Throws, Jogging with step through – 2 x 6 @ 70%

            DB Power Snatch – 3 x 5 x 15kg
            Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 80kg
            A1 DB Pullover – 3 x 8 x 20kg
            A2 Rotator Cuff (res band) – 3 x 8

            5 Mar

            Heavy Throws – 2 x 8 x 950g
            Throw Ins (Session 27) – median 20.05m

            Barbell Cleans – 3 x 5 x 50kg
            Incline Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 70kg
            A1 Swiss Ball MB Throws – 3 x 8 x 5kg
            A2 Pull ups – 3 x 8

            The median doesn’t do it justice as I had 21.6, 21.1, 21.2 and another 21.6 as part of the sequence. The ball was wet so I had some duff throws around 18m and it just so happened my 5th and 6th best throws were mediocre. It’s given me a lot of confidence going forward but I’m also questioning what a good improvement would be. The professional throws coach increases elite players by 5-15 metres, and with such a poor initial throw I’d want to gain at least 10m, but I’m probably only halfway there.

            Here’s my gym setup where I can practice throws in quick succession

            Fraser Young

              7 Mar

              Technical Throws – 50

              9 Mar

              Technical Throws, Standing with step through – 2 x 6 @ 60%
              Technical Throws, Jogging with step through – 2 x 6 @ 70%

              DB Power Snatch – 3 x 5 x 15kg
              Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 80kg
              A1 DB Pullover – 3 x 8 x 20kg
              A2 Rotator Cuff (res band) – 3 x 8

              12 Mar

              Heavy Throws – 2 x 8 x 950g
              Throw Ins (Session 28) – median 20.95m

              Barbell Cleans – 3 x 5 x 50kg
              Incline Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 70kg
              A1 Swiss Ball MB Throws – 3 x 8 x 5kg
              A2 Pull ups – 3 x 8

              Excellent series of throws today, only my first attempt was under 20 metres. One more week to go!

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