2018 Training Log

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  • #4339
    Fraser Young

      31 December

      Back Squat – 77.5kg x 30
      TRX Atomic Pushups – 14, 8, 15
      TRX Inverted Rows – 24, 12, 16

      2 January

      P-Bar Leg Raise w Twist – 4 x 10
      Otis Up – 6kg x 10, 12, 8.5kg x 12
      Long Plank – 3 x 20 secs (elbows level with eyes)
      Arms up Crunch – 3 x 20
      Prone Hyper-extensions – 5 x 12
      Football Pitch – Run the length, lunge the width, almost 2 laps (~20 lunges short) in 10 mins

      4 January

      Press ups – 5 x 10

      Bit of a mish mash of things here, i’m doing a video where I try my best to get a six pack and I was testing some of the ab exercises this week

      Fraser Young

        7-11 January

        Fasting Mimicking Diet, eating 500 calories a day.

        Macros: 47g Fat, 12g Protein, 6g Carbs

        Check out the video for more info

        Fraser Young

          12 January

          Frequency push ups – 3 x 11
          Weighted Chin Ups – 10kg x 8, 6, 5kg x 8, 6, BW x 7
          Back Squat – 5 x 8 x 80kg RPE 7.4
          OHP – 5 x 8 x 40kg RPE 7.2
          V-Sit – 3 x 10
          Stir The Pot (Swiss Ball Ab) – 3 x 25 secs
          Arms Up Crunch – 3 x 20 x 2.5kg

          15 January

          Frequency push ups – 1 x 11 (more like infrequent…)
          OHP – 5 x 6 x 45kg RPE 6.4
          Chin Ups – 5 x 6 x 5kg RPE 7.1
          Dips – 6 x 5kg, 4 x 6 x 10kg RPE 6.6

          17 January

          Hex DL – 5 x 6 x 100kg RPE 6.4
          Chin Up Ladder (1,2,3,4,5) – 15, 12, 13 reps
          Dips – 5 x 6 x 10kg
          Circuit (5 burpees & 10 pressups, 10 rounds) – 9 mins 46 secs

          Trying out more things, have a decent template for this six pack training but still testing. I didn’t like 5 x 8 but 5 x 6 is nice, and 30 total reps for an exercise is in the recommended range. The idea behind frequency press ups is to only do enough that you aren’t tired, and spread them across the day so there’s minimal fatigue. I’m not in the habit of them so i’ll have to tie them to an activity, like a set before preparing food or brushing my teeth, in order to remember to do 5-6 sets.

          I’ll start the proper training on Feb 1st as that will mean the day after my “six week abs” will be my birthday.

          Fraser Young

            17 April

            Rowing Machine – 2.25km in 10 mins, 4km in 16:57.4

            18 April

            AM Fasted Walking – 40 mins

            19 April

            Football (8-a-side) – 60 mins

            22 April

            Vertical Jump Test (tip to tip on a wall with chalk)
            Standing reach – 225cm
            Jumping reach – 280cm
            CMJ Vertical Jumps – 50cm, 52cm, 55cm @ 69.4kg BW

            Power Cleans – 50kg x 4,1,1,1,1,1,1
            V-Sit ups – 3 x 15
            Clap Push ups – 2 x 10
            Lying Leg Raise – 3 x 15
            3 Way Planks – 3 x 90 secs total
            Prone Hyperextensions – 3 x 10

            I finished a 70 day cut and was down to around 68.5kg by the end. I had a sizeable cheat meal (2600kcal) and also had a night out with work on the Thursday, so calories varied hugely. I did my best to steer my average in the right direction and ended on P165 C219 F106 Cals 2500 for the week (Mon-Sun).

            Going forwards the target is P150 C190 F80 Cals 2100 with more carbs on workout days. When I brought my calories down for the cut (see Six Pack in Six Weeks) I had really good mental clarity when carbs were around 170-190g and it’s something very valuable to me in my line of work so I want to try that out long term.

            The next self-experiment will be improving my vertical jump, specifically through 7 weeks of Vert Shock. I’ve looked through the four workouts it’s based on and included some of the ab exercises today (22nd) to get used to them. I’ll be doing two weeks of general training before I run the program because i’m really busy the weekend after next and couldn’t squeeze in the vert shock workouts.

            Fraser Young

              23 April

              Around The Square – 3 x 4
              Speed Skaters – 2 x 15
              Tuck Jumps – 10
              180 Squat Jumps – 2 x 10
              Hex DL (up onto toes) – 6,6 x 80kg, 6 x 90kg
              Calf Raises – 3 x 40
              Rowing Machine – 3 x 1km (4 mins) – 3:45.5, 3:47.7, 3:57.4

              25 April

              Lateral High Jumps – 2 x 20
              Depth Jump (10 inch) – 2 x 8
              Single Leg Box Jumps – 2 x 8 per leg
              Seated Box Jumps – 2 x 8
              Hed DL (up onto toes) – 6,6 x 100kg
              Side Crunches – 2 x 20
              Plate Twist 10kg – 3 x 30 secs

              26 April

              Rowing Machine – 10,000m in 43:12.9

              Did exercises from three of the four Vert Shock sessions, need to do the final one next week. Pretty chilled week, need a few days off after trying 10km of rowing. Sore back, arms and legs from that but impressed with my pace.

              Food intake P146 C152 F101 Cals 2110 thanks to a lot of beef and lamb. Also tried a 24 hour fast from Friday avo to Saturday avo, managed 21 hrs.

              7th May is Vert Shock, can’t wait.

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