Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020)

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  • #10483
    Fraser Young

      WEEK 16

      19 Apr

      Broad Jumps – 7 (best of 254cm)
      A1 Penultimate Acceleration – 2 x 5
      A2 Mechanics Primer – 2 x 4
      2 step jumps – 10, LR = 72cm, RL = 73cm
      Res. Band Adductor – 2 x 40 secs
      Standing Hip Flexor Hold – 3 x 20 secs x 5kg

      Really good session, I was in the groove with my RL take-off and found success getting a little closer to the rim with my final two contacts. I added 4cm to my PB on that side but couldn’t replicate that improvement with my LR. My all time PB still stands at 74cm but it was definitely under threat today.

      21 Apr

      Seated Box Jumps – 3 x 5
      Split Jumps – 3 x 5 per side
      SL Line Hops – 3 sets

      23 Apr


      I had laser tattoo removal on the 22nd because I need to get in two sessions before I’m away on holiday. It meant having to skip my final session of the program.

      26 Apr

      Broad Jumps – 7 (best of 245cm)
      A1 Penultimate Acceleration – 1 x 5
      A2 Mechanics Primer – 1 x 4
      2 step jumps – 10, LR = 71cm, RL = 71cm

      I’m not sure where to go from here so I tried one more Monday jump session. I’m probably a little deconditioned having had four days off and my tattoo recovery doesn’t help matters. It’s interesting my broad jump was also down, if there’s a strong correlation I could either a) use broad jump improvement to track progress or b) abandon a session in favour of a recovery day if my broad jump is way down on my best.

      Having got to the stage where I’m 1cm away from my personal best it feels like I should repeat the same week to see where it takes me. If I think about my sprint training at Uni then “in-season” would be mid-May to late August, and the weight room would only be for maintenance. Vert Shock also has a “maintenance phase” so the idea isn’t to just keep going back to week 1 every few months.

      Here’s my 73cm from a RL takeoff

      Fraser Young

        WEEK 16 + 1

        28 Apr

        Around The Square – 3 x 4
        Tuck Jumps – 2 x 12
        Squat Jumps – 3 x 10
        Split Jumps – 3 x 6 per side

        29 Apr

        Lateral High Jumps – 3 x 20
        Depth Jumps – 3 x 8
        SL Box Jumps – 2 x 8 per leg
        Seated Box Jumps – 3 x 8

        30 Apr

        Uphill Accelerations – 4 x 20m
        Uphill Squat Jumps – 3 x 15
        Dom Sky Beginner Abs – 1 circuit

        I’ve been reading up about strength and power training and one chapter showed how long your muscles take to be fully fresh after a workout. Once the soreness/stiffness disappears it’s still another 5-7 days. Some of the other chapters also helped me realise that some light plyometric work for an extra week could be beneficial. I turned to the first three days of Vert Shock and customised it to suit my needs.

        5 May

        Broad Jumps – 7, best of 254cm
        Penultimate Acceleration – 2 x 5
        Mechanics Primer – 1 x 5
        Full Approach (2 foot) – 12, best LR = 72cm, best RL = 77cm!!

        Wow. Firstly, it’s eerie how my broad jump is almost the same to the cm. I even flipped the tape measure and used inches, only converting when I was done with all attempts. I hit 75cm with my first RL approach and 76cm soon after. On the 7th or 8th attempt (video below) I managed 77cm, which is a 3cm (1.2 inch) personal best.

        It leaves me in a bit of a predicament, because my technique wasn’t perfect, but on reflection I still want to chill for a week and maybe go to the courts for fun instead of to measure my jumps. My legs still have a residual achiness so time off will do them good. I’m 34 so this is probably my last summer doing jump training and then the plan is to pick up something as a Masters athlete, probably 100/200m sprinting.

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