Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020)

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  • #10443
    Fraser Young

      Edit: I was initially going to follow Freak Jump Technique 3 but having read through it all it’s a much bigger time commitment than I can manage right now.

      What?! Another jump program? Give it a rest..

      I’m writing my own custom program but someone directed my attention to this one, which pretty much offers a template for practicing jump technique while allowing you to fill in everything else as you see fit. It’s a 9 week program but I’m going to have a few weeks beforehand to make sure my body has had a really good rest but isn’t out of condition.

      To recap, I did Vert Code Elite for 8 phases, then tried a 2-3 week taper with my final jumping session on 4th Nov. I took a few weeks completely off because my Achilles wasn’t 100% and that’s a slow healer, and this will include everything I’m doing to build back up again before the 9 week program.

      Preparation – Week 1

      23 Nov

      Soleus Stretch – 2 x 40 secs
      Tibialis Raise – 25 reps (
      KoT Lunge – 2 x 10 x BW
      Patrick Step Up – 2 x 12

      I’ve seen Ben from Kneesovertoes do a few of these so I tried them out. I want a unilateral leg exercise and it’ll be either a knees over toes lunge or a RLESS.

      25 Nov

      7 Stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard

      I have a few stretches I really like from the Kelly Starrett book “Becoming a Supple Leopard” and I worked through those to improve my mobility.

      26 Nov

      Soleus Stretch – 2 x 40 secs
      Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
      KoT Lunge – 2 x 10 x BW
      Patrick Step Up – 2 x 12

      Same again as I was surprised how sore my legs were from the first session. The initial plan was to bump the sets and add weight to the lunge but that will have to wait until next week.

      Fraser Young

        Edit: Between Dec and Feb my jumps were off by 1-2cm, these have been corrected.

        Preparation – Week 2

        30 Nov

        7 Stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard
        Soleus Stretch 2 x 40 secs

        I’ve moved the soleus stretch with all the others.

        2 Dec

        Around The Square (Vert Shock) – 3 x 4
        Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15
        CMJ – 5 jumps, best of 54cm/21.25″
        DB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 2.5kg
        Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 4
        Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
        Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 20 secs

        Much better structure to this workout. I could tell how rusty I was when trying a CMJ so I’m not bothered by the (lack of) height. I retained my strength for nordics quite well which was pleasing.

        4 Dec

        4 Stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard
        Soleus Stretch 2 x 40 secs

        I skipped a few as I was short on time.

        5 Dec

        Around The Square (Vert Shock) – 3 x 4
        Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15
        CMJ – 5 jumps, best of 58cm/22.8″
        DB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 5kg
        Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 5
        Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
        Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 25 secs

        My legs didn’t feel that sore after the last session so I’m going to start adding reps/weight where possible. It feels like I could add in 1-2 more exercises so I’ll have a think about what’s missing. It could be that I go to the courts next week (weather permitting) and see where my running vert is at.

        Fraser Young

          Preparation – Week 3

          6 Dec

          8 stretches

          9 Dec

          Around The Square (Vert Shock) – 3 x 4
          Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15
          CMJ – 8 jumps, best of 57cm/22.4″
          DB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 8.5kg
          Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 6
          Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
          Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 25 secs

          12 Dec

          Around The Square (Vert Shock) – 3 x 4
          Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15
          CMJ – 6 jumps, best of 58cm/22.8″
          DB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 8.5kg
          Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 6
          Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
          Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 20 secs

          Good pair of sessions, I didn’t have time for my second stretching session but I feel like I’m coming back to a base level of conditioning and can start progressing from here. I want to do some running jumps next week, add weights to the patrick step up and possibly a third session, then I can start FJT3 on 21st December.

          Here’s one of my Counter-movement jumps, I really like the arm swing as it gets you in a nice rhythm before the jump. I also shook my legs out between reps yesterday and that might have contributed to my extra height.

          Fraser Young

            16 Dec

            ATS – 3 x 4
            Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 5kg
            CMJ – 5 jumps, best of 57cm
            DB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 8.5kg
            Band Assisted Nordic Curl – 3 x 6
            Achilles Spring Combo – 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps
            Tibialis Raise – 25 reps

            I brought in the Achilles spring combo as that’s something my program is missing and it felt beneficial when I did it as part of VCE.

            Fraser Young

              23 Dec

              Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 3 x 10
              Pogo Jumps – 3 x 20 secs
              Broad Jumps, 5
              Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
              2 Step 2 foot jumps – 8
              Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 10kg
              DB KoT Lunge – 10 x 5kg
              BB KoT Lunge – 2 x 8 x 20kg
              Band Assisted Nordic Curl – 3 x 7
              Achilles Spring Combo – 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps

              25 Dec

              Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 3 x 10
              Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
              Broad Jumps – 6, best of 2.32m
              Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
              CMJ – 7 jumps, best of 57cm
              Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 15kg
              BB KoT Lunge – 3 x 8 x 20kg
              Band Assisted Nordic Curl – 3 x 7

              I still haven’t finalised the exercises. The plan is to do 4 weeks, then have a 2-3 day taper and change up some of the exercises or set/rep schemes. I incorporated some of the warm up drills from Freak Jump Technique 3, such as the dorsiflexion and the broad jumps. The combo is a 10 second RKC plank, 4 plyo pushups and 4 speed skaters (lateral bounds), to activate the muscles.

              WEEK 1

              28 Dec

              Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 3 x 10
              Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
              Broad Jumps – 5, best of 2.33m
              Kneeling Jumps, 4
              Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
              2 step approach – 8 per side
              2 step pop ups – 4 per side
              2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side
              Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
              Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 20 secs

              This is the technical jumping day, I don’t have a lot of space so I can’t do much more than a 2 step approach, but that will stop me getting ahead of myself. This will be Mon & Thurs, with weights based on Tues & Fri, then the weekend off.

              29 Dec

              CMJ – 10 jumps, best of 58cm
              Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 20kg
              BB KoT Lunge – 3 x 8 x 20kg
              Front Squat – 5 x 50,55,60kg
              Band Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 7
              Achilles Spring Combo – 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps

              The patrick step up is something I can happily increase the weight on, and now I’ve switched to a barbell lunge I can load up too. When I read that a 2 footed jump is more quad dominant I immediately wanted to include front squats but they’ve not really been in the programs I’ve followed. I won’t go super heavy there.

              31 Dec

              Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 3 x 10
              A1 Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
              A2 Ziani Leg Lifts – 4 x 60 secs (80cm)
              Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
              Broad Jumps – 5, best of 2.31m
              2 step approach – 8 per side
              2 step pop ups – 4 per side
              2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side
              Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
              Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 20 secs

              Someone directed me to Kadour Ziani a while back and I had noted down his leg lifts (stand and lift straight leg over an object in front of you, repeat for time). The pogo jumps come with a 2 minute rest, so it was a perfect place to fit in some leg lifts.

              1 Jan 2021

              CMJ – 10 jumps, best of 56cm
              Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 25kg
              BB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 20kg
              Front Squat – 5 x 60,65,70kg
              Band Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 7
              Achilles Spring Combo – 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps

              3 Jan

              7 stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard

              I have a list of my favourites and I know it’ll help keep me in better condition for the following training week.

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