Reply To: Pre-Season Fitness for Soccer (Apr 2019)


    8 Apr

    Push Ups – 26, 19, 17
    A1 Chin Ups – 3 x 9
    A2 Res. Band Face Pulls – 3 x 10
    DB Military Press – 10,10,9,9 x 20kg
    B1 BB Shrug – 10 x 60kg, 10,10 x 70kg
    B2 DB Tricep Extension – 15,12,10 x 13.5kg
    Swiss Ball Sit Ups – 3 x 12 x 15kg

    9 Apr

    General warm up + Mobility
    Frequency Drills
    Grass Shuttle Runs: 3 x 3 mins (4 mins rest)

    It was humbling how tired I was after 45 seconds of the first shuttle run, my fitness is appalling despite lifting weights and looking in okay shape. If I’m honest I could have pushed it more, I accepted a level of heavy breathing but didn’t try and run myself into the ground – will make sure to do that next week.

    Overall it’s been a good week of training, I felt the sprints went really well and while I was initially concerned that the first conditioning session would be too easy that opinion didn’t last long. Ideally to maximise fitness levels I would be doing three of those conditioning sessions per week but this was designed for the amateur footballer who plays in Sunday league and doesn’t have time to do 2-a-day sessions like a pro.