Reply To: 2018 Training Log


    1 May

    Rowing Machine – 500m in 1:40.3 (Drag Factor 140)

    Power Clean – 4 x 1 x 50kg, 6 x 1 x 55kg
    Clap Pushups – 2 x 10
    Alternate Split Jumps – 3 x 12
    Around The Square – 3 x 4 laps
    Lying Leg Raise – 3 x 15
    Hex DL onto toes – 3 x 5 x 100kg
    Calf Raises – 3 x 40

    Rowing Machine – 500m in 1:38.1 (Drag Factor 150)

    2 May

    4 rounds of circuit, 2 mins rest:
    20 squats
    20 squat jumps
    20 alternate lunges
    20 alt split jumps
    10 step ups

    3 May

    Rowing Machine – 3000m in 15:00

    I’m not training Fri-Sun and having done 10km on the rowing machine at the end of last week I needed a longer recovery from that. Today (3rd) I did a relaxed row to get the blood flowing in my thighs and then some static stretching.

    I tested my vert this week but didn’t write it down anywhere as it was exactly the same as last week. I will test it again after i’ve done the warm up for day 1 Vert Shock in case there’s any change from this week but I doubt it.

    Fri-Sun will be a light warm up and some static stretches, some foam rolling too.