I had around 10 days off due to a tooth infection.
7 Aug
Rowing – Max distance in 1 minute (282m, 307m)
Max distance in 6 minutes (1492m)
This wasn’t 100% but I’d seen an equation to estimate fast/slow twitch muscle fibres using your best from these two distances.
9 Aug
Rowing – 2km in 9 mins
11 Aug
Rowing – 2km in 9 mins
When I did an 8 week rowing program it had lots of this slow stuff in, and to build endurance it’s a necessary evil. I thought I’d add it in as a nice easy session on an otherwise quiet day.
17 Aug
Back Squat – 5 x 60, 70, 75kg
Around The Square – 3 x 4
A1 Alternate Ankle Hops – 2 x 40 secs
A2 Med ball Slams – 2 x 5
It’s been a while since I used a barbell so a good chance to get back into it. Super light to start given you only have to touch a barbell on day one to get hideous DOMS
19 Aug
Rowing – 2:15/500m pace for 3km
Extending this out a bit as the working sets were really 13-16 mins long during the rowing training
20 Aug
10 mins jog (1 mile)
3 x 5 mins with 3-4 mins active rest, pace 8 min/mile
10 mins jog (1 mile)
Active rest was 400m so almost walking pace. I googled “VO2max running workout” and stumbled on this layout. I trimmed 5 mins from each job because I don’t have endless time to plod around a track. I liked the session, the middle runs are meant to be about 2 mile pace which I estimated.
21 Aug
Thigh measurement: Left 55cm, Right 55cm
Countermovement Jump: 56cm (281cm with 225cm reach)
Around The Square – 3 x 4
CMJ – 5
Back Squat – 5 x 70,75,80,85,90kg
Tuck Jumps – 2 x 10
BB Hip Thrust – 3 x 8 x 60kg
Jump Rope – 3 x 50 (60 secs)
A bit of a mixed bag but a lot of exercises I want to keep in my leg day. I’ve been ill and neglected legs so I wanted some starting measurements, weight is down around 69.2kg right now. Also curious to see how my vert tracks with back squat. I want to do 5-7 sets of back squat and I was just adding 5kg each time, I’ll end up above 100kg before it feels challenging but there’s no rush.
24 Aug
Back Squat – 5 x 75,80,85,90,95kg
DB RLESS – 3 x 8 x 15kg
This is a shorter session during my lunch break, nice to do split squats as they light up my glutes.
27 Aug
10 mins jog (1 mile)
3 x 5 mins with 3-4 mins active rest, pace 8 min/mile
10 mins jog (1 mile)
Pleased that I’m already finding this easier. My left calf started seizing up but not enough to hinder my speed.