Reply To: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020)


    WEEK 28

    3 Sept

    Lateral Drills – 2 x 3 sets
    Bound/Sprint – 9 runs
    Depth Jump variation – 3 sets
    Jump Complex – 3 sets
    Eccentric Calf Lower – 11 x 10 secs w 29kg
    Copenhagen Plank (full) – 3 x 15 secs

    Great to be able to build up to a full Copenhagen plank over the last four weeks.

    4 Sept

    Clean Variation – 3 sets
    Pistol Squat Variation – 4 sets
    Nordic Curls – 4 sets
    Calf Raise – 3 sets

    I went heavier on the cleans and it felt better, usually if it’s too light you can end up using your arms too much to raise the weight.

    5 Sept

    3x Core/Mobility supersets

    The barefoot walking was good for foot strength and arches but aggravating my Achilles so I backed off for now.

    6 Sept

    Lateral Drills – 2 x 3 sets
    Bound/Sprint – 8 runs
    Depth Jump variation – 3 sets
    Jump Complex – 3 sets

    I’m backing off my accessory lifts so no adductor or Achilles work, just giving my body a rest.

    8 Sept

    Clean Variation – 3 sets
    Pistol Squat Variation – 4 sets
    Nordic Curls – 4 sets
    Calf Raise – 3 sets

    Not in the mood for this one, I can sense the accumulated fatigue once again and look forward to taking a few days off. Previously there’s been plyo’s and lots of CNS taxing workouts, this time I have the more familiar feeling of tired muscles from more traditional exercises like Nordics and pistol squats.

    9 Sept

    3x Core/Mobility supersets

    I’m ready to move on now, those were a good four weeks but having done 8 of each session the odd exercise that I don’t enjoy has become quite a chore (I’m looking at you “rolling cross touch”).

    I will probably take an Epsom salt bath this evening, then test my vert on the 11th. I would have tested later but the morning of the 12th is tattoo removal and I’m incapacitated for 48 hrs after that, meaning I have to start phase 8 on Monday 14th.