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  • in reply to: Full Summer Sprint Program (Mar 2023) #12991

      Comp 9

      19 Aug

      Drills – AABB x 2
      Bike Tempo – 2 x 6 x 45 secs, lvl 6, 150W

      Drills (160m), Bike Tempo (1200m)

      20 Aug

      Drills – A Walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch, Triple A – 2 x 20m
      Skips for Height, Distance, Bounds – 2 x 20m
      2 x 30m in 4.40, 4.33
      60m (40/20) in 5.60/2.37 (7.97) 95% pace
      80m (40/20/20) in 5.63/2.33/2.33 (10.30) 95% pace
      100m (40/30/30) in 5.66/3.61/3.75 (13.02) 95% pace
      Broad Jump Triples – 3 sets (7.63m, 7.77m, 7.81m)
      3D RDL – 3 x 6

      Drills (320m), Accels (150m), Jumps (9), Max Vel (150m), Circuit (18 reps)

      There was a -2 m/s wind and the longer runs were at 95%. I struggled to gauge that intensity and the final run was a lot slower.

      21 Aug

      Drills – AABB x 2
      Bike Tempo – 2 x 5 x 45 secs lvl 6, 150W
      A1 Pull ups – 2 x 8
      A2 Handstands – 2 x 30 secs
      Speed Code Week 9 Day 2

      Drills (160m), Bike Tempo (1000m), Upper Body (1120kg), Core (8 sets), Mobility (6 sets)

      22 Aug

      MB Throws – 2 x 3
      Drills – A Walk, A Skip, A Switch, Triple A – 2 x 20m
      Drills – ACK, Dribble Bleed, SL bound w run out – 2 x 20m
      4 point starts – 20,30,40m
      80m (40/20/20) in 5.44, 2.22, 2.33 (10.05) 95% pace
      Bench Press – 2 x 2 x 97.5kg

      Drills (400m), Max Velocity (60m), Accels (110m), Upper Body (390kg)

      I didn’t have a car so couldn’t bring my blocks, instead I did a 4 point start. I was much better at judging 95% this time, I was pretending to run the first 80m of a 200m.

      23 Aug

      The Speed Code – Week 9 Day 4 (core/mobility)

      Core sets (9), Mobility sets (9)

      Week 9 is quite a lot of volume so I went back to 9 sets.

      24 Aug

      MB Throws – 2 x 3
      Broad Jump – 248cm
      Blocks – 10,20,30,40m

      Throws (6), Jumps (4), Accel (90m), Max Vel (10m)

      I potentially jumped further in the broad jump but my feet slipped on the damp track so I ignored the reading. I already feel like I could have given myself a longer taper because my quads still have a level of cumulative fatigue from this season.

      It’s weird to admit but all I want is the final race to be over with. This season is too long, starting ~5th Sept and ending 28th August. I am really looking forward to 4 weeks rest.

      in reply to: Full Summer Sprint Program (Mar 2023) #12990

        Comp 8

        11 Aug

        Drills – AABB x 2
        Bike Tempo – 111,212,212,111 lvl 6, 150W
        GS Circuit – 10 reps (5:02)

        Drills (160m), Bike Tempo (1600m), Circuits (110 reps)

        12 Aug

        Drills – A Walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch, Triple A – 2 x 20m
        Skips for Height, Distance, Bounds – 2 x 20m
        4 x 10m falling with cones
        2×20,2x30m in 4.40, 4.47 (2nd run in headwind)
        60m – 7.73 (+2 wind)
        Broad Jump Triples – 4 sets (7.28m, 7.60m, 7.78m, 7.62m)

        Drills (320m), Accels (180m), Jumps (12), Max Vel (30m)

        13 Aug

        Drills – AABB x 2
        Bike Tempo – 111,31213,111 lvl 6, 150W
        Speed Code Week 8 Day 2

        Drills (160m), Bike Tempo (1600m), Core (8 sets), Mobility (6 sets)

        14 Aug

        MB Throws – 4 x 2
        Drills – A Walk, A Skip, A Switch, Triple A – 2 x 20m
        Drills – ACK, Dribble Bleed, SL bound w run out – 2 x 20m
        Wicket runs – 6 x 20m (2x183cm,191,199,206,211,216)
        80m (40/20/20) in 5.43, 2.20, 2.24 (9.89)
        100m (40/30/30) in 5.52, 3.50, 3.45 (12.49)
        120m (40/30/30/20) in 5.61, 3.39, 3.48, 2.36 (14.85)
        Reactive Step Up Jump – 3 x 5
        Ankle Overcoming Isometric – 3 x 5 secs
        Glute Overcoming Isometric – 4 x 5 secs

        Drills (400m), Max Velocity (270m), Accels (90m), Jumps (15), Circuit (35 reps), Throws (8)

        The wind was -2 m/s gusting up to -5 m/s. Quite hard to judge any of the times when it’s gusting as you can’t tell how strong it’s blowing as you run.

        15 Aug

        The Speed Code – Week 8 Day 4 (core/mobility)

        Core sets (8), Mobility sets (6)

        17 Aug

        Plyo Series – 2 x 3
        Broad Jump – 251cm
        30m in 4.34 (+2 m/s wind)
        60m (40/20) in 5.52/2.18 (7.70)
        80m (40/20/20) in 5.46/2.16/2.20 (9.82)
        100m (40/30/30) in 5.43/3.28/3.29 (12.00)
        Bench Press – 2 x 2 x 97.5kg

        Jumps (33), Accel (120m), Max Vel (150m), Upper body (390kg)

        I decided this session on the fly and was happy with the execution. Someone else was doing sprints (rare at my track) so I asked if he’d like to race for my last rep. He was Spain’s U18 400m champion and could probably run 11.1 if not faster, but it was really nice to get that added focus of competing.

        I’ve revised the final week of training to reduce the volume even further. From reading one of Verkhoshansky’s textbooks I remember that no longer feeling sore still means there’s about 8 days before you actually peak so I’d like to err on the side of lower volume.

        I have absolutely no expectations for my final race and would be very pleased with another legal sub-12 and thrilled with a season’s best (currently 11.90).

        in reply to: Full Summer Sprint Program (Mar 2023) #12967

          Comp 7

          4 Aug

          Drills – AABB x 2
          Bike Tempo – 111,212,212,111 lvl 6, 150W
          GS Circuit – 20 reps (5:44)

          Drills (160m), Bike Tempo (1600m), Circuits (240 reps)

          5 Aug

          Drills – A Walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch, Triple A – 2 x 20m
          Skips for Height, Distance, Bounds – 2 x 20m
          4 x 10m falling with cones
          2×20,2×30,40m, 30’s in 4.50, 4.47 and 40m in 5.70
          Accel Drill – 6 x 2 sets
          Broad Jumps – 4 x 3 (avg 227cm, 235cm, 235cm, 230cm)
          Depth Jump – 3 x 3
          Banded RDL – 3 x 6

          Drills (320m), Accels (180m), Jumps (21), Drills (40 reps), Circuit (18 reps)

          Horrible weather, lashing it down with rain and I was in a hoodie and a waterproof jacket. It made running fast a bit challenging and it feels like I should introduce a precipitation rule on top of my temperature rule and have an indoor session if it’s miserable weather.

          6 Aug

          Drills – AABB x 2
          Bike Tempo – 111,212,212,111 lvl 6, 150W
          A1 Pull ups – 2 x 8
          A2 Handstands – 2 x 30 secs
          Speed Code Week 7 Day 2

          Drills (160m), Bike Tempo (1600m), Upper Body (1120kg), Core (8 sets), Mobility (6 sets)

          7 Aug

          MB Throws – 4 x 2
          Drills – A Walk, A Skip, A Switch, Triple A – 2 x 20m
          Drills – ACK, Dribble Bleed, SL bound w run out – 2 x 20m
          Wicket runs – 6 x 20m (2x183cm,191,199,206,211,216)
          3 x 40E30F in 3.29, 3.22, 3.26 +1 m/s wind
          40 yards (36.58m) in 5.11 secs
          Reactive Step Up Jump – 3 x 5
          Ankle Overcoming Isometric – 4 x 5 secs
          Glute Overcoming Isometric – 4 x 5 secs

          Drills (400m), Max Velocity (150m), Accels (30m), Jumps (15), Circuit (40 reps), Throws (8)

          This was the best wicket session, I took 2 steps back from 20m and that seemed to be the right place in my stride to roll right into the wickets without stuttering.

          8 Aug

          The Speed Code – Week 7 Day 4 (core/mobility)

          Core sets (8), Mobility sets (6)

          I’m doing the same volume in fewer sets, so it’s slightly misleading to go from 9 mobility sets to 6.

          9 Aug

          Plyo Series – 3 x 3
          Broad Jump – 253cm
          3 x 30m in 4.37,4.45,4.38 (no wind)
          3 x 200m, 2 x 200m (90 secs/5 mins) in 27.6,28.3,29.0 & 29.1,29.7
          Back Squat – 2 x 2 x 112.5kg
          Bench Press – 2 x 2 x 97.5kg
          DB Rows – 2 x 6 x 40kg
          Pull ups – 2 x 6 x 10kg

          Jumps (48), Accel (90m), Tempo Runs (1000m), Lower body (450kg), Upper body (2310kg)

          Last week my average 200m was 29.04 for the 5 reps, this week it was 28.74 so progress is being made. I couldn’t believe the last rep was under 31 seconds as it felt painfully slow. My quads were clearly fatigued, more cumulative workload but also from 3 x 30m beforehand, so perhaps less acceleration in this session.

          I’m going to run on Mon 28th August as my final race and have written out my workouts leading up to that. I’m excited to drop weights and see if there’s a step change in my speed. I can’t see me running much faster than my 11.90 so posting another similar time will be good enough for me.

          in reply to: Full Summer Sprint Program (Mar 2023) #12966

            27 Jul

            The Speed Code – Week 6 Day 6 (core/mobility)

            Core sets (9), Mobility sets (9)

            Comp 6

            28 Jul

            Drills – AABB x 2
            Bike Tempo – 111,212,212,111 lvl 6, 150W
            GS Circuit – 20 reps (6:03)

            Drills (160m), Bike Tempo (1600m), Circuits (240 reps)

            29 Jul

            Drills – A Walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch, Triple A – 2 x 20m
            Skips for Height, Distance, Bounds – 2 x 20m
            2 x 5m with cones
            4 x 10m with cones
            3 x 30m in 4.30, 4.35, 4.30
            Accel Drill – 4 x 2 sets
            Non-CM Jumps – 3 x 5
            A1 Reverse Plank March – 3 x 8
            A2 Terminal Knee Extension (banded) – 3 x 10

            Drills (320m), Accels (140m), Jumps (15), Drills (28 reps), Circuit (24 reps), Mobility (3 sets)

            30 Jul

            ILL – stomach bug

            31 Jul

            The Speed Code – Week 7 Day 2 (core/mobility)
            Drills – AA x 2
            Bike Tempo – 111,111,111 lvl 6, 150W

            Drills (80m), Core sets (9), Mobility sets (9), Bike Tempo (900m)

            1 Aug

            MB Throws – 4 x 3
            Drills – A Walk, A Skip, A Switch, Triple A – 2 x 20m
            Drills – ACK, Dribble Bleed, SL bound w run out – 2 x 20m
            Wicket runs – 4 x 20m
            4 x 40E30F in 3.31, 3.29, 3.33, 3.26 +1 m/s wind
            DB Power Skips – 3 x 20m x 6kg per leg
            Bosch Snatch – 3 x 4
            A1 Nordic Curls – 2 x 5 (4 secs)
            A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
            Airborne Lunge – 3 x 8

            Throws (12), Drills (400m), Max Vel (120m), Circuit (70 reps), Drills (12 reps)

            I added more top end speed work to this session and converted the final session of this week to a fast tempo session.

            2 Aug

            The Speed Code – Week 7 Day 4 (core/mobility)

            Core sets (9), Mobility sets (9)

            3 Aug

            Plyo Series – 3 x 3
            Broad Jump – 252cm
            3 x 30m in 4.38,4.37,4.39
            3 x 200m, 2 x 200m (90 secs/5 mins) in 28.1,30.0,28.5 & 28.7,29.9
            Back Squat – 2 x 2 x 112.5kg
            Bench Press – 2 x 2 x 97.5kg
            DB Rows – 2 x 6 x 40kg
            Pull ups – 2 x 6 x 10kg

            Jumps (48), Accel (90m), Tempo Runs (1000m), Lower body (450kg), Upper body (2310kg)

            Having done an acceleration and top speed focused session this week I made this a tempo session. This was the “Dirty 200 session” I did with a friend at University, ideally you should hit all times 2 seconds slower than your 200m best. I’ve no idea what I can run for 200m but I was aiming for all 28 flat as a starting point. I was far too casual in the second run (and dead for the very last one) so there’s work to be done on pacing.

            Another good week, I’m not panicking about the lack of weights and with my consistent measurements of top speed and 30m time each week I’ll be able to tell if it starts having a negative effect.

            in reply to: Full Summer Sprint Program (Mar 2023) #12954

              Comp 5

              21 Jul

              Drills – AABB x 2
              Bike Tempo – 111,212,111 lvl 6, 150W
              GS Circuit – 2 x 10 (3:16, 3:06)

              Drills (160m), Bike Tempo (1100m), Circuits (240 reps)

              22 Jul

              Drills – A Walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch, Triple A – 2 x 20m
              Skips for Height, Distance – 2 x 20m
              2 x 5m with cones
              2 x 10m with cones
              Falling 2 x 10m, 3 pt 2 x 10m
              Falling 2 x 20m, 3 pt 2 x 20m
              Accel Drill – 4 x 2 sets
              Non-CM Jumps – 3 x 5
              A1 Reverse Plank March – 3 x 8
              A2 Terminal Knee Extension (banded) – 3 x 10

              Drills (280m), Accels (150m), Jumps (15), Drills (28 reps), Circuit (24 reps), Mobility (3 sets)

              I did a Speed Code workout as a way of taking it easy the next two weeks. I’m aware that the 10 and 20m runs are probably something that belong in October of SPP but I’m getting a feel for whether I want to incorporate anything next season.

              23 Jul

              Cooper Test – 2908m
              A1 Pull ups – 2 x 8
              A2 Handstands – 2 x 30 secs

              I’m doing a six week experiment that had to finish with a 12 minute Cooper test. I set off way too fast and did not enjoy anything beyond 800m.

              24 Jul

              MB Throws – 4 x 3
              Drills – A Walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch, Triple A – 2 x 20m
              Drills – ACK, Dribble Bleed, SL bound w run out – 2 x 20m
              Wicket runs – 4 x 20m
              4 x 20E20F
              DB Power Skips – 3 x 20m x 5kg per leg
              Bosch Snatch – 3 x 4
              A1 Nordic Curls – 2 x 5 (4 secs)
              A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
              Airborne Lunge – 3 x 8

              Throws (12), Drills (440m), Accels (40m), Max Vel (40m), Circuit (70 reps), Drills (12 reps)

              I’ve seen wicket drills (in my case small cones) on Instagram but never done them myself. I did actually notice a difference in my front side mechanics so there’s potentially something there to help me improve. I was playing around with the distances because I’ve no idea what suits my stride length.

              25 Jul

              The Speed Code – Week 6 Day 4 (core/mobility)

              Core sets (9), Mobility sets (9)

              I was jumping ahead on the core so having to repeat a few weeks. Next week I’ll move on to week 7 even though the speed sessions will be week 6.

              26 Jul

              Plyo Series – 3 x 3
              Broad Jump – 252cm
              Accels – 30m in 4.37 (-1 m/s wind)
              Blocks – 3 x 30m
              80m (40/40f) in 5.41/2.26/2.23 (9.91)
              100m (40/30f/30f) in 5.43/3.32/3.39 (12.15)
              120m (40/30f/30f/20f) in 5.48/3.29/3.30/2.35 (14.42)
              Back Squat – 2 x 2 x 112.5kg
              Bench Press – 2 x 2 x 97.5kg
              DB Rows – 2 x 6 x 40kg
              Pull ups – 2 x 6 x 10kg

              Jumps (48), Accel (210m), Max Velocity (210m), Lower body (450kg), Upper body (2310kg)

              Slightly less wind and slightly faster than last week.

              I am struggling a bit this week because I’m using PDFs of the sprint coaching I had at University but I’ve lost the one for late July & August so I’m making it up as I go along. That’s why I’ve been including the Speed Code workouts as there’s at least some progression.

              Looking at the race calendar the open on 8th August is probably too soon, meaning I could do one or both of the 21st and 28th August. The 28th is a Bank Holiday which is ideal because I’ll be able to run at peak time rather than 7pm at night, so while it means training another 4 weeks it’s probably the best option for me.

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