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  • in reply to: 7 Week Pullup Program (May 2022) #11749

      WEEK 7

      14 Sep

      Pull / Stretch / Pull / Stretch / Pull – 25+5,22,18+4 (8 mins)

      The final week is only three sets, with the others replaced by resting or stretching. I tried tricep and lat activations though most of the 8 minutes was rest. Surprised myself with the second and third sets, I expected to fade faster.

      16 Sep

      Pull / Stretch / Pull / Stretch / Pull – 25+5+4,20,21 (8 mins)

      Seems like 25 reps is a sticking point. I don’t have DOMS as such, but I can tell when my arms need a rest and that’s been a case for a number of weeks. I remain optimistic that I can go beyond 30 reps but at this point 50 reps seems beyond me.

      19 Sep

      Pull / Stretch / Pull / Stretch / Pull – 24+7+4,24,18 (8 mins)

      Third set was disappointing, I usually hit 18-20 in a row before dropping down to singles, but that set I did 18 reps then couldn’t do anything more. My grip definitely plays a part, some of the people doing 50 reps can hold for 7-8 minutes at once and my best was only ever 2 minutes.

      The end. Of course I have testing, I’m away with work 21st-23rd so I’d tactically shifted my sessions by a day or two so that 3-4 days rest didn’t leave me testing when away. Honestly I could take a full week off given how overworked my arms feel. As I said, no real soreness but having done full time sprint training for several years I know when a muscle group is long overdue a rest.

      I’m going to a spa on Wednesday evening which will hopefully lead to an enormous sleep that night. I will do some light stretching and prepare myself for a caffeinated max. reps attempt this weekend or soon after.

      in reply to: 7 Week Pullup Program (May 2022) #11675

        WEEK 6

        6 Sep

        Pull / Chin / Pull / Chin / Pull – 25+5,15,10,15,15 (240 secs)

        My second failure.. I sense a pattern emerging.

        8 Sep

        Pull / Chin / Pull / Chin / Pull – 20+5+5+3,16,11,13,15 (240 secs)

        I wondered if rushing the first reps is using more power than I need and if I start slow I could do better. This was very wrong and I was lucky to reach 20. I’ve been doing some other arm work this week and it immediately showed, my arms are really fatigued now and the final set was meant to be 16 reps minimum.

        11 Sep

        Pull / Chin / Pull / Chin / Pull – 25+5+5,10,11,10,20 (240 secs)
        Hollow Rock – 3 x 30 secs

        I needed an extra day and since I was at a wedding yesterday I didn’t have time for pull ups anyway. I had a nap this afternoon and trained early evening, so not peak strength. Very pleased with the session, trying a very slightly wider grip and going fast from the first rep. I expected a decent number at the end given the lower reps in the middle so 20 was excellent.

        Next week it’s 3 sets instead of 5 with a big gap between each one. Having ended this week with a 20 rep effort I’m more confident about hitting 20+ next week. This whole week was below my best given the extra training I’ve been pursuing, so I’m confident I can get into the 30’s with my max effort once the program comes to an end.

        Here’s the 25 reps in set 1 from today.

        in reply to: 2022 Training Log #11673

          28 Aug

          Thigh measurement: Left 56cm, Right 56cm
          Countermovement Jump: 54cm
          Around The Square – 3 x 4
          CMJ – 5
          A1 Back Squat – 5 x 75,80,85,90,95kg
          A2 Tuck Jumps – 5 x 5
          Hex RDL – 3 x 6 x 70kg

          Slightly down on my CMJ, thighs a bit bigger already though. I added complex training in the form of back squats and tuck jumps, reading Verkhoshansky’s work has reminded me to put it in.

          31 Aug

          A1 Back Squat – 5 x 80,85,90,95,100kg
          A2 Tuck Jumps – 5 x 5
          B1 DB RLESS – 3 x 8 x 15kg
          B2 Split Jumps – 3 x 3 per leg

          That second superset was tough on the legs. After this week I’m going to be attempting a full winter of sprint training but I need a week or two to break me in and make sure if fits my schedule.

          in reply to: 7 Week Pullup Program (May 2022) #11672

            WEEK 5

            30 Aug

            Pull / Chin / Pull / Chin / Pull – 22,13,11,10,17 (240 secs)
            Hollow Body Hold – 3 x 25 secs

            Extended it out to 4 minutes rest as the first set really wipes me out. I s. Another personal best.

            1 Sep

            Pull / Chin / Pull / Chin / Pull – 24,10,11,13,13 (240 secs)

            I dropped abs here as I’m trying to let my body recover from all this volume. I don’t have aches and pains but I can tell on the opening set that I’m not fully fresh. I did the 24 but I’m letting my technique go a bit at the bottom of the rep in order to keep momentum.

            3 Sep

            Pull / Chin / Pull / Chin / Pull – 24+2,10,11,10,16 (180 secs)

            My first failure, I rested 10-15 secs before completing the final two reps of the target 26. Technique was better here, slightly narrower arms to make it more natural going to elbow extension.

            This feels like where I’m falling off track, but the way it’s programmed it’s rushing me from a highest working set of 19 up to 35. I still have 30,33 and 35 as opening sets and I wouldn’t be surprised if I continue to hover around 25 reps and have to make up the other reps.

            The final set has also been to failure and the target is to match the first set, which this week has been 22, 24, 26. I’ve done 17, 13, 16 so I’m clearly off whatever pace the program writer had in mind.

            in reply to: 2022 Training Log #11660

              I had around 10 days off due to a tooth infection.

              7 Aug

              Rowing – Max distance in 1 minute (282m, 307m)
              Max distance in 6 minutes (1492m)

              This wasn’t 100% but I’d seen an equation to estimate fast/slow twitch muscle fibres using your best from these two distances.

              9 Aug

              Rowing – 2km in 9 mins

              11 Aug

              Rowing – 2km in 9 mins

              When I did an 8 week rowing program it had lots of this slow stuff in, and to build endurance it’s a necessary evil. I thought I’d add it in as a nice easy session on an otherwise quiet day.

              17 Aug

              Back Squat – 5 x 60, 70, 75kg
              Around The Square – 3 x 4
              A1 Alternate Ankle Hops – 2 x 40 secs
              A2 Med ball Slams – 2 x 5

              It’s been a while since I used a barbell so a good chance to get back into it. Super light to start given you only have to touch a barbell on day one to get hideous DOMS

              19 Aug

              Rowing – 2:15/500m pace for 3km

              Extending this out a bit as the working sets were really 13-16 mins long during the rowing training

              20 Aug

              10 mins jog (1 mile)
              3 x 5 mins with 3-4 mins active rest, pace 8 min/mile
              10 mins jog (1 mile)

              Active rest was 400m so almost walking pace. I googled “VO2max running workout” and stumbled on this layout. I trimmed 5 mins from each job because I don’t have endless time to plod around a track. I liked the session, the middle runs are meant to be about 2 mile pace which I estimated.

              21 Aug

              Thigh measurement: Left 55cm, Right 55cm
              Countermovement Jump: 56cm (281cm with 225cm reach)
              Around The Square – 3 x 4
              CMJ – 5
              Back Squat – 5 x 70,75,80,85,90kg
              Tuck Jumps – 2 x 10
              BB Hip Thrust – 3 x 8 x 60kg
              Jump Rope – 3 x 50 (60 secs)

              A bit of a mixed bag but a lot of exercises I want to keep in my leg day. I’ve been ill and neglected legs so I wanted some starting measurements, weight is down around 69.2kg right now. Also curious to see how my vert tracks with back squat. I want to do 5-7 sets of back squat and I was just adding 5kg each time, I’ll end up above 100kg before it feels challenging but there’s no rush.

              24 Aug

              Back Squat – 5 x 75,80,85,90,95kg
              DB RLESS – 3 x 8 x 15kg

              This is a shorter session during my lunch break, nice to do split squats as they light up my glutes.

              27 Aug

              10 mins jog (1 mile)
              3 x 5 mins with 3-4 mins active rest, pace 8 min/mile
              10 mins jog (1 mile)

              Pleased that I’m already finding this easier. My left calf started seizing up but not enough to hinder my speed.

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