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  • in reply to: Full Winter Sprint Program (Sept 2022) #11982

      Pre Comp Week 1 of 2

      24 Dec

      Box Jumps – 3 x 5
      MB Throws – 2 x 5
      Blocks – 20,30,40m
      4 x 70m in ~8.95 secs
      Back Squat – 3 x 5 x 90kg
      Bench Press -3 x 5 x 77.5kg
      SL calf raise – 2 x 8 x 30kg
      A1 Banded Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs lower)
      A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
      Stomach Vacuums – 8 x 8 secs

      I was reading more about calf raises and it seems like they’re worth including in a speed program, though I’m not going to rush out and load up on them.

      25 Dec

      Bike Tempo – 111,121,121,111 (level 5, 100rpm, 140W)
      Hip Mobility (AH) – 1 set (usually 2 sets)
      Drills – ABAB x 2
      A1 Pull ups – 3 x 10
      A2 Dips – 3 x 20
      A3 L-Sit Hold – 3 x 15 secs

      A shorter session as it’s Xmas.

      26 Dec

      Around The Square – 3 x 4
      CMJ – 3, best of 57cm
      Broad Jump – 4, best of 234cm
      MB Throws – 4 x 5
      Accels – 3 x 40m ~5.65 secs
      4 x 70m (40m IL) – ~9.4 secs
      High Knees – 5 x 50 contacts per leg
      Bench Press – 5 x 85, 2 x 5 x 87.5kg
      Back Squat – 5 x 105, 2 x 5 x 107.5kg
      Sprinter Sit Ups – 3 x 8 x 20kg

      This was done at 7am off a small breakfast and in 4 degree weather. I couldn’t believe that up until the 70m runs everything seemed fine, all I can think is that I took too long before my first 70m run and my legs got cold and I couldn’t hit top speed. I re-measured my cones several times because I couldn’t believe that I’d gone from an 8.95 on Saturday to running 9.40.

      27 Dec

      Bike Tempo – 111,312,312,111 (level 5, 100rpm, 140W)
      GS Circuit – 2 x 18 reps in 5:50, 5:50
      Foot prehab

      Short of time again and removed the hip mobility work.

      28 Dec

      Hops: Left, Right, 3L3R – 3 x 30m (12 hops to cover 30m)
      Accels – 20,30,40m in 3.25, ??, 5.55 secs
      2 x 60m in 7.80 secs
      300m, 200m in 45.7, 33.0 secs
      Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 87.5kg

      I was so relieved to run fast again after a troubling Monday morning a few days back. 7.80 is my fastest time of the season and I’m now planning to race on the 8th Jan. The wind was all over the place and the rain came on halfway through the session which made the longer runs miserable. I had 2 minutes rest between the 300 and the 200m, and for some reason I didn’t think to stand still at the finish line and instead tried to walk/jog to the 200m start. I was still out of breath before I started so the very slow run was no surprise.

      29 Dec

      Foot prehab/massage

      in reply to: Full Winter Sprint Program (Sept 2022) #11980

        SPP Week 8 of 8

        17 Dec

        Box Jumps – 3 x 5
        MB Throws – 2 x 5
        Bike Accels – 4 x 15 secs lvl 13 @ 470W
        Bike Speed – 3 x 22 secs lvl 11 @ 440W
        Back Squat – 3 x 5 x 90kg
        Bench Press -3 x 5 x 77.5kg
        A1 Banded Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs lower)
        A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
        Stomach Vacuums – 8 x 8 secs
        Calf Raises – 20

        I tried some shorter bike sprints and increased the resistance. Thankfully this is a deload week and weights were only 90%. My foot arch has been troubling me and I’m at the stage where I want to start strengthening it up again so I finished with calf raises.

        18 Dec

        Bike Tempo – 111,121,121,111 (level 5, 100rpm, 140W)
        Hip Mobility (AH)
        Drills – ABAB x 2
        A1 Pull ups – 3 x 10
        A2 Dips – 3 x 20
        A3 L-Sit Hold – 3 x 15 secs
        Foot prehab/massage

        19 Dec

        Around The Square – 3 x 4
        MB Throws – 3 x 5 (muddy so couldn’t do one set)
        CMJ – 3, best of 57cm
        Broad Jump – 4, best of 230cm
        Accels – 3 x 40m ~5.70 secs
        2 x 3 x 60m ~8.0 secs (submax, huge tailwind)
        High Knees – 3 x 50 contacts per leg
        Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 77.5kg
        Back Squat – 3 x 5 x 90kg
        Stir The Pot – 3 x 30 secs

        20 Dec

        Foot prehab

        I skipped the workout today because I had insomnia and was up from 12.30am

        21 Dec

        Hops: Left, Right, 3L3R – 2 x 20m
        Accels – 3 x 40m ~5.65 secs
        3 x 60m ~8.1 secs (submax)
        300m in 46.7 secs
        Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 77.5kg
        Back Squat – 3 x 5 x 90kg
        A1 Banded Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs lower)
        A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
        Prone Cobra – 3 x 25 secs

        22 Dec

        Foot prehab

        I’ve been doing my speed session 2 days after speed endurance, so I switched it to the Saturday session as I take Thurs & Fri off. This seems the most sensible approach going forward. The whole week was submaximal and having read Supertraining I appreciate the importance of doing so. When I was at Uni I would treat these breaks as a chance to “catch up” to everyone else since I was one of the slower members of my training group.

        in reply to: Full Winter Sprint Program (Sept 2022) #11978

          SPP Week 7 of 8

          11 Dec

          Bike Tempo – 111,212,212,111 (level 5, 100rpm, 135W)
          Hip Mobility (AH)
          A Skip, B Skip, Run A, Run B – 2 x 20m
          A1 Pull ups – 3 x 10
          A2 Dips – 3 x 20
          A3 L-Sit Hold – 3 x 15 secs
          Foot prehab/massage

          12 Dec

          Box Jumps – 3 x 5
          MB Throws – 2 x 5
          Bike Speed – 3 x 20 secs lvl 11 @ 430W
          Bike Speed – 3 x 20 secs lvl 12 @ 435W
          Bike Speed – 3 x 22 secs lvl 11 @ 425W
          Back Squat – 5 x 105,110,110kg
          Bench Press -3 x 5 x 85kg
          A1 Banded Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs lower)
          A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
          Stir The Pot – 3 x 30 secs

          I was experimenting with different resistance levels, 11 is actually about right. I don’t like bike sprints as it feels all quad no HS.

          13 Dec

          Bike Tempo – 111,321,321,111 (level 5, 100rpm, 140W)
          Hip Mobility (AH)
          GS Circuit – 2 x 20 reps in 6:05, 7:30
          Foot prehab

          14 Dec

          Around The Square – 3 x 4
          MB Throws – 4 x 5
          CMJ – 3, best of 57cm
          Broad Jump – 4, best of 218cm
          Bike Accels – 3 x 15 secs lvl 13 460W
          Bike Speed – 2 x 3 x 22 secs lvl 11 430W
          High Knees – 60,50,50,40 contacts per leg
          Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 85kg
          Back Squat – 3 x 5 x 100kg
          Prone Cobra – 3 x 25 secs

          No idea what was going on with broad jump, wet floor so possible fear of slipping.

          15 Dec

          Foot prehab

          in reply to: Full Winter Sprint Program (Sept 2022) #11976

            SPP Week 6 of 8

            5 Dec

            Box Jumps – 3 x 5
            MB Throws – 2 x 5
            Back Squat – 5 x 60,70,80,90,100kg
            Bench Press -3 x 5 x 85kg
            A1 Banded Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs lower)
            A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
            Sprinter Sit Ups – 3 x 8 x 20kg

            Foot injury so no sprinting, also been reading up on velocity training so filmed myself lifting 60-100kg for reps in order to go frame by frame and establish speed.

            6 Dec

            Bike Tempo – 111,321,321,111 (level 5, 100rpm, 135W)
            Hip Mobility (AH)
            GS Circuit – 2 x 18 reps in 6:10, 7:35

            The circuit includes decline push ups and when I get stuck on those the clock just runs and runs.

            7 Dec

            Foot prehab work
            Massage Gun – Calf & Glutes 90 secs

            I had a look at Vert Code Elite as he had some really good foot training protocols. I lifted an exercise called wide foot / short foot and will do that 3x/week. I also want to step up my recovery measures in the form of regular soft tissue therapy on my trouble spots.

            8 Dec

            Around The Square – 3 x 4
            MB Throws – 4 x 5
            Broad Jumps – 5, best of 236cm
            High Knees – 3 x 60 per leg (60 secs rest)
            Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 80kg
            Back Squat – 5 x 90,95,100,105kg
            Sprinter Sit Ups – 3 x 8 x 20kg

            Further explorations into bar speed in the back squat. I still can’t sprint but I introduced high knees, which sucked as always.

            10 Dec

            Triple Broad Jump – 7.10m (wet track)
            Blocks – 10,20,30,40m
            4 x 60m (36m IL) in ?, 7.95,7.91,8.02 secs
            Tempo Runs – 300m, 200m (45.3, 30.6)
            Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 85kg
            Back Squat – 3 x 5 x 100kg
            A1 Banded Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs lower)
            A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
            Stomach Vacuums – 8 x 8 secs

            I misread the text, it was a standing triple jump I was meant to be tracking over time. The broad jump wasn’t 100% as the track was slippery in my trainers. I read online about my foot injury and it said sprinting should be fine, which it was. It must be something to do with the spikes hugging the arch of the foot. I was a little rusty but pleased to stay under 8 seconds on average. I put in stomach vacuums as it helped with stability in the bottom of the squat and that’s something I’ve noticed is lacking from all my bar speed footage.

            Here’s some of my bar speed training

            in reply to: Full Winter Sprint Program (Sept 2022) #11975

              SPP Week 5 of 8

              28 Nov

              Box Jumps – 3 x 5
              MB Throws – 2 x 5
              Block Starts – 2×10, 2×20, 2x30m
              2 x 3 x 30E20F
              2 x 60m (40m IL) in ??, 7.95
              Back Squat – 3 x 5 x 105kg
              A1 Banded Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs lower)
              A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs

              29 Nov

              Bike Tempo – 111,321,212,111 (level 5, 100rpm, 135W)
              Hip Mobility (AH)
              A Skip, B Skip, Run A, Run B – 2 x 20m

              Skipped general strength circuit and gymnastics here.

              30 Nov

              Around The Square – 3 x 4
              CMJ – 3, best of 57cm
              Broad Jumps – 4, best of 240cm
              Accels – 3 x 30m in ~4.45 secs
              3 x 3 x 60m (35m IL) in ~7.90 secs
              High Knees – 3 x 60 per leg (60 secs rest)
              Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 80kg
              Back Squat – 1 x 5 x 107.5kg, 2 x 5 x 105kg
              Sprinter Sit Ups – 3 x 8 x 20kg

              I had some pain in the right side of my torso when doing sprinter sit ups. I’d hoped for slightly quicker in the 60m runs but a few were 7.85 so progress is being made. Also reassuring to have my broad jumps go up a few cm each week.

              3 Dec

              Plyometrics – 3 x 20m
              3 x (20m 3 point, 30m falling)
              3 x 60m, 1 x 60m (36m IL) in ~8.05 secs
              Tempo Runs – 300m, 200m (47.1, 29.9)
              Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 85kg
              Back Squat – 3 x 5 x 105kg
              DB Rows – 1 x 8 x 30kg, 2 x 8 x 32.5kg
              Pull ups – 3 x 6 x 10kg
              Swiss Ball Hypers – 3 x 8
              Stir The Pot (Abs) – 3 x 30 secs

              I skipped nordic curls because it was too cold in the gym, also too cold to sprint today. It was 6 celsius in lycra shorts and I found myself concerned about hamstring strains as I couldn’t keep my legs warm enough. I did some weighted walking yesterday which may have impacted my speed, as well as the fact it was very cold. In future I will wear long lycra as I don’t have tracksuit bottoms.

              4 Dec

              Bike Tempo – 111,212,212,111 (level 5, 100rpm, 135W)
              Hip Mobility (AH)
              A Skip, B Skip, Run A, Run B – 2 x 20m

              The last exercise of hip mobility is actually a single leg calf raise on an incline. I did this session first thing in the morning and the final exercise in bare feet. The arch of my right foot was in quite a lot of pain which may have been due to exercising on a cold surface. I also had a lot of arch pain on the Friday when I did a 25 minute walk with a very heavy backpack in hiking shoes which don’t support my feet enough.

              I’m very unlikely to be racing on the 18th and may not even be sprinting by then.

            Viewing 5 posts - 81 through 85 (of 562 total)