Verkhoshansky 6 Week Sprint Acceleration Program (Aug 2024)

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      Within Yuri Verkhoshansky’s book “Special Strength Training Manual For Coaches” there is a program for “perfecting the starting acceleration of track & field sprinters”. As a 60/100m sprinter I wanted to try this 6 week program out.

      I finished my outdoor track season on 14th August with a 100m race (12.20 secs) the plan now is to have a ~2 week transition where I establish some baseline numbers that I expect this program to improve. Those include standing 5 bound, single broad jump, 1RM back squat, and 40 yard time (I’ll be timing 30m and 40m then assuming constant speed between the two distances).

      The program itself is twice a week, based around barbell squats, squat jumps (barbell and kettlebell), depth jumps, bounding, hill sprints and double footed uphill jumps.

      WEEK -2

      17 August

      Drills – A walk (MB), A March, A Skip (MB), A Switch 2 x 15m
      Dribble Ankle, Calf, Knee, SL scissor w runout 2 x 20m
      2 x 40m Technical Runs
      Tempo – 4 x 400m in 78.5 secs
      GS Circuit – 2 x 12 exercises x 10 reps in 3:05, 2:57
      Mobility (6 exercises)

      Tempo is a nice active recovery so I plan to include it throughout the program. I’ll do two tempo sessions per week and two upper body, then everything else will be as prescribed in the book (page 186-187 of Special Strength Training Manual For Coaches).

      18 August

      Broad Jump, 4 – best of 261cm (8’6 3/4″)
      5 x 40m in 5.35 secs Freelap (excludes reaction time)
      Mobility (5 exercises)

      Dry track, 20 degrees, +2 m/s wind. Simple session, I was expecting something good in the broad jump after a few days of rest and it was indeed a personal best, with my previous best at 256cm. The 40m runs started off slowly and my times started coming down in the 3rd run. Adjusting for the wind that puts my 40 yard time at 4.96 seconds.


        WEEK -1

        19 August

        MB Chest Pass – 3 x 8 x 5kg
        MB Slams – 3 x 8 x 5kg
        Clap Push ups – 3 x 6
        Front Plank – 3 mins 36 seconds
        Bench Press – 4 x 90kg, 6,6,5 x 85kg
        Pendlay Row – 3 x 6 x 80kg
        A1 Pull ups – 4 x 6 x 5kg
        A2 DB OHP – 3 x 8 x 15kg
        B1 Russian Twist – 3 x 30 x 5kg
        B2 Hanging Leg Raise – 3 x 5
        Mobility (5 exercises)

        I really liked that. Started off with explosive exercises then the heavier stuff. I was retesting for a front plank program which is why I had one long hold, next week it’ll just be reps of the front plank. Made sure to up my calories to support the volume.

        20 August

        Standing 5 bound, 2 per leg – best of 12.25m
        5 x 40m in 5.35 secs Freelap
        Back Squat – 3 x 5 x 95kg
        A1 Single Leg Standing Calf Raise ISO – 2 x 30 secs
        A2 Single Leg Bent Knee Calf Raise ISO – 2 x 30 secs
        Mobility (4 exercises)

        Dry track, 20 degrees, no wind. A little disappointed in my 5 bounds, the other three attempts landed below 12 metres and I had no consistency. 40m runs were okay, my final run was 5.27 but looking at the 10m splits it may have been because I was late releasing the button, as I had an incredible first 10m then similar 10-40m speed. Squats were very easy but that was the plan, calf raise isometrics are for Achilles prehab ahead of the depth jumps and I find them very challenging for the full 30 seconds.

        21 August

        Yoga – 45 mins
        Mobility (4 exercises)

        Wow, I was not expecting the DOMS I have from 3 sets of relatively easy squats, so glad I didn’t push it. Yoga helped, I was worried I’d pull something putting my shoes on in the morning.

        22 August

        Drills – A walk (MB), A March, A Skip (MB), A Switch 2 x 15m
        Dribble Ankle, Calf, Knee, SL scissor w runout 2 x 20m
        2 x 40m Technical Runs
        Tempo – 4 x 400m in 79.0 secs
        A1 Res. Band Face Pulls – 3 x 12
        A2 Dips – 3 x 15
        B1 DB Curls – 3 x 8 x 15kg
        B2 Res. Band Rotator Cuff – 2 x 2 x 15
        Scap Push ups – 3 x 10
        Mobility (5 exercises)

        More leg DOMS, not easing up at all. Very tentative in the warm up and drills, thankfully the 400m pace is only ~20 secs per 100m otherwise I’d have struggled more. The upper body session was accessory and prehab movements, I liked it.

        23 August

        Mobility (5 exercises)

        Much needed rest for the body.

        24 August

        5 x 40m
        Back Squat – 3 x 5 x 100kg
        Mobility (6 exercises)

        Wet track, 16 degrees, headwind. I forgot my phone so I couldn’t time my 40m runs. It took a while to get into my running which is likely due to not having any med ball throws or jumps before my sprints as these usually help with muscle activation. Squats went up easily, I thought about a 4th set but given the DOMS I got the first time round I’m not taking any chances.

        25 August

        MB Chest Pass – 3 x 8 x 5kg
        MB Slams – 3 x 8 x 5kg
        Clap Push ups – 3 x 6
        Bench Press – 4 x 6 x 85kg
        Pendlay Row – 3 x 6 x 80kg
        A1 Pull ups – 4 x 6 x 5kg
        A2 DB OHP – 3 x 6 x 17.5kg
        B1 Ab Wheel – 3 x 45 secs
        B2 Russian Twist – 3 x 30 x 5kg
        B3 Hanging Leg Raise – 3 x 6
        Mobility (5 exercises)

        Spot on with bench press, the last rep was very slow. Pull ups were a touch easy, OHP can be bumped a rep or even two reps. Abs were a mess, I don’t think 6 leg raises is too much but it should be first in the superset not last. Only a lingering amount of soreness from squats, potentially more tomorrow, will see.

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