Grip Training (December 2021)

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  • #11092
    Fraser Young

      15 Feb

      Power Grip – 4 x 4 x 5 secs
      Sock Stretch – 50 reps

      While I can’t do more than 4 reps I realised I can do an extra set to increase volume.

      17 Feb

      Power Grip – 4 x 4 x 5 secs
      Sock Stretch – 50 reps

      20 Feb

      Left: 53.8, 60, 59.2
      Right: 57.2, 58.1, 57.1

      Wow, I wasn’t expecting that. My previous best L & R was 55.5kg & 56.4kg, those were comfortably beaten today. I had 4 hours sleep and took paracetamol with caffeine in, not sure if that’s having a performance enhancing effect (the caffeine, not the sleep deprivation :-D).

      Power Grip – 4 x 4 x 5 secs
      Sock Stretch – 50 reps

      These were noticeably easier to close, but I didn’t want to rush out and add volume. I’ll add a rep next week if my new strength holds.

      Fraser Young

        22 Feb

        Power Grip – 4 x 3 x 5 secs
        Sock Stretch – 50 reps

        Not as much strength today, I know when to back off.

        24 Feb

        Power Grip – 4 x 4 x 5 secs
        Sock Stretch – 50 reps

        27 Feb

        Left: 56.1, 57.9, 55.5
        Right: 60.5, 59.6, 57.7

        Really nice to hit 60kg again and know it wasn’t a fluke. I can’t expect to get that much stronger if my sets & reps stay the same so at some point I’ll need to increase the volume.

        Power Grip – 4 x 5 x 5 secs
        Sock Stretch – 50 reps

        The last set was tough and I had to do 4 + 1 reps. I’m careful not to fall into the trap of the Heavy Tension one by doing too much volume and burning out.

        Fraser Young

          1 Mar

          Power Grip – 4 x 5 x 5 secs
          Sock Stretch – 50 reps

          3 Mar

          Power Grip – 4 x 5 x 5 secs
          Sock Stretch – 50 reps

          6 Mar

          Left: 54.5, 60.9, 57.2
          Right: 56.7, 61.1, 58.5

          First time hitting 60kg with both hands, and a personal best with each. I didn’t feel that great today so it was pleasing to see.

          Power Grip – 4 x 5 x 5 secs
          Sock Stretch – 50 reps

          I tried 6 reps but even five is pushing it some days. I’ll stop in 2 weeks time unless I continue gaining 1kg/week.

          Fraser Young

            8 Mar

            Power Grip – 4 x 5 x 5 secs
            Sock Stretch – 50 reps

            I really thought I could sneak a 6th rep but 5 seems to be a sticking point.

            10 Mar

            Power Grip – 3 x 5 x 5 secs
            Sock Stretch – 50 reps

            I dropped a set here with a sense that I’m repeating my pattern of overtraining that I did with the Heavy Tension Grip Master. I don’t feel any stronger than the previous week so why should my numbers improve on testing day?

            13 Mar

            Left: 57.4, 58.7, 56.9
            Right: 60.1, 56.5, 54.7

            Sock Stretch – 50 reps

            With those scores I’ve decided to ease off, and I’ll do something like 2 sets of 3 to allow my forearms time to recover. The first break I took resulted in a drop of strength, possibly because I stopped completely, so hopefully continuing a little grip work keeps me up in the 60kg+ category.

            I don’t really know how to train grip and it may work entirely differently to the muscle groups I’m more familiar with, but I will “taper” for 7-10 days, take a final few tests and then share my results on YouTube.

            Fraser Young

              15 Mar

              Power Grip – 2 x 3 x 5 secs
              Sock Stretch – 50 reps

              This is my idea of a taper, reduce volume by 60-70% for a few sessions.

              17 Mar

              Power Grip – 2 x 3 x 5 secs
              Sock Stretch – 50 reps

              20 Mar

              Left: 57.4, 56.6, 56.2
              Right: 61.4, 56.3, 56.8

              Well that settles it, I have no idea how to taper forearm training. The right hand is actually a marginal personal best (previous 61.1kg) but the series overall was mediocre. I’ll test my grip again in 2-3 days and if it’s no better I won’t even write it here.

              That’s the “program” over, from a 6 test average (3 per hand) of 49.7kg on the first day to a peak of 58.2kg. There a total of five efforts above 60kg on various days so not quite the consistency to repeat it. That means a gain of 17% in grip strength across 12-14 weeks, using only the Grip Master, which I’m pleased with. It won’t be too long a video so I should be able to have the results up on YouTube in the next few weeks.

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