- This topic has 24 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year ago by
Fraser Young.
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- December 7, 2023 at 8:12 pm #13330
1 Dec
Drills – A walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch 2 x 20m
Dribble Ankle, Calf, Knee, SL scissor w runout 2 x 20m
2 x 40m Technical Runs
Track Tempo – 111,121,131,111 in
Waterloo, 15 reps in 4:43
A1 Pull ups – 8,7
A2 L-Sit – 15,15 secs
A3 Dips – 10,10
Mobility ADrills (320m), Tempo (1580m), Circuit (215 reps), Core (2 sets), Mobility (6 sets)
2 Dec
Broad Jumps – 4, best of 243cm
MB Throws – 2 x 5
Speed Skaters – 2 x 8 per leg
Alt Bounds – 2 x 3 x 8 contacts, best of 21.8m
Blocks – 10, 2 x 20, 30m in 1.88, 3 15, 4.30 freelap
2 x EFE, 60m (35m IL) 4.29/7.90 freelap
Squat Jumps – 2 x 2 x 6 x 72.5kg
Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 95kg
A1 Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 x 4 secs
A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
B1 Sprinter Sit Ups 2 x 8 x 20kg
B2 Bear Dogs w single arm move 2 x 10
B3 Leg Lowers 2 x 15
Mobility BJumps (4), Drills (120m), Accels (130m), Max Velocity (60m), Lower Body weights (1740kg),Upper Body weights (1350kg), Circuit (26 reps), Core (6 sets), Mobility (4 sets)
It was 1-2 degrees today, I had thermal leggings and lycra shorts on top and it was still borderline. Considering the temperature I was very pleased by my broad jump and new PB in alternate bounds. The blocks felt a bit laboured and the 60m runs felt very laboured. Now that I’m doing L-sits on tempo days I could feel an overworked core so I ditched the final set of the core circuit.
I know I’m running myself into the ground with these sessions so I have to keep the faith that come the competition period I see big gains. I’ve been tracking my training times compared to the same point last year and my 60m runs are slower but accelerations are a little ahead. I have some flying runs on 9th Dec which will give me a much better idea of what can be done at top speed as up until now I’ve been working with an intensity limit of 30-35m.
3 Dec
Mobility C
Drills – A Walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch 2 x 20m
Dribble Ankle, Calf, Knee, SL scissor w runout 2 x 20m
2 x 40m Technical Runs
Grass Tempo – 111,212,111
A1 Pull ups –
A2 L-Sit – 15,15 secs
A3 Dips – 10,10Drills (320m), Tempo (1680m), Circuit (47 reps), Mobility (6 sets), Core (3 sets)
4 Dec
Accels – 2 x 30m in ?? freelap didn’t pick it up
40 yd in 5.20
3 x 3 x 60m (30m IL) (~4.25, 7.85 freelap)
High Knees – 3 x 40m
Back Squat – 12 x 95kg, 10 x 107.5kg, 6 x 115kg, 4 x 122.5kg
A1 Banded Tib Raise – 3 x 8 x 2 secs
A2 Standing Calf Raise – 3 x 10 x 95kg (2 sec ISO)
B1 Sprinter Sit Ups – 2 x 8 x 20kg
B2 Stir The Pot – 2 x 30 secs
B3 Bird Dogs – 2 x 10
Mobility DDrills (120m), Accels (360m), Max Velocity (270m), Lower Body Weights (6245kg), Mobility (4 sets), Circuit (24 reps), Core (6 sets)
Wet track, no wind. I had a highly caffeinated pre-workout and had stomach problems for half my reps, won’t be doing that again. Felt good in the squats.
I’m possibly relaxing too much after the intensity limit, doing 1.21 per 10m when it should be 1.18. I pushed a little more and managed to take 0.1 secs off the 60m time. I was running 7.90 HT at this point last season so while I’m not panicking, I would like to be matching an equivalent in freelap, which would be ~7.70. It’s becoming clear that fatigue from things like weights and previous workouts has a far larger impact on top speed than acceleration.
5 Dec
Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 95kg
BB Rows – 3 x 8 x 70kg
Pull ups – 8,7,6
Reverse Hyperextensions – 3 x 10
Mobility ECircuit (51 reps), Upper Body Weights (3105kg), Mobility (6 sets)
Hard to imagine adding 5-10kg to my bench will do much for my times so it’s energy I’d rather conserve.
6 Dec
Mobility F
Mobility (3 sets)
I’m ill, only a blocked nose but it’s about time I eased off on the training. I’m sore from Monday and could potentially be a higher injury risk if I did train. Medicated and resting but did do my mobility work.
7 Dec
Bench Press – 3 x 5 x 95kg
BB Rows – 3 x 8 x 70kg
Pull ups – 8,7,6
Rotator Cuff – 2 x 2 x 10
A1 Sprinter Sit ups – 2 x 8 x 20kg
A2 Ab Wheel Rollout – 2 x 15
A3 Prone Pull Through – 2 x 10
Mobility ECircuit (61 reps), Upper Body Weights (3105kg), Mobility (5 sets), Core (6 sets)
I realised my adductor/gracilis was slightly strained, and that it originated from my upper body session two days ago when I was pushing with the legs in bench press. I was overly casual about the upper body session and did no lower body warm up, despite being tight and training in a 5 degree garage. I did a more thorough warm up here and got through it unscathed. I’m 80% sure I can handle tempo tomorrow but only 50/50 whether I’ll be able to do speed in 2 days time.
Having a day off made me realise just how beat up my body is. I might try and book in a sports massage before Xmas or at least use the massage gun on myself more. It looks like I’ll avoid snow for the next week and hopefully my left groin doesn’t impede me.
December 14, 2023 at 7:28 pm #13419SPP 5
8 Dec
Drills – A walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch 2 x 20m
Dribble Ankle, Calf, Knee, SL scissor w runout 2 x 20m
2 x 40m Technical Runs
Track Tempo – 111,321,212,111 in
Waterloo, 2 x 15 reps in
A1 Pull ups – 8,8,7
A2 L-Sit – 3 x 15 secs
A3 Dips – 3 x 10
Mobility ADrills (320m), Tempo (1780m), Circuit (413 reps), Core (3 sets), Mobility (6 sets)
9 Dec
Broad Jumps – 4, best of 236cm
MB Throws – 2 x 5
Alt Bounds – 3 x 10 contacts, best of 25.7m
Blocks – 2 x 10, 2 x 20, 2 x 30m in 1.90, 3 15, 4.32 freelap
2 x 3 x 30E20F in 2.28 freelap
2 x 60m (40m IL) in 4.30/7.78 (30m/60m)
Depth Jumps – 10 x 45cm, 3 x 10 x 60cm
A1 Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 x 4 secs
A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
Mobility BJumps (44), Drills (75m), Throws (10), Accels (180m), Max Velocity (180m), Circuit (10 reps), Mobility (4 sets)
Wet, 11 degrees, up to -4m/s headwind but occasionally calm. I almost hit a 240cm+ broad jump again but fell backwards so not put off by the low number. Wind was stronger during block starts so taking the times with a pinch of salt. I’ve been so excited to do a proper flying run and I only wanted to beat my season’s best 10m fly of 1.16 which I did here. I was a little intimidated by the depth jumps, the program said 75cm but that’s for elite athletes so I started at 45cm but handled that very well. 60cm was off a step ladder so it’ll be interesting to see how I go from higher than that in the garage.
Overall a really solid session, it took over 3 hours so I took out bench press and core, will put more volume on those exercises in the rest of the week.
Here’s one of my better executed depth jumps, shot at 240 FPS it was exactly 0.20 seconds ground contact time.
10 Dec
Mobility C
Drills – A Walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch 2 x 20m
Dribble Ankle, Calf, Knee, SL scissor w runout 2 x 20m
2 x 40m Technical Runs
Grass Tempo – 111,121,212,111
A1 Pull ups – 8,8
A2 L-Sit – 15,15 secs
A3 Dips – 10,10Drills (320m), Tempo (1580m), Circuit (36 reps), Mobility (6 sets), Core (2 sets)
11 Dec
Alt Bounds – 3 x 10 contacts, best of 26.2m
Accels – 2 x 30m in 4.28 freelap
40 yd in 5.05
3 x 3 x 60m (35m IL) (~4.28, 7.78 freelap)
High Knees – 3 x 40m
KB Jump Squats – 3 x 8 x 15kg
A1 Banded Tib Raise – 3 x 8 x 2 secs
A2 Standing Calf Raise – 3 x 8 x 100kg (2 sec ISO)
B1 Sprinter Sit Ups – 3 x 8 x 20kg
B2 Stir The Pot – 3 x 30 secs
B3 Bird Dogs – 3 x 10
Mobility DDrills (195m), Accels (360m), Max Velocity (270m), Lower Body Weights (2760kg), Mobility (4 sets), Circuit (24 reps), Core (9 sets)
Wet, 10 degrees, cross wind. I felt good in the warm up and my bounds improved. Happy with a 5.05 for 40 yards, edging closer to sub 5.00. I focused on reaching the highest top speed by 35 metres and holding rather than relaxing too much. Times were very consistent. I rushed home before realising I had high knees to do so those were done on the spot in the gym, though it was nice to watch my form in a mirror.
12 Dec
Bench Press – 4 x 5 x 95kg
BB Rows – 3 x 8 x 72.5kg
Pull ups – 8,7,6
Reverse Hyperextensions – 3 x 10
Mobility EUpper Body (3260kg), Circuit (51 reps), Mobility (6 sets)
Scraped through the bench press, I moved a set from Saturday as that session was over 3 hours.
13 Dec
Had a stomach bug. I was on the sofa for 5 hours and only ate toast, bananas and eggs (not all together). I could tell my stomach wasn’t happy and ended up avoiding vomiting so that has saved me about 24 hours of recovery time. Likely to do mobility tomorrow but no weights
or core.14 Dec
Mobility G
Mobility (5 sets)
I’d recovered by midday but my upper body is never my priority as I feel like it’s one of my strengths so I treated my body to a rare day off.
Hardly able to say it was a good training week when I miss the third speed session but I’m happy with my progress. It’s unrealistic to ask for 100% adherence to a program when factoring in illness/injuries/social obligations, but it still bothers me to miss sessions. I’ve heard coaches say you shouldn’t program all your rest days as some will come organically through the previous reasons.
As long as my times keep dropping and I’m faster in the New Year then I can’t complain. I had more disrupted training last year due to severe weather and injury so a few Wednesdays isn’t a big drama.
December 21, 2023 at 8:57 pm #13463SPP 6
15 Dec
Drills – A walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch 2 x 20m
Dribble Ankle, Calf, Knee, SL scissor w runout 2 x 20m
2 x 40m Technical Runs
Track Tempo – 111,321,321,111 in
Waterloo, 2 x 18 reps in 5:30, 5:35
A1 Pull ups – 7,7,7
A2 L-Sit – 3 x 15 secs
A3 Dips – 3 x 10
Mobility ADrills (320m), Tempo (1880m), Circuit (481 reps), Core (3 sets), Mobility (6 sets)
16 Dec
Broad Jumps – 4, best of 240cm
MB Throws – 2 x 5
Alt Bounds – 3 x 6 contacts, best of 16.1m
5 x 20m resisted run (mini parachute) in ~3.25 freelap
4 x 40E20F in 2.29,2.21,2.17,2.25 freelap
2 x 60m (45m IL) in 5.34/7.63 and 5.40/7.67 (40m/60m)
Squat Jumps 2 x 2 x 8 x 72.5kg
A1 Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 x 4 secs
A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
B1 Sprinter Sit ups – 2 x 8 x 20kg
B2 Bear dog w taps – 2 x 10
B3 Leg Lowers – 2 x 15
Mobility BJumps (4), Drills (45m), Throws (10), Accels (160m), Max Velocity (140m), Core (6 sets), Circuits (10 reps), Lower Body (2320kg), Mobility (4 sets)
Wet, 10 degrees, crosswind/headwind, no more than -1m/s. Having a few days off sick is a bit like a sneak peek into what shape you’ll be in when you drop the volume in the competition phase. I was thrilled to dip under 2.23 secs for a flying 20m run after learning it’s equivalent to running 20mph. Next up, 21mph(!) which is 2.13 secs. The fastest I managed last winter was 1.12 per 10m, so 2.24, though those were hand timed.
This has given me a lot more confidence to drag myself through SPP 6,7 and 8 and into the competition phase and the new year.
17 Dec
Mobility C
Drills – A Walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch 2 x 20m
Dribble Ankle, Calf, Knee, SL scissor w runout 2 x 20m
2 x 40m Technical Runs
Tempo – 111,212,212,111
A1 Pull ups – 8,8
A2 L-Sit – 15,15 secs
A3 Dips – 10,10Drills (320m), Tempo (1680m), Circuit (36 reps), Mobility (6 sets), Core (2 sets)
18 Dec
MB Throws – 4 x 5 x 4kg
Uphill Broad Jumps – 4 x 10
Accels – 3 x 30m in 4.30 freelap
2 x 4 x 60m (35m IL) (~4.30, 7.80 freelap)
High Knees – 4 x 40m
A1 Standing Tib Raise – 3 x 8
A2 Standing Calf Raise – 3 x 8 x 100kg (2 sec ISO)
B1 Sprinter Sit Ups – 2 x 8 x 20kg
B2 Stir The Pot – 2 x 30 secs
B3 Bird Dogs – 2 x 10
Mobility DThrows (20), Drills (160m), Jumps (40), Accels (330m), Max Velocity (240m), Lower Body Weights (2400kg), Mobility (4 sets), Circuit (24 reps), Core (6 sets)
Slightly damp track, 10 degrees, gusting -4m/s headwind. The times were 4.35 for the 30’s into a headwind so I switched the direction for my 60s and was running 4.25 for 30 so I split the difference. Didn’t feel sharp at all, half expected it given how well I ran on Saturday.
This was quite a long session as I had to go to a separate park for the uphill broad jumps and then to the track. I really feel they’re doing something positive for me and I might try to put more repeat broad jumps in the program next season.
19 Dec
Bench Press – 4 x 5 x 95kg
BB Rows – 3 x 8 x 72.5kg
Pull ups – 8,7,6
Reverse Hyperextensions – 3 x 10
Mobility EUpper Body (3260kg), Circuit (51 reps), Mobility (6 sets)
Relatively routine.
20 Dec
Uphill Broad Jumps – 4 x 10
Hops L,R,3L3R – 3 x 20m
Alt Bounds – 3 x 6 contacts, best of 15.95m
Blocks – 10,20,30,40m in 1.85,3.11,?,5.42 freelap
4 x 60m (35m IL) in 4.27, 7.85 freelap
300, 200m in 14.9/15.7/16.1 (46.7) and 15.4/14.9 (30.3)
Depth Jumps – 10 x 68cm, 3 x 10 x 73cm
A1 Tib Raise – 3 x 8
A2 SL Soleus Raise – 3 x 12 x 30kgJumps (80), Drills (225m), Accels (210m), Max Velocity (130m), Tempo (500m), Lower Body (2160kg), Circuits (24 reps)
Wet track, 10 degrees, no wind. Frustrating that the freelap didn’t pick up the 30m from blocks as I’d love to know the time. Decent session, almost 3 hours long so a little struggle to stay motivated and sharp. Depth jumps were good, I’d have liked to film them to make sure ground contact times are low, will do that next week when the height goes up even further.
I’ve reflected on SPP and its purpose is not to run fast times, it’s closer to running myself into the ground so that when I back off I get a lengthened period of supercompensation in the competition period in which to run some fast times.
All I’m trying to do right now is get through the sessions, keep on top of my recovery, and not get too impatient as the deload week is not far away and I made it through 4 of the 6 weeks of the Verkhoshansky programming I’ve put in. My right knee wasn’t a big fan of the depth jumps so I haven’t told it there’s more coming on Saturday.
21 Dec
Bench Press – 4 x 5 x 95kg
Rotator Cuff – 2 x 2 x 10
A1 Sprinter Sit ups – 2 x 8 x 20kg
A2 Ab Wheel Rollout – 2 x 15
A3 Prone Pull Through – 2 x 10
Mobility ECircuit (40 reps), Upper Body Weights (1900kg), Mobility (5 sets), Core (6 sets)
This felt like another solid week of training, I’m training 10-11 hours a week when I do everything scheduled so next year I’ll look to dial back on certain exercises that I don’t feel are contributing as much. I’d like to find the minimum effective dose and not the maximum effective dose 😀
December 28, 2023 at 7:53 pm #13495SPP 7
22 Dec
Drills – A walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch 2 x 20m
Dribble Ankle, Calf, Knee, SL scissor w runout 2 x 20m
2 x 40m Technical Runs
Track Tempo – 111,321,321,111 in
~17.0 to 18.0
Waterloo, 2 x 20 reps in 5:44, 5:48
A1 Pull ups – 7,7
A2 L-Sit – 2 x 15 secs
A3 Dips – 2 x 10
Mobility ADrills (320m), Tempo (1880m), Circuit (514 reps), Core (2 sets), Mobility (6 sets)
Almost cut gymnastics but dragged myself through it as SPP is nearly over. My fitness is surely much higher than last winter, the bike tempo sessions are nothing compared to the track, average heart rate is maybe 120 bpm on the bike and 160 bpm at the track.
23 Dec
Broad Jumps – 4, best of 246cm
MB Throws – 2 x 5
5 x 20m resisted run (mini parachute + 5lb weight belt) in ~3.35 freelap
3 x 40E30F in 3.44,3.33,3.37 freelap
3 x 60m (45m IL) in 4.22/5.34/???, 4.17/5.32/7.66 and 4.28/5.42/7.70 (30m/40m/60m freelap)
Back Squat 2 x 3 x 125kg
Depth Jumps – 10 x 71cm, 10 x 77cm
A1 Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 x 4 secs
A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
Mobility BJumps (24), Throws (10), Accels (190m), Max Velocity (180m), Circuits (10 reps), Lower Body (750kg), Mobility (4 sets)
Dry track, 10 degrees, +3 m/s tailwind. Too much going on here, I had really high recovery (HRV 100ms) so was eager to see what I could do in the flying runs, wind was gusting so hard to know what’s genuine. Pleased to survive the squats, depth jumps were meant to be 2 x 2 x 10 but my legs gave up in the third set and wouldn’t jump. It was over 3 hours and this is more of an experiment to see what volume I can handle than it is sensible programming.
Update: legs were super stiff in the evening and I leaned forward too aggressively from a cross-legged position and tweaked my left adductor. Can’t tell how bad it is, I reckon 85% chance I’m fine for tempo tomorrow.
24 Dec
Mobility C
Drills – A Walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch 2 x 20m
Dribble Ankle, Calf, Knee, SL scissor w runout 2 x 20m
2 x 40m Technical Runs
Tempo – 111,212,212,111
A1 Pull ups – 8,7,6
A2 L-Sit – 15,15, 15 secs
A3 Dips – 10,10, 10Drills (320m), Tempo (1680m), Circuit (51 reps), Mobility (6 sets), Core (3 sets)
I can feel my adductor but it didn’t bother me at all during the session.
25 Dec
MB Throws – 4 x 5 x 4kg
Uphill Broad Jumps – 4 x 10
Accels – 3 x 30m in 4.34,4.24,?? freelap
2 x 3 x 60m (40m IL) (~4.28, 7.83 freelap)
High Knees – 5 x 40m
Back Squats – 2 x 3 x 125kg
A1 Standing Tib Raise – 3 x 8
A2 Standing Calf Raise – 3 x 8 x 105kg (2 sec ISO)
B1 Sprinter Sit Ups – 3 x 8 x 20kg
B2 Stir The Pot – 3 x 30 secs
B3 Bird Dogs – 3 x 10
Mobility DThrows (20), Drills (200m), Jumps (40), Accels (270m), Max Velocity (180m), Lower Body Weights (2520kg), Mobility (4 sets), Circuit (24 reps), Core (9 sets)
Wet, 12 degrees, headwind up to -3m/s. Good Xmas session, felt sluggish and running into headwind but got it done. Pleased to get through the squats unscathed as I wasn’t feeling my best. I keep forgetting to treat calf raise seriously by warming up, my left ankle goes a bit funny on the first rep like I’m close to pulling something.
26 Dec
Bench Press – 4 x 5 x 95kg
Mobility EUpper Body (1900kg), Mobility (7 sets)
I added in a banded lat stretch to loosen my upper body and it felt amazing. 95kg was also comfortable, I could have managed more.
27 Dec
Uphill Broad Jumps – 4 x 10
Hops L,R,3L3R – 3 x 20m
Accels – 10,20,30,40m
3 x 60m (40m IL)
Depth Jumps – 2 x 10 x 71cm
A1 Tib Raise – 3 x 8
A2 SL Soleus Raise – 3 x 10 x 40kgJumps (60), Drills (180m), Accels (180m), Max Velocity (100m), Lower Body (2400kg), Circuits (24 reps), Mobility (4 sets)
12 degrees, wet track, windy AF. Poor sleep, early workout, no car so I had to cycle. I could tell from the broad jumps that I wasn’t at my best. Didn’t bother with timing my runs, there was at least an 8m/s wind which I used in my favour for the 60’s. I wasn’t in the mood to do the scheduled 300m and 200m and the wind was a good excuse. Update: this was during Storm Gerrit, thought it was quite a substantial wind!
That’s the second time my legs have given up in depth jumps, meant to do 4 x 10. I literally couldn’t get off the ground in the third set, likely my brain shutting off for fear of not making the ~80cm box.
I always doubt my speed will come but volume drops a little next week then again after 3rd January, just need to keep pushing until then.
28 Dec
Bench – 4 x 5 x 95kg
Rotator Cuff – 2 x 2 x 10
Mobility ECircuit (40 reps), Upper Body Weights (1900kg), Mobility (5 sets)
Looking after my daughters all day so I couldn’t find time for core work.
I keep mentioning the volume but it continues to feel like I’m dragging my body through a program that’s a little too much for me. There is some respite next week in the form of a subtle 5-10% reduction in volume, which is hopefully enough to keep me going.
Next week is also the 6th and final week of the extra Verkhoshansky programming I weaved into SPP. I feel more comfortable with how each element should sit in a program so next year I’ll design it to be less demanding on my body but hopefully as effective at improving speed.
January 4, 2024 at 4:49 pm #13576SPP 8
29 Dec
Drills – A walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch 2 x 20m
Dribble Ankle, Calf, Knee, SL scissor w runout 2 x 20m
2 x 40m Technical Runs
Track Tempo – 111,321,121,111 in
Waterloo, 2 x 20 reps in 5:48, 5:29
A1 Pull ups – 7,7
A2 L-Sit – 2 x 15 secs
A3 Dips – 2 x 10
Mobility ADrills (320m), Tempo (1680m), Circuit (514 reps), Core (2 sets), Mobility (6 sets)
30 Dec
Broad Jumps – 4, best of 238cm
MB Throws – 2 x 5
5 x 20m resisted run (mini parachute)
2 x 40E30F in 3.61,3.51 freelap
60m (45m IL) in 4.32/5.48/7.87 (30m/40m/60m freelap)
Back Squat 2 x 2 x 3 x 125kg
Depth Jumps – 2 x 10 x 71cm
A1 Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 x 4 secs
A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
B1 Sprinter sit ups – 2 x 8 x 20kg
B2 Bear dog w arm raise – 2 x 10
B3 Leg lowers – 3 x 15
Mobility BJumps (24), Throws (10), Accels (130m), Max Velocity (90m), Circuits (10 reps), Lower Body (1500kg), Mobility (5 sets), Core (6 sets)
Wet track, 9 degrees, -5m/s headwind. Not my sharpest but performed well considering. Really pleased with depth jumps, I reached the stage where my legs refused to jump but I persisted and got through the second set. Also survived the squats, feeling so confident heading into the competition period. Bring it on!
31 Dec
Mobility C
Drills – A Walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch 2 x 20m
Dribble Ankle, Calf, Knee, SL scissor w runout 2 x 20m
2 x 40m Technical Runs
Tempo – 111,121,121,111
A1 Pull ups – 7,7,7
A2 L-Sit – 15,15,15 secs
A3 Dips – 10,10, 10Drills (320m), Tempo (1480m), Circuit (51 reps), Mobility (8 sets), Core (3 sets)
I felt quite fresh, not sure if it’s because of the reduced volume of sprinting yesterday.
1 Jan
MB Throws – 4 x 5 x 4kg
Accels – 3 x 40m in 5.45,5.50,5.52 freelap
2 x 3 x 60m (35m IL) submax (~4.30, 7.95 freelap)
High Knees – 4 x 40m
Uphill Broad Jumps – 2 x 4 x 10
A1 Standing Tib Raise – 2 x 8
A2 Standing Calf Raise – 2 x 8 x 100kg (2 sec ISO)
B1 Sprinter Sit Ups – 2 x 8 x 20kg
B2 Stir The Pot – 2 x 30 secs
B3 Bird Dogs – 2 x 10
Mobility DThrows (20), Drills (160m), Jumps (80), Accels (270m), Max Velocity (210m), Lower Body Weights (1600kg), Mobility (4 sets), Circuit (16 reps), Core (6 sets)
Wet track, 7 degrees, no wind. I went flat out in the 40m runs then tried to hold back in the 60’s, which I thought I did reasonably well. All times were similar and I felt very relaxed. It’s hard to run slower than your best but I kept telling myself that SPP 8 is not the time to be setting personal bests.
2 Jan
Bench Press – 4 x 5 x 95kg
Mobility EUpper Body (1900kg), Mobility (7 sets)
3 Jan
Hops L,R,3L3R – 3 x 20m
Accels – 3 x 40m in ??, 5.46, 5.46 in freelap
3 x 60m (35m IL submax) in 4.30/7.88 freelap
300m in 16.3/17.0/16.4 (49.8)
Depth Jumps – 4 x 10 x 71cm
A1 Nordic Curls – 2 x 4
A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
B1 Tib Raise – 2 x 8
B2 SL Soleus Raise – 2 x 12 x 40kgJumps (40), Drills (180m), Accels (180m), Max Velocity (120m), Lower Body (1920kg), Circuits (16 reps), Mobility (4 sets)
Wet track, 9 degrees, no wind. I felt fresh but knew the session was submaximal, with the exception of the 40m runs. Pleased with the times, I was focusing on being completely relaxed from the first step and executed well. I chilled in the 300m as there’s no point pushing it. Great to manage 4 sets of depth jumps without issue, my right knee bothered me for two reps but then was fine.
4 Jan
Bench Press – 4 x 5 x 95kg
Rotator Cuff – 2 x 2 x 10
A1 Sprinter Sit ups – 2 x 8 x 20kg
A2 Ab Wheel Rollout – 2 x 15
A3 Prone Pull Through – 2 x 10
Mobility ECircuit (40 reps), Upper Body Weights (1900kg), Mobility (5 sets), Core (6 sets)
Thrilled to reach the end of SPP 8 unscathed. Next week is going to be very cold but there doesn’t appear to be any precipitation so hopefully I can get all three track sessions in.
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