Full Winter Sprint Program (Sept 2022)

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  • #11951
    Fraser Young

      Break In Training Week 1 of 2

      5 Sept

      Drills (8) – 2 x 20m
      Build Ups – 2 x 40m
      MB Throws – 4 x 5 x 5kg
      Tempo Runs – 2 x 6 x 100m [50 jog/50 walk] avg 16.2, 16.2 secs

      The drills are your standard running drills like A Skip, B Skip. Medicine ball throws were overhead backwards, between legs forward, hip toss and a chest pass. Tempo runs on grass, quite firm ground and I would have maybe liked 16 flat.

      6 Sept

      Box Jumps – 3 x 5
      Hills – 2 x 5 x 15m [walk back recovery]
      DB RLESS – 3 x 8 x 15kg
      SL Swiss Ball Curl – 3 x 8
      RDL – 2 x 8 x 70kg
      BB Hip Thrust – 3 x 8 x 70kg
      A1 Banded Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs lower)
      A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs

      I need to measure the workbench I jump onto but probably ~90cm. The hills were good, I did this at 7am before work and it’s very peaceful. Never done a single leg swiss ball curl before, the top of my left calf wasn’t enjoying it. I had to cut the RDL short as my right hamstring didn’t like that.

      7 Sept

      Hip Mobility (AH)
      Drills (8) – 2 x 20m
      Build Ups – 2 x 40m
      Tempo Runs – 2 x 5 x 100m [50 jog/50 walk] avg 16.2, 16.0 secs

      AH stands for Adonis Harrison, an Instagram coach I follow. He posted a hip mobility and ankle strength series which I copied down and went through.

      8 Sept

      BB Rows – 3 x 8 x 20kg
      BB OHP – 3 x 8 x 20kg
      Plate Raises – 3 x 8 x 5kg

      While I could have done the intended hill runs today, there’s a harder session on the Saturday that I wanted to be fresh for. As I’m still wrapping up a pull up program I kept the weights extremely light, effectively only practicing the bar path.

      10 Sept

      Plyometrics – 3 x 20m
      3 Point Starts – 2 x 5 x 10m [45 secs]
      Tempo Runs – 4x100m, 3x100m, 4x100m [30 secs / 2.5 mins] avg 16.0
      Bench Press – 3 x 8 x 40kg
      Back Squats – 3 x 8 x 80kg
      Rotator Cuff (2 directions) – 3 x 8
      Rev Hyper Extension (Swiss ball) – 3 x 8

      Great session, very fresh. I was on an athletics track so the tempo runs were a touch faster, nice to do some 3 point starts already. Again upper body weights kept light, squats close to max effort with 60 secs rest. Doing reverse hyper extensions with a swiss ball is a game changer, I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. I put the ball on an exercise bench and hold onto my squat rack.

      Overall a great first week, I’ll need to trim some of the exercises to squeeze it in during lunch breaks or before work but I’d love to do that more consistently.

      Fraser Young

        Break In Training Week 2 of 2

        12 Sept

        Drills (8) – 2 x 20m
        Build Ups – 2 x 40m
        MB Throws – 3 x 6 x 5kg
        Tempo Runs – 2 x 8 x 100m [50 jog/50 walk] avg 16.0, 16.0 secs

        I ditched one of the throws and added a rep to each set. The tempo runs were faster and if I’m honest I wasn’t trying that hard.

        13 Sept

        Box Jumps – 3 x 5
        Hills – 2 x 5 x 15m [walk back recovery]
        DB RLESS – 3 x 8 x 17.5kg
        SL Swiss Ball Curl – 3 x 8
        RDL – 3 x 8 x 70kg
        BB Hip Thrust – 3 x 8 x 80kg
        A1 Banded Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs lower)
        A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs

        Bumping the numbers in a few exercises but not going all out (yet!).

        14 Sept

        Missed session

        I usually do this in my lunch break but I had to pick up my girls from nursery so missed the session. I should have done the hip mobility and in future I will try to squeeze in parts of the session even if I can’t do the whole thing.

        15 Sept

        Thighs measured 56cm
        Around The Square – 3 x 4
        CMJ – 5, best of 54cm
        Broad Jumps – 5, best of 217cm
        Hill Runs – 2 x 10 x 10m
        BB Rows – 3 x 8 x 30kg
        BB OHP – 3 x 8 x 30kg
        Plate Raises – 3 x 8 x 5kg

        Last week I missed the hills but I managed to do them here. I want to track certain metrics which I feel should trend upwards if I am in fact getting faster, and two of those are countermovement jumps (CMJ) and broad jumps (let’s not talk about their acronym). Broad jumps were 85-90%, I’m also well within myself for the upper body as it’s the final week of my pull up program.

        17 Sept

        Plyometrics – 3 x 20m
        3 Point Starts – 2 x 5 x 10m [60 secs]
        Tempo Runs – 3 x 4 x 100m [30 secs / 2.5 mins] avg 15.5, 16.0, 16.0
        Bench Press – 3 x 8 x 50kg
        Back Squats – 3 x 8 x 82.5kg
        Rotator Cuff (2 directions) – 3 x 8
        Rev Hyper Extension (Swiss ball) – 3 x 8

        I went off too fast in the tempo, though I really need to stop considering 16 flat acceptable when I know I can get into the 15’s without much trouble. Again really fresh for this session and I’m getting the track work done in 60 mins and the weights in 20 mins, which is manageable most weeks.

        Next week I’m away with work for a few days but I’ll fit in some of the exercises

        Fraser Young

          Disrupted Week

          19 Sept

          Drills (8) – 2 x 20m
          Build Ups – 2 x 40m
          MB Throws – 3 x 6 x 5kg
          Tempo Runs – 2 x 9 x 100m [50 jog/50 walk] avg 16.0, 15.9 secs

          20 Sept

          Box Jumps – 3 x 5
          Hills – 2 x 5 x 20m [walk back recovery]
          DB RLESS – 3 x 8 x 17.5kg
          SL Swiss Ball Curl – 3 x 8
          RDL – 3 x 8 x 75kg
          BB Hip Thrust – 3 x 8 x 85kg
          A1 Banded Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs lower)
          A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs

          22 Sept

          DB Bent Over Row – 3 x 8 x 15kg
          DB OHP – 3 x 8 x 15kg
          Plate Raise – 3 x 8 x 5kg
          DB Incline Press – 3 x 8 x 20kg

          This was in a hotel gym and not going full out, though incline press was tough.

          23 Sept

          Climbed Snowdon – 3 hours

          This was for a work offsite and while I wasn’t that sore over the weekend I was busy so couldn’t squeeze in a session.

          Fraser Young

            GPP Week 1 of 3

            26 Sept

            Exercise Bike Tempo – 2 x 9 x 45 on/15off, 100rpm, 120W

            This is less challenging than grass runs but a really good option when the weather is poor, which it will be for a lot of autumn & winter.

            27 Sept

            Box Jumps – 3 x 5
            Hills – 2 x 5 x 20m [walk back recovery]
            DB RLESS – 3 x 8 x 20kg
            SL Swiss Ball Curl – 3 x 8
            RDL – 3 x 8 x 80kg
            BB Hip Thrust – 3 x 8 x 90kg
            A1 Banded Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs lower)
            A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs

            Bumping all three lower body weights was a mistake and this was quite tough.

            28 Sept

            Hip Mobility (AH)
            Exercise Bike Tempo – 2 x 5 x 45 on/15 off 100rpm, 120W (level 4 of 32)
            General Strength Circuit – 15 reps

            I tried level 5 and my thighs said no so it seems like my first choice was spot on. This is probably the session I’ll do on the bike going forward as it’s the easier of the two and otherwise I’m using up every spare moment of free time to gym.

            1 Oct

            BB Rows – 3 x 8 x 45kg
            BB OHP – 8,8,7 x 40kg
            DB Incline Press – 8,8,6 x 20kg
            Plate Raises – 3 x 8 x 7.5kg

            This was right after a maximum pullup attempt (25 reps) and my upper body was toast. I didn’t do hill reps as I have a session the next day but I wanted to do upper body with a more respectable weight.

            2 Oct

            Plyometrics – 3 x 20m
            3 Point Starts – 2 x 5 x 10m [60 secs]
            Tempo Runs – 5,4 x 100m, 250m [30 secs / 2.5 mins] avg 15.5, 15.2, 250m in 38.2
            DB RLESS – 3 x 8 x 20kg
            SL Swiss Ball Curl – 3 x 8
            SLRDL – 3 x 8 x 40kg
            BB Hip Thrust – 3 x 8 x 90kg
            A1 Banded Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs lower)
            A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs

            I was much happier with my tempo runs and not even as out of breath as usual. I was aiming for 40 seconds in the 250m which is 16 secs per 100m but I held my speed really well. RDL tires my back so I switched to single leg with a barbell.

            I’m shifting my sessions as of next week because I have a compulsory office day which will fall on Thursdays.

            Fraser Young

              GPP Week 2 of 3

              3 Oct

              Hip Mobility (AH)
              Bike Tempo – 2 x 5 x 45 on/15 off (105rpm, 130W)
              General Strength Circuit – 15 reps (5 mins 50)

              I pushed it a little more on the exercise bike as my heart rate wasn’t getting that high from this session.

              4 Oct

              Box Jumps – 3 x 5
              Hills – 2 x 5 x 20m
              DB RLESS – 3 x 8 x 20kg
              SL Swiss Ball Curl – 3 x 8
              SLRDL – 3 x 8 x 40kg
              BB Hip Thrust – 3 x 8 x 90kg
              A1 Banded Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs lower)
              A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
              B1 Sprinter Sit ups – 3 x 8 x 20kg
              B2 Bear Dog with Shoulder Taps – 3 x 10
              B3 Leg Lowers – 3 x 15

              I forgot to integrate ab work last week. Good session, no issues.

              5 Oct

              Drills (8) – 2 x 20m
              Build Ups – 2 x 40m
              Tempo Runs – 2 x 10 x 100m [50 jog/50 walk] avg 15.3, 15.3 secs

              Very wet weather and blustery too. I set up so it was a tailwind which meant cruising to faster times. No med ball as it really was a miserable day to go out and exercise.

              7 Oct

              Thighs measured 56cm
              Around The Square – 3 x 4
              CMJ – 5, best of 54cm
              Broad Jumps – 5, best of 230cm
              Hill Runs – 2 x 10 x 10m
              BB Rows – 3 x 8 x 50kg
              DB Incline Presss – 3 x 8 x 20kg
              Skull Crushers – 3 x 8 x 26kg
              BB OHP – 8,8,5 x 40kg
              Plate Raises – 3 x 8 x 10kg

              Good to get further in broad jump, a little surprised I’m not able to jump higher but it’s technically only week 2 proper.

              9 Oct

              Plyometrics – 3 x 20m
              3 Point Starts – 2 x 5 x 10m [60 secs]
              Tempo Runs – 2 x 5 x 100m, 250m [30 secs / 4 mins] avg 15.2, 15.2, 250m in 39.2
              DB RLESS – 3 x 9 x 20kg
              SL Swiss Ball Curl – 3 x 9
              SLRDL – 3 x 8 x 40kg
              BB Hip Thrust – 3 x 8 x 95kg
              A1 Banded Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs lower)
              A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
              B1 Sprinter Sit ups – 3 x 8 x 20kg
              B2 Bear Dog with Shoulder Taps – 3 x 10
              B3 Leg Lowers – 3 x 15

              Good session and good training week. I ate some more so hoping to get back above 70kg soon. I added a rep here or there in the gym and also 5kg to the hip thrusts. I’d like to fill out my legs a bit, measuring them each week to see if that happens.

              I’ve started labelling the training weeks so next week is the last one of GPP and then it’s a transition to SPP and more track, less hills. By then I’ll have some hand timed runs I can use to gauge my progress.

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