Full Summer Sprint Program (Mar 2023)

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  • #12569
    Fraser Young

      SPP 3

      21 Apr

      Drills – AABB x 2
      Bike Tempo – 111,3121,3121,111 lvl 7, 160W
      MB Circuit – 1 x 10 in 3:32
      GS Circuit (no pushups) – 2 x 20 in 4:10, 4:27
      AH Mobility – 2 sets

      22 Apr

      Box Jumps – 3 x 5
      CMJ 56cm, Broad Jump 240cm
      Blocks – 2×10,2×20,2x30m
      3 x EFE 60m
      2 x 60m (30m IL) 30m in 4.37, tailwind +2m/s
      Back Squat – 4 x 4 x 115kg
      DB Rows – 3 x 6 x 37.5kg
      Pull ups – 3 x 5 x 15kg
      Prone Cobra – 3 x 25 secs

      23 Apr

      Drills – AABB x 2
      Bike Tempo – 111,131,212,111 lvl 7, 160W
      MB Circuit – 1 x 10 in 3:35
      Mobility, 6 exercises

      24 Apr

      MB Throws -3 x 5
      Accels – 3 x 30m in 4.60, 4.44, 4.52 no wind
      4,3 x 60m (30m IL) first 30m in 4.42
      BB Step Ups – 3 x 6 x 60kg
      BB RLESS – 3 x 6 x 67.5kg
      Swiss Ball Reverse Hyper – 3 x 8
      RDL – 3 x 6 x 85kg
      Rotator Cuff – 3 x 8
      A1 Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs)
      A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
      L-Sit ISO – 3 x 20 secs

      26 Apr

      Plyo Series – 3 x 20m
      Broad Jump – 252cm
      Accels – 3 x 30m in 4.49,4.53,4.44 headwind -1m/s
      4 x 60m (35m IL)
      2 x 90m (30m IL), 11.81, 11.67
      Back Squat – 4 x 4 x 115kg
      Stomach Vacuums – 6 x 10 secs

      I’m tired and very pleased that next week is easier.

      Fraser Young

        SPP 4 (easy)

        28 Apr

        Drills – AABB x 2
        Bike Tempo – 111,3121,3121,111 lvl 7, 160W

        Skipped circuits, my upper body is wrecked from a pushup program.

        29 Apr

        Box Jumps – 3 x 5
        CMJ 57cm, Broad Jump 240cm
        Blocks – 3x30m
        3 x 30E20F
        2 x 60m (35m IL) in 7.89, 35m in 5.00
        Back Squat – 8 x 82.5, 5 x 95, 3 x 100, 3 x 1 x 115, 5 x 95kg
        Prone Cobra – 3 x 20 secs

        The squats are something called a “power matrix” and based on my 1RM that’s what I should follow. I had been repping at 115kg but it was singles with a focus on speed (and therefore power).

        30 Apr

        Drills – AABB x 2
        Bike Tempo – 111,131,212,111 lvl 7, 160W
        MB Circuit – 1 x 10 in 3:07
        Mobility, 6 exercises

        1 May

        MB Throws – 3 x 5
        3 x 30m in 4.38, 4.39, 4.40 +1 m/s wind
        2 x 3 x 60m (35m IL) first 35m in 4.96
        Back Squat – 8 x 82.5, 5 x 95, 3 x 100, 3 x 1 x 115, 5 x 95kg
        A1 Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs)
        A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
        L-Sit ISO – 3 x 20 secs

        I was hoping for something “easier” for my easy week than just a reduction in strength training but it suits me ahead of a race on the 13th.

        3 May

        Plyo Series – 3 x 20m
        3 x 30m in 4.53,4.47,4.48 headwind -0.5m/s
        3 x 60m (35m IL)
        2 x 90m EFE
        Back Squat – 8 x 82.5, 5 x 95, 3 x 100, 3 x 1 x 115, 5 x 95kg
        Stomach Vacuums – 6 x 10 secs

        Despite poor sleep I was happy with that session and enjoyed the 90’s.

        This was a solid week of training and I’m glad I’ve been able to build on the indoor season and run consistently well. My first 100m of the year is on Sat 13th May but I don’t plan on doing much of a taper, other than reducing the volume of the conditioning session scheduled for the 12th.

        If I’m slower than 12.35 over 100m I’ll consider it a wasted trip, anything 12.15-12.35 is expected, 12.00-12.15 is really good and if I break 12 seconds at the first attempt (with a legal wind) I’ll be thrilled.

        Fraser Young

          SPP 5

          5 May

          Drills – AABB x 2
          Bike Tempo – 111,313,313,111 lvl 7, 160W
          MB Circuit – 10 reps in 3:24
          GS Circuit (no pushups) – 20 reps in 8:48
          AH Mobility – 2 sets

          6 May

          Box Jumps – 3 x 3
          MB Throws – 2 x 3
          CMJ 57cm, Broad Jump 239cm
          Blocks – 3x30m
          4 x 30E20F
          60m (35m IL), 35m in 5.11

          This session was wet and miserable, it started chucking it down as I finished my last 30E20F. The time was slow and I had a slight strain across the full length of my right hamstring so I called it quits and skipped weights.

          7 May

          Drills – AABB x 2
          MB Circuit – 1 x 15 in 4:30
          MB Circuit – 2 x 20 in ??, 2:37
          Bike Tempo – 111,312,212,111 lvl 7, 160W
          Mobility, 5 exercises
          Massage gun – calves

          I tried putting the circuits before the bike tempo which worked quite well.

          8 May

          MB Throws – 4 x 5
          4 x 30m in 4.46, 4.32, 4.49, 4.35
          2 x 70m (35m IL) 9.19, 8.94
          2 x 70m in 9.13, 8.80
          Back Squat – 8 x 82.5, 5 x 95, 3 x 100, 3 x 1 x 115, 5 x 95kg
          A1 Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs)
          A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
          L-Sit ISO – 3 x 20 secs

          There was roughly a -1.5 m/s wind so I decided to run alternate directions, giving myself a +1.5 m/s every 2nd rep. Interesting to see the difference wind makes, around 0.3 seconds in just 70 metres.

          10 May

          Plyo Series – 2 x 20m
          Blocks – 3 x 30m
          2 x 70m (35m IL)
          2 x 90m FEF, 60-90m in 3.51, 3.53
          Bench Press – 8 x 75, 5 x 85, 3 x 90, 3 x 1 x 102.5, 5 x 87.5kg

          I’m racing on the 13th so I dropped squats here but otherwise completed the session as normal.

          11 May

          Drills – A-Skip, A-Run, B-Skip, B-Run 2 x 20m
          Drills – Ankle, Calf, Knee dribble, SL scissor 2 x 20m
          2 x 40m build ups
          Tempo – 10 x 100m with stretching between reps

          The tempo was about 16.5 seconds, run on uneven grass. I took 75 seconds between reps, holding 20-40 seconds of various stretches while resting.

          Fraser Young

            SPP 6

            13 May – Race Day

            County Champs – 100m Final

            11.95 secs (+2.3 m/s wind)

            The wind in other finals was +4 m/s which is probably closer to the truth. I felt good in the warm up, running a 30m hand timed in 4.33 secs and a flying 20m in 2.13 secs.

            I got a little excited when I realised that three of the four guys who are faster than me on paper hadn’t turned up and I could actually win this. The blocks were really worn and in the first few strides I stumbled and put my right foot way in front of where it should be, effectively braking my acceleration. Despite that I recovered well and maintained a metre lead on the guy on my shoulder (who’s in his 50’s as this was a Veterans race) to come through in first. I have a gold medal but it feels a bit silly with so few of us racing (four in total, all in different age brackets).

            Given how little top speed work I’ve done this season I’m expecting to run a wind legal sub 12 at some point this summer if I can stay injury free.

            15 May

            MB Throws – 4 x 3
            Accels – 2 x 30m in 4.37, 4.46 (huge tailwind, like a +6 m/s)
            70m (40m IL) in 8.93

            My right quad was bothering me, I was initially going to skip this session but felt good that morning so planned to do half of it. In hindsight it was better off as a rest day because now I’ll need to skip the Wednesday session on the 17th.

            16 May

            The Speed Code – Week 1 Day 2 (Core/Mobility)

            I had a nice chat with someone at the track the previous day, coincidentally one of those who didn’t turn up to the County Champs. He’s 49 and recommended I drop to 2 true speed sessions a week and a third at 90-95% if necessary. It aligns with what I’ve felt I should do, given my times during winter were usually so poor for 1 of the 3 sessions each week that I was unlikely to be going fast enough to improve.

            I’ve done Vert Code Elite and really rate the programming from Paul Fabritz and PJF Performance so I purchased The Speed Code. I’m not in a position to drop what I’m doing and follow all of it but I’ll weave as much as I can into my training, starting with core and mobility.

            17 May

            The Speed Code – Week 1 Day 1 (Warm up, Decels, Drills, Plyos)
            BB Step Ups – 3 x 6 x 60kg
            BB RLESS – 3 x 6 x 67.5kg
            Swiss Ball Reverse Hyper – 3 x 8
            RDL – 3 x 6 x 85kg
            Rotator Cuff – 3 x 8

            I did most of the speed code Lower Body day but substituted in my own weights program. I feel aches in muscles that have been dormant forever which is exactly what I hoped for in his programming. Looking ahead to next week I’ll probably do the three core/mobility sessions and maybe his warm up on one of the speed days. If I’m keeping three speed sessions I’ll also shift the volume around so I do more sprints when I’m running fast times.

            18 May

            The Speed Code – Week 1 Day 4 (Core/Mobility)

            I smashed this out at 6.30am before going to the office. It means I can pull mobility out of tomorrow’s conditioning session.

            Fraser Young

              SPP 7

              19 May

              Drills – AABB x 2
              Bike Tempo – 111,313,313,111 lvl 7, 160W
              MB Circuit – 10 reps in 3:17
              GS Circuit – 2 x 20 in 8:03, 7:45

              20 May

              Box Jumps – 3 x 3
              MB Throws – 2 x 3
              Broad Jump 241cm
              Accels, 30m in 4.36 (+3 m/s wind)
              Blocks – 3x30m
              5 x 60m in 7.60, 7.50, 7.51, 7.65, 7.60 (up to +5 m/s wind)
              Bench Press – 8 x 75, 5 x 85, 3 x 90, 3 x 1 x 102.5, 5 x 87.5kg
              Back Squat – 8 x 82.5, 5 x 95, 3 x 100, 3 x 1 x 115, 5 x 95kg

              Doing the bench and the squat power matrix is quite time consuming, hopefully it isn’t all the time.

              21 May

              MB Circuit – 1 x 15 in 4:45
              Bike Tempo – 111,312,212,111 lvl 7, 160W
              MB Circuit – 2 x 20 in 2:37, 2:41
              The Speed Code – Week 2 Day 2 (core/mobility)

              22 May

              The Speed Code – Week 1 Day 5 (Warm up, Decels, Drills, Plyos)
              MB Throws – 4 x 5
              BB Step Ups – 3 x 6 x 60kg
              BB RLESS – 3 x 6 x 70kg
              Swiss Ball Reverse Hyper – 3 x 8
              RDL – 3 x 6 x 85kg
              Rotator Cuff – 3 x 8
              A1 Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs)
              A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs

              I’m dropping to two track sessions per week so this middle session is a selection of exercises from The Speed Code and then my usual weights.

              23 May

              The Speed Code – Week 2 Day 4 (core/mobility)

              24 May

              Plyo Series – 2 x 20m
              Broad Jump – 249cm
              Blocks – 10,20,30,40m
              2 x 2 x 90m (3 mins between reps) flying 50m in 5.35 & 5.60, 5.44 & 5.61
              Bench Press – 8 x 75, 5 x 85, 3 x 90, 3 x 1 x 102.5, 5 x 87.5kg
              Back Squat – 8 x 82.5, 5 x 95, 3 x 100, 3 x 1 x 115, 5 x 95kg

              Wind was +2.5 m/s, I’ve had a very strong tailwind in the last few sessions so don’t really know what my times are when it’s still.

              25 May

              The Speed Code – Week 2 Day 6 (core/mobility)

              This was a good week of training, I’m still not sure what I want to do with The Speed Code beyond the core and mobility sessions.

              I have paid the entry fee for my next race, which is the evening of Tues 6th June. I might move one of my speed sessions to the late afternoon to get used to running at that time of day. Beyond that I’ve penciled in potential meets in July and August. It will be a case of picking one of those to properly taper for and see what time I can run.

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