8 Week Sprint Program (Mar 2022)

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  • #11228
    Fraser Young

      My last competitive race was as a 24 year old in 2011. I turned 35 earlier this week and wanted to dust off my sprint spikes and see what I can do. The county championships are 8 weeks away so that gives me a nice block of time to prepare myself.

      Other than lifting weights I’ve only really been doing longer, slower runs, though in the last few weeks I’ve introduced “tempo” runs, which are reps at about 16 secs per 100m.

      This week will be quite limited because I have laser tattoo removal on Tuesday 22nd. The current plan is going to be:

      Mon – Mobility & Core
      Tues – Lower Body Strength
      Wed – Upper Body Strength
      Thur – Lower Body Strength
      Fri – Mobility & Core
      Sat – Upper Body Strength
      Sun – Track Session

      That might be ambitious given the free time I have, but some sessions can last 30 mins.

      I wanted to get a track session under my belt before committing to this, in case I was horrendously slow. If I can’t run under 13 seconds I’ll be surprised and disappointed at the ravages of middle age.

      20 Mar

      Trek (plyometrics) – 2 x 20m
      Accelerations – 2 x 3 x 20m, 3 x 25m in about 3.7 secs & 4.5 secs
      Tempo Runs – 3 x 3 x 100m (30 secs / 2.5 mins) in 14.5-15.0 secs

      The 20m was paced out so could well be wrong, and I don’t even trust the markings on my local track so one day I might make the effort to measure that out too. I’ve no idea how good 3.7 secs is, my main concern was pulling a hamstring on day 1 so it wasn’t above 90% effort.

      If the tempo runs were indeed 100m then I’m in decent shape, it’s probably an 80% acceleration then effectively shutting off at a lower top speed, one where you’re running rather than sprinting and not too tense.

      My old coach had printouts with names for every set of drills. I’ll share them on my website for anyone interested in seeing what “Trek” consists of (skips for height, distance, straight leg scissor runs etc.)

      Fraser Young

        25 Mar

        Mobility work

        26 Mar

        Core – 4 supersets

        I had laser tattoo removal on the 22nd so couldn’t do anything for the first few days.

        27 Mar

        Trek (plyometrics) – 2 x 20m
        3 x 20m in ~3.3 secs
        3 x 25m in ~3.9 secs
        3 x 30m in ~4.5 secs
        Tempo Runs – 3 x 3 x 100m (30 secs / 2.5 mins) in 14.5-15.5 secs

        I took a tape measure this time and last week must have been too far. I’m quite relieved my times are faster, though still not sure what it equates to over 100m. There’s a website that does predictions so once I start doing more consistent 40/50/60m runs I’ll know more. https://www.brianmac.co.uk/sprints/pred250.htm For 4.75 secs across 30m (adding in reaction time of 0.25) it puts me at 12.40 which sounds accurate if not a touch optimistic based on my current shape.

        Fraser Young

          28 Mar

          Mobility & Core

          29 Mar

          A1 TKE Squat – 2 x 15
          A2 Glute/HS Activation – 2 x 8 x 5 secs
          Alternating Ankle Hops – 2 x 40 secs
          Standing Vert – 2 x 6
          Oscillating Squat – 3 x 12 x 40kg
          DB RLESS ISO – 3 x 4 x 20kg
          B1 – Reverse Plank – 3 x 25 secs
          B2 – SL Calf Raise – 3 x 15

          A lot of this is taken from Vert Code Elite.

          31 Mar

          A1 TKE Squat – 2 x 15
          A2 Glute/HS Activation – 2 x 8 x 5 secs
          Alternating Ankle Hops – 2 x 40 secs
          Standing Vert – 2 x 6
          Oscillating Squat – 3 x 12 x 40kg
          DB RLESS ISO – 3 x 4 x 20kg
          B1 – Reverse Plank – 3 x 25 secs
          B2 – SL Calf Raise – 3 x 15

          Same session again but already adapting better to the RLESS isometrics.

          1 Apr

          Mobility & Core

          3 Apr

          Trek (plyometrics) – 2 x 20m
          2 x 20m in ~3.4 secs
          2 x 25m in ~4.0 secs
          2 x 30m in ~4.6 secs
          2 x 3 x 80m [25m IL] (5 mins / 8 mins)
          10.63, 10.71, 10.72
          10.63, 10.79, 11.??

          I ditched the tempo for some longer runs based on what I had in my old training logs around March/April time. That’s obviously following an indoor season so not directly comparable, but I wanted to try and jump into an outdoor season training plan.

          I wasn’t surprised that my shorter runs were slower, the RLESS ISO is a real quad killer. From 30-80m takes me an extra 6 secs so ~8.3m/s, I ran low 9’s at Uni and could cover 90m in the time it now takes me to run 80m. It’s hard not to compare to those times but really I’d like to run comfortably under 13 secs to consider going to get an electronic time at an athletics meet.

          It’s still early days and I was so unfit I couldn’t even complete the 6th run without slowing down, so I didn’t even time it.

          Fraser Young

            4 Apr

            Mobility & Core

            5 Apr

            A1 TKE Squat – 2 x 15
            A2 Glute/HS Activation – 2 x 8 x 5 secs
            Alternating Ankle Hops – 2 x 40 secs
            Standing Vert – 2 x 6
            Oscillating Squat – 3 x 12 x 40kg
            DB RLESS ISO – 3 x 4 x 20kg
            B1 – Reverse Plank – 3 x 25 secs
            B2 – SL Calf Raise – 3 x 15

            7 Apr

            A1 TKE Squat – 2 x 15
            A2 Glute/HS Activation – 2 x 8 x 5 secs
            Alternating Ankle Hops – 2 x 40 secs
            Standing Vert – 2 x 6
            Oscillating Squat – 3 x 12 x 40kg
            DB RLESS ISO – 3 x 4 x 20kg
            B1 – Reverse Plank – 3 x 25 secs
            B2 – SL Calf Raise – 3 x 15

            The RLESS is the hardest part of the session but this was the easiest of the four times I’ve done it.

            8 Apr

            Mobility & Core

            10 Apr

            Trek (plyometrics) – 2 x 20m
            2 x 20m in ~3.3 secs
            2 x 25m in ~3.9 secs
            2 x 30m in ~4.45 secs
            3, 2 x 80m [27.5m IL] (5 mins / 8 mins)
            10.47, 10.31, 10.31
            10.19, 10.41

            Good session, slight tailwind but I felt a lot sharper than last week. I had a tight left adductor and on the final rep I needed to ease off because I could feel my right hamstring. Neither would be considered a strain but I’m happy to check my ego and run everything 95% from now on instead of chasing times.

            I skipped the last rep because otherwise I’d be late for work, but given my hamstring I would have stopped anyway. Using an online timer last week’s runs equated to 13.1 for 100m and this week would be 12.8, so I’m moving in the right direction. Anything under 12.50 would be enough for me.

            Fraser Young

              11 April

              Yoga for Athletes – 35 mins

              I did want to do the Jumper’s Yoga from Vert Code Elite but I can’t find the link, so I found something on YouTube

              12 April

              Overhead Plate Squat – 2 x 6 x 20kg
              Cossack Squat – 2 x 8 x 15kg
              Hex DL/RDL Combo – 3 x 4 x 100kg
              DB Oscillating RLESS – 3 x 8 x 10kg
              Achilles Combo – 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps

              After feeling my adductor on Sunday I threw in some cossack squats today. The DL/RDL combo is just a concentric deadlift and eccentric RDL. The achilles combo is a single leg hop at 60% intensity for the given time, then 2 up 1 down calf lowers.

              13 April

              Core – 3 supersets

              This was meant to be right after the yoga but I’m happy to give it its own day.

              14 April

              Overhead Plate Squat – 2 x 6 x 20kg
              Cossack Squat – 2 x 8 x 15kg
              Hex DL/RDL Combo – 3 x 4 x 100kg
              DB Oscillating RLESS – 3 x 8 x 10kg
              Achilles Combo – 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps

              15 April

              Yoga for Athletes – 35 mins

              17 April

              Trek (plyometrics) – 2 x 20m
              3 x 20m in ~3.4 secs
              2 x 30m in ~4.5 secs
              3 x 150m EFM (10 mins) ??, ??, 12.8 secs

              EFM here is Easy-Fast-Maintain, 50 metres of each. That means a submax acceleration then full effort from 50-100m before maintaining the speed rather than pushing in the final 50m. I failed to start and stop my timer correctly not once but twice, and only got a time for my third run.

              The times are for the flying 100m but are not a true flying time. At Uni my best was around 10.7-10.8 when I was running 11.8, which left me a little concerned about what that means when I manage 12.8. I didn’t feel like I was fading but I don’t have that strong winter training base so it’s no real surprise. It’s only 7.8 m/s though was also into a headwind. At the moment I’m not confident about signing up for the county championships on the 14th and I’ve already made other plans that day.

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