7 Weeks to 100 Push Ups (Mar 2023)

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  • #12567
    Fraser Young

      WEEK 5

      14 Apr

      Warm up
      Push ups – 21,27,23,23,31+2
      Cool down

      I did this in the late afternoon and felt really good, 2.5 mins rest between sets and 3.5 mins before the final set.

      16 Apr

      Warm up
      Push ups – 15,15,21,21,15,15,36
      Cool down

      Another late afternoon session, this time a mixture of outside and on my kitchen floor. I could tell from the sets of 21 that I had more in the tank and I was really pleased to match the desired reps.

      18 Apr

      Warm up
      Push ups – 15,15,22,22,15,15,36+2
      Cool down

      Almost identical to the previous session and a very similar result. The target was 38 and I thought I had it but I faded after 30. The final sets for next week are 42+, 46+ and 50+. They seem unattainable if you think in terms of adding 4 reps every time, but by percentages it’s really more like doing a set of 10 and asking you to reach 11 next time.

      The two things that have really helped this week (in my opinion) are the 2.5 minutes rest and choosing late afternoon. A quick online search confirms that body temperature peaks late afternoon and so I will continue to train pushups at that time.

      Here’s a sped up version of my final set on 18th April

      Fraser Young

        WEEK 6

        21 Apr

        Warm up
        Push ups – 18,28,24,24,31
        Cool down

        Completely blanked on the need to do more in the final set, the target was 42 reps. I could feel my bicep straining quite a bit so I added an extra stretch for it afterwards.

        23 Apr

        Warm up
        Push ups – 18,18,24,24,19,19,32+9+5
        Cool down

        25 Apr

        Warm up
        Push ups – 20,20,26,26,21,21,37+9+4
        Cool down

        A best effort in this program at 37 reps, pleased considering this was the 7th set.

        Fraser Young

          WEEK 7

          28 Apr

          Warm up
          Push ups – 20,32,26,26,25+9+9+7
          Cool down

          Developing some intense tightness across my elbow in certain positions and also my upper traps. There’s definitely something that is either being missed by the post-workout stretches or that just can’t handle the volume.

          30 Apr

          Warm up
          Push ups – 20,20,24,24,20,20,23,34+10+8+3
          Cool down

          The volume is too much, I’m knackered by the final set. Using 2.5 mins rest until the final set and holding firm at 52 bpm.

          2 May

          Warm up
          Push ups – 24,24,31,31,26,26,24,29+9+7+7+8
          Cool down

          Huge amounts of cumulative fatigue have built up in my arms and I felt tired before the first set. For the final set I tried to sneak it up to 54 bpm but that turned out to be far too fast so I dialed it back. I was using 3 minutes rest between sets and barely finished some of these.

          Today is Tuesday, I would say the earliest I would consider a max effort set would be Sunday. I’m tempted to do something in between especially given the extreme tightness across my elbow. I have Kelly Starrett’s Becoming a Supple Leopard which will likely have some nice exercises to go through on Friday.

          100 reps is very unlikely but I’m expecting to land north of 50.

          Fraser Young

            7 May

            Warm up
            Pushups – 58
            Cool down

            As with my first test I did this mid-morning and with a metronome set at 50 beats per minute. My body doesn’t feel completely recovered but it may be I need a load of soft tissue work to fix that.

            9 May

            Warm up
            Pushups – 60
            Cool down

            I gave it 48 hours and tried again, this time mid-afternoon and with a metronome at 52 beats per minute. I felt worse going into this than I did 2 days ago but due to scheduling I can’t really fit this in any other time. I was happy to reach 60 but wanted more.

            10 May

            Weight – 71.4kg, 16.3% body fat
            Measurements: Bicep tensed (36.5cm), Chest (103cm), Waist (81cm)

            Bench Press – 1 x 110kg

            I was pleased to see my 1RM hasn’t moved, and in fact this went up a little smoother than my attempt back in March prior to this program. That said, I have put on 2.3kg (1.7kg is muscle) so by body-weight strength I’m weaker.

            Here are my 58 reps

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