2015 Training Log

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  • #9306
    Fraser Young

      2 Nov

      Squats 3 x 20
      Press-ups 3 x 10

      Grass Runs

      3 x 1 mile (8 mins rest) – 6:54, 7:50, 8:18

      V-Situps 4 x 12
      DB Toe Touch 4 x 6 x 2.5kg per side
      RKC Plank 4 x 20 secs

      4 Nov

      Jumps for Height 3 x 5
      Drop Jump to Broad Jump 3 x 5
      Jump Squat 3 x 5 x 60kg
      Back Squat 5 x 3 x 125kgt
      OHP 5 x 3 x 62.5kg
      Bent Over Row 3 x 6 x 75kg
      Single Arm angled Press-up 3 x 6
      Pull-ups 3 x 10
      Abs: Hanging Leg Raise 4 x 11 x 3.5kg, RKC Plank 4 x 20 secs, Roman Twist 4 x 24 x 10kg plate

      7 Nov

      Rugby Match 3rd XV (lost 26-18)

      9 Nov

      Depth Jump (height) 3 x 5
      Speed Skaters 3 x 10
      Power Clean 3 x 4 x 75kg
      Front Squat 5 x 3 x 95kg
      RDL 3 x 10 x 77.5kg
      Clap Push-ups 3 x 10
      Bench Press 5 x 3 x 97.5kg
      BW Chin Ups 3 x 10
      Seated Rows 3 x 10 x 120lbs
      Hollow Rock 4 x 20 secs
      Twists 4 x 30 x 10kg plate

      11 Nov

      Grass Runs – Chip and Chase

      14 Nov

      Rugby Match 3rd XV (lost 24-28)

      Pulled hip flexor in the warm up but had to play as no subs.

      17 Nov

      Grass Runs

      4 x 1/4 mile (rest 2 mins, 90 sec, 90 sec)
      1:40, 1:40, 1:47, 1:40 (target 1:47)

      19 Nov

      Grass Runs
      3 mile Tempo (Target 24:45, 8:15/mi)
      25:37 (8:23, 8:38, 8:36)

      21 Nov

      Road/Footpath Run
      6 mile “Long Run” (Target 54:00, 9:00/mi)
      59:20 (8:40, 9:15, 9:55, 10:15, 10:40, 10:30)

      24 Nov

      Grass Runs

      4 x 1/2 mile (rest 2 mins)

      3:39, 3:40, 3:41, 3:48 (target 3:40)

      Clap Pushups 3 x 10
      DB Curl & Press 3 x 6 x 18.75kg
      DB Row 3 x 10 x 30kg
      One Arm Press-up Progression 3 x 8 – free hand sliding support
      Pullups 2 x 8
      V-Sits 4 x 12
      RKC Plank 4 x 20 secs

      26 Nov

      Grass Runs
      4 mile Tempo (Target 33:00, 8:15/mi)
      33:44 (7:58, 8:28, 8:40, 8:38 – avg 8:26)

      Hollow Rock 4 x 20 secs

      28 Nov

      Hex Bar Deadlift 5 x 5 x 120kg
      KB Swings 4 mins Tabata with 20kg
      Hollow Rock 4 x 20 secs
      Dead Bug 1 x 60 secs

      Fraser Young

        1 Dec

        Grass Runs

        3 x 1 mile (3 mins rest)
        Target 7:48 – 7:40, 8:14, 8:18 (average 8:04)

        One Arm Press-up Progression 3 x 8 – second arm at full stretch whole time with 5 fingertip contact
        V-Situps 4 x 12

        2 Dec

        Hex Bar Deadlift 5 x 5 x 120kg
        KB Swings 4 mins Tabata with 20kg
        Hollow Rock 4 x 20 secs
        Dead Bug 1 x 60 secs

        5 Dec

        Stationary Bike 60 mins

        9 Dec

        Grass Runs

        6 x 1/4 mile (2 mins rest) Target 1:47

        1:43, 1:47, 1:36, 1:42, 1:45, 1:29 (avg 1:40)

        Hollow Rock 4 x 20 secs
        Dead Bug 60 secs

        16 Dec

        Grass Runs

        6.1 miles in 60 mins (9:50/mi)

        19 Dec

        Hex Bar DL – 5 x 60kg, 3 x 80kg, 1 x 100kg, 1 x 120kg, 1 x 140kg

        Cheeky warm up before rugby.

        Rugby Match (4th XV) Lost 50?-10

        22 Dec


        8.1 miles in 80 mins

        Still no home gym, garage is leaking and i’m not putting metal in there until it’s sorted. Made a 2 mile loop on google maps but didn’t know that included a huge hill, ran it 4 times and felt pretty strong.

        28 Dec

        THE RUN

        12.45 miles in 2 hours 6 mins

        Run with a friend of mine who is a Pro Ironman, safe to say he was not challenged by my pace. Having someone always pushing me made a huge difference mentally and despite not feeling great when I started i’m happy with the effort. First 3 miles my pre-workout was settling, miles 3-10 were smooth and then hip flexors were seizing up and calf was cramping. The morning after (as I type) there’s a lot of hip and knee stiffness but by tomorrow i’ll be able to walk properly.

        29 Dec

        Pull Ups 4 x 5
        Press-ups 4 x 10

        30 Dec

        Agile 8 (warm up)
        Box Jump 2 x 5 x 30’, 1 x 5 x 33’
        Speed Skater 3 x 10
        Power Clean 5 x 2 (60,65,70,70,75kg)
        Hex Bar DL 5 x 5 (90,100,110,110,110kg)
        RDL 5 x 8 x 60kg
        V-Situps 3 x 10 x 1.25kg
        Ab Twists 3 x 20 x 10kg

        31 Dec

        Clap Pushups 3 x 8
        A1 Push Press 6 x 40kg, 5 x 45kg, 4 x 50kg, 6 x 42.5kg, 5 x 47.5kg, 4 x 52.5kg
        A2 Pull Ups 6 x 5
        B1 Bent Over Row 5 x 8 x 52.5kg
        B2 Diamond Push Ups 5 x 10 – would be close grip bench but no bench
        Face Pulls 4 x 15
        Jump Rope 4 min Tabata


        This was a tough year of training, I packed a lot into each session as it was a 20-25 minute drive to the gym. I did a lot of running for rugby fitness but also for the annual Xmas run around Bewl Water. I rarely try max deadlift but this was the year I pulled 180kg and I think that was down to doing 5 sets of 10 at about 110kg with 2 mins rest.

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