2011 Training Log

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  • #10388
    Fraser Young

      June 3

      Rest and recovery my arse, I was in a van following my friend as he cycled the length of the United Kingdom (874 miles) non-stop, and I ended up having to be a support rider for the night stages and the last bit, 170 miles in all. Got the worst quad doms of my life and it took me two days before I could get up or down stairs unassisted. He did it by the way, took 78.5 hours and raised loads for a children’s charity, f**king impressive mental strength.

      Bench Press
      5 x 75kg
      5 x 85kg
      4 x 97.5kg

      DB Rows
      3 x 8 x 45kg

      Not bad, my triceps were tired from the cycle and I was expecting two reps at 97.5kg.

      June 4

      KB Swings
      2 x 15 x 18.5kg

      Back Squat (can’t climb stairs but I’ll be damned if I can’t squat)
      5 x 110kg
      5 x 120kg
      4 x 130kg

      Ab Circuit, 3 x 3 mins

      Good session. I’m sick of my doms so wanted to give my legs something they’re used to recovering from, was cautious on the final set of squats and didn’t force a 5th rep. Not too optimistic about my return to track but I’ve pencilled in monday afternoon for the 5 x 200m session.

      June 6

      3 x 200, 2 x 200m – 28.1, 27.4, 26.3 26.1, 25.7

      Legs were not their most coordinated to begin with and I over-estimated how fast I was running the first two reps. The last rep felt almost like a sprint so I think another week is needed before i’m back to full fitness.

      June 7

      3 x 103.5kg
      3 x 118.5kg
      7 x 133.5kg

      Bird Dogs
      2 x 20

      Ab Circuit, 3 x 3 mins

      Solid deadlift given my time off and cycling stuff, needed around 25 minutes to get off the floor after the final set though.

      June 8

      Bench Press
      5 x 75kg
      5 x 85kg
      3 x 97.5kg
      1 x 105kg

      DB Rows
      3 x 8 x 45kg

      June 9

      2 x 5 x 128.5kg

      Ab Bridges, 3 x 3 mins

      June 11

      KB Swings
      2 x 15 x 18.5kg

      Back Squat
      5 x 110kg
      5 x 120kg
      4 x 135kg

      Ab Circuit, 3 x 3 mins

      Did acceleration runs today and my right quad was aching quite a bit so I didn’t attempt a 5th rep. I’m still a few days from being back to normal, can’t wait to get back into my routine.

      June 13

      Track Work
      3 x 200, 2 x 200m – 25.1, 26.0, 26.2 25.6, 26.7

      After last week I didn’t want to run a slow first rep so I hit the bend and held strong to the line. Was not expecting 25.1!! My endurance held up so well, on another day I could easily have run 27’s for the rest of them after a time like that. I hit the 4th rep with the intention of scraping a 26 low on the last rep but my technique went and I shuffled through the line.

      Next target is all sub 26 which I could’ve done today with a bit of consistency.

      June 14

      5 x 111kg
      3 x 126kg
      5 x 141kg

      Bird Dogs
      2 x 20

      Weighted Ab Circuit

      Didn’t push it, they were five very comfortable reps and my lower back was nice and straight.

      June 15

      A1 Alternate Bench Press
      3 x 12 x 36kg

      A2 Explosive Pushups
      3 x 8

      Dumbbell Rows
      3 x 8 x 45kg

      Fraser Young

        June 17

        KB Swings
        2 x 15 x 18.5kg

        Back Squat
        5 x 115kg
        5 x 125kg
        5 x 140kg

        Ab Bridges
        3 x 3 mins

        Very comfortable squats, took my stance a little wider and didn’t even call for a spotter on the heavy set. Pleased to get my strength back and should be able to maintain from now until August while increasing my deadlift.

        June 19

        Track Work
        80, 100, 120m falling. 9.48, 11.51, 13.94.

        2 x 5 x 118.5kg

        Ab Bridges
        3 x 3 mins

        Really hit and miss technique with the flat out runs, with the middle one being almost spot on. Lowered the weight in SLRDL and went through full RoM and felt very strong.

        June 21

        Track Work
        3 x 200m, 2 x 200m – 25.8, 26.1, 26.6 25.4, 25.6

        Had really heavy legs in the thrid rep and could barely make the line. Much stronger on the final two reps and pushed the last one so hard I threw up a bit at the side of the track. Haven’t pushed it that much in over a year.

        June 22

        5 x 76kg
        5 x 88.5kg
        5 x 103.5kg

        Bird Dogs
        2 x 20

        Abs, 3 sets

        June 23

        A1 Alternate Bench Press
        3 x 14 x 36kg

        A2 Explosive Pushups
        3 x 8

        Dumbbell Rows
        3 x 8 x 45kg

        June 24

        Track Work
        3 x 120m. Last 80m times – 8.60, 8.55, 8.64

        It was 40m build up and 80m fast so I timed the flying runs and was pretty pleased with those, as always i’ll look to lower that time over the next month or so.

        June 25

        KB Swings
        2 x 15 x 18.5kg

        Back Squat
        5 x 120kg
        5 x 130kg
        5 x 140kg

        Ab Circuit, 2 x 3 mins

        This is an easy week but I didn’t want to do less today as I’ve only just got back to 140kg squats.

        June 27

        Track Work
        80, 100, 120m falling start. 9.26 =PB, 11.44 PB, 13.72

        2 x 5 x 118.5kg

        Ab Bridges, 3 x 3 mins

        Nice set of times today, everything was smooth from start to finish and the only improvement would be if I was fresher.

        June 29

        Track Work
        3 x 200m, 2 x 200m – 26.0, 26.3, 26.1 26.2, 25.5

        June 30

        5 x 101kg
        5 x 116kg
        10 x 131kg PB

        Bird Dogs
        2 x 20

        Weighted Abs, 3 sets

        Alt DB Bench
        3 x 14 x 36kg

        Explosive Pushups
        3 x 8

        DB Rows
        3 x 8 x 45kg

        Fraser Young

          July 2

          KB Swings
          2 x 15 x 18.5kg

          Power Cleans
          1 x 81kg
          1 x 86kg
          1 x 88.5kg
          1 x 91kg
          1 x 93.5kg
          1 x 96kg

          Couldn’t get to the track today as it shut early so did power cleans.

          July 4

          Track Work
          80, 100, 120m falling. 9.36, 11.47, 13.86

          Bench Press
          8 x 75kg
          5 x 85kg
          3 x 90kg
          3 x 1 x 102.5kg
          5 x 87.5kg

          Third run was really tense and a mess. Power matrix in bench.

          July 6

          Track Work
          250m (90 secs) 150m 33.4, 19.9 total 53.3 secs
          300m (90 secs) 100m 39.6, 12.9 total 52.5 secs

          Pacing was hard and I could’ve hit 52 flat as I intended to do. This replaces my 5x200m session and recovery will be cut followed by distance and then intensity upped.

          July 7

          3 x 108.5kg
          3 x 123.5kg
          7 x 138.5kg

          Bird Dogs
          2 x 20

          Weighted Ab circuit, 295 reps & bridges

          July 8

          Alternate DB Bench
          2 x 16 x 36kg
          1 x 12 x 36kg

          Explosive Pushups
          3 x 8

          DB Rows
          3 x 8 x 45kg

          Race on the 13th so not many weights before then

          July 11

          3 x 200m, 2 x 200m all in around 27 flat.

          July 12

          SL Calf Raises
          1 x 12 x 10kg
          1 x 12 x 20kg

          Plantar Flexor Res. Band pull
          2 x 12

          I was at a biomechanics lecture the day before and direct calf work came up and these were discussed – I had a race the next day but wanted to see what they were like.

          July 13

          100m – 12.04 (-2.4)

          Quite a strong headwind. Had the best first 40m of my life and was over a metre ahead and thought it was wrapped up but I hadn’t done a top speed session in a while and it showed when I was a little short of the pace and I ended up getting pipped by a few hundredths.

          200m – 24.28 (-0.8)

          This was almost 10pm at night as there were loads of 1500m races that dragged on. Again my acceleration was excellent and other than easing up a little at about 80m I ran how I wanted to, with good form on the straight but again a little lacking in top speed.

          Times are meh but the last races have been a really nice tailwind so can’t make a direct comparison.

          July 14

          5 x 116kg
          3 x 131kg
          1 x 146kg PB
          1 x 156kg PB

          Hyper Extensions
          2 x 20

          SL Calf Raises
          3 x 12 x 21kg

          Plantar Flexor Res. Band pull
          2 x 12

          Weighted Ab circuit, 295 reps & bridges

          This was my last bit of deadlit for the summer and I wanted a quick test of my 1RM. My back started rounding when I tried 161kg so I stopped, but 156kg is pretty good considering I weigh about 69kg at the moment.

          Fraser Young

            July 15

            A1 Weighted Dips
            1 x 12 x 10kg
            2 x 12 x 12.5kg

            A2 Explosive Pushups
            3 x 8

            DB Rows
            3 x 8 x 41kg

            July 16

            Track Work
            2 x Flying 80m – 8.40, 8.50

            Damn I felt good today, I think the hip flexor stretching i’ve done recently has improved my glute activation as it feels like i’m using them more at top speed. Only did two runs as i’m still recovering from the races on wednesday.

            Hyper Extensions
            2 x 20

            Ab Bridges, 2 x 4 mins

            July 18

            Track Work
            150, 120m falling. 17.42, 13.91.

            The runs felt good enough, maybe expected a little faster in the 120, looking to approach 16.7 and 13.4 for those runs by the end of the year although right now that sounds optimistic.

            Muscle Ups
            6, 6, 10

            20, 20, 15

            Was 5kg heavier when I last did muscle ups and wow can I notice the difference. I was cautious for the first two sets and could’ve done more than ten in the last but had dips straight afterwards

            July 19

            KB Swings
            3 x 15 x 16.5kg

            A1 Full Squat
            8 x 21kg (5cm off)
            8 x 26.5kg (2-3cm off)
            7 x 34kg (1-2cm off) + 1 x 34kg full depth (woo!)
            8 x 40kg to box

            A2 Squat to Stand Drill
            3 x 6

            SL Calf Raises
            3 x 12 x 21kg

            Plantar Flexor Res. Band pull
            2 x 12

            Ab Bridges, 4 mins

            July 21

            Track Work

            250m (60 secs) 150m in 31.1 PB, 19.4 total 50.5 secs PB
            (25 mins)
            300m (60 secs) 100m in 39.3 PB, 12.4 total 51.7 secs

            Surprised is not the word. I can’t attribute it all to the extra mobility as I did push harder this week, but I finished the 250m feeling great and didn’t lose form in any of the runs.

            July 22

            Single Leg Skipping (change legs every 5 hops)
            4 x 60

            A1 Squat to Stand Drill
            4 x 6

            A2 Full Squats
            8 x 41kg
            8 x 51kg
            8 x 54.5kg
            8 x 56.5kg

            Glute-Ham Raise
            3 x 6

            Weighted Ab Circuit, 310 reps & bridges (80 sec side, 140 sec front)

            July 23

            A1 Weighted Dips
            2 x 12 x 14kg
            1 x 12 x 15kg

            A2 Explosive Pushups
            3 x 8

            DB Rows
            3 x 8 x 41kg

            July 24

            Track Work
            2 x 40 build up 80 flying, 80m – 8.60, 8.68.

            Times weren’t as fast as last week but I didn’t feel great this morning and the box jumps before it were laboured. Think part of the reason has been that i’ve performed better than expected the last few days and it has caught up with me.

            July 25

            KB Swings
            3 x 15 x 16.5kg

            A1 Squat to Stand
            4 x 6

            A2 Full Squats
            8 x 44.5kg
            8 x 61.5kg
            8 x 66.5kg
            8 x 69.5kg

            SL Calf Raises
            2 x 18 x 21kg

            Plantar Flex. Res. Band
            2 x 15

            Ab Bridges, 2 x 4 mins 30

            Squatting 61kg felt easy which is a nice sign of progress, and I managed to get up to BW to full depth on the final set. There’s a muscle near my hip which is a notable weak point and if I can continually target that then i’ll creep the weight up while maintaining very strict form. Good burn in the calves from raises.

            July 27

            Track Work (SPEED)
            Blocks 5 x 30m
            2 x 2 x Flying 25m

            Glute-Ham Raises
            2 x 6
            1 x 8

            A1 Squat to Stand
            4 x 6

            A2 Full Squats
            6 x 68.5kg
            6 x 76.5kg
            6 x 78.5kg
            6 x 81kg (form compromised on last two reps)

            July 29

            Blocks 2 x 30m, 2 x 40m
            80, 100, 120m falling. 9.73, 11.94, 14.10 (steady headwind)

            First run I was too relaxed, next two were good but times aren’t reflective due to winds.

            Muscle Ups
            3 x 7

            20, 20, 17

            July 30

            KB Swings
            2 x 15 x 16.5kg

            A1 Full Squats
            8 x 68.5kg
            5 x 76.5kg
            4 x 81kg
            4 x 81kg

            A2 Drop Jumps
            3 x 5

            Weighted Ab Work

            Fraser Young

              Aug 1

              Track Work
              200m, 150m falling. 23.50 PB, 17.28

              DAMN! I nailed that 200m, got a really smooth bend and worked on rhythmical arm drive in the last 50m without fading at all. Almost a pb in the 150m and there wasn’t even a tailwind.

              A1 Weighted Dips
              1 x 12 x 15kg
              1 x 12 x 17.5kg
              1 x 12 x 20kg

              A2 Explosive Pushups
              3 x 8

              DB Rows
              3 x 8 x 41kg

              Ab Circuit, 2 x 4 mins

              Aug 3

              Track Work
              Blocks 2×20, 2×30, 2x40m
              2 x 2 x Flying 25m

              Glute-Ham Raises
              3 x 8

              A1 Squat to Stand
              2 x 6

              A2 Full Squats
              8 x 71kg
              6 x 78.5kg
              5 x 81kg
              4 x 83.5kg

              Ab Bridges, 9 mins

              Aug 5

              Track Work
              Blocks 2 x 30, 2 x 40m
              80, 100, 120m falling. 9.20 PB, 11.48, 13.71.

              Did NOT expect that in the first run, I mean if felt good but not pb shape. only 0.04 off my 100m training pb so that backed up the form.

              Muscle Ups
              7, 4

              20, 20

              Aug 6

              KB Swings
              2 x 15 x 16.5kg

              Full Squats
              8 x 73.5kg
              5 x 83.5kg
              4 x 86kg
              4 x 88.5kg

              Drop Jumps
              3 x 5

              Weighted Ab Circuit, 310 reps & 3 mins bridges

              Aug 8

              Track Work
              3 x 200, 2 x 200m – 26.1, 26.3, 27.7 26.0, 27.1

              Always like doing these two days before my races. The runs were submax but rather than doing them relaxed I had to actively slow on the straight on two of the reps to stop me hitting my normal target times (before a race I try to do these runs in 27 flat). Finishing with a warm down then some long static stretching tonight, quick soft tissue work tomorrow morning then rest up for race day.

              Aug 10

              Race Day

              I felt about 7/10 today, perhaps doing a little too much deep tissue massage the night before but in all honesty I have one eye on the race at the end of the month and whatever I do today I hope to improve on by then.

              100m – 11.70 SB +1.7

              Very nice wind which I feel I didn’t take advantage of. My start was way too tense and I powered it to 25m before relaxing and finishing nicely. It’s a season’s best and the 2nd fastest electronic time i’ve run.

              200m – 23.83 PB +2.1

              Slightly illegal wind and a mere hundredth off my pb. My only problem with that run from start to finish was perhaps my reaction time and block clearance, other than that I was really pleased with my finishing strength. I’m finishing so well that I might think about putting more into the bend and seeing if I can hold on at the end.

              I ran 11.4 and 23.5 in training and this backs up my general calculation of +0.3 secs to get what i’d run in a race. At the start of the season I wrote down target times of 11.2 and 23.0 for training so if I can get nearer to those in the next few weeks it would give me a lot of confidence for the final race of the season.

              Aug 11

              A1 Weighted Dips
              12 x 20kg
              12 x 21.25kg
              12 x 22.5kg

              A2 Explosive Pushups
              3 x 8

              DB Rows
              3 x 8 x 41kg

              Aug 12

              KB Swings
              2 x 15 x 16.5kg

              Full Squats
              8 x 76kg
              5 x 86kg
              4 x 91kg
              4 x 96kg

              Drop Jumps
              3 x 5

              Bird Dogs
              2 x 20

              Weighted Ab Circuit, 310 reps, 3 mins bridges

              Aug 14

              Track Work

              200m, 150m falling. 23.57, 17.11 PB

              So pleased to repeat a similar time in the 200m and then to go and take a tenth of a second off my 150m training pb. I set out harder in the 200 and could feel myself fading with 50m to go, and I prefer being strong at the end so i’ll stick with my conservative bend running.

              A1 Weighted Dips
              3 x 12 x 22.5kg

              A2 Explosive Pushups
              3 x 8

              DB Rows
              3 x 8 x 41kg

              Ab Circuit, 6 mins

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