2010 Training Log

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  • #10406
    Fraser Young

      May 2

      Standing Vertical Jump – 21.5 inches (54cm)
      Step In Vertical Jump – 22.5 inches (57cm)

      Found some chalk this time to make a mark. Pleased and a little surprised at the increase in the step in (4cm). I was talking to a guy who’d got to week 12 with no increase, rested up and tested in each of the next 3 weeks and it went up a little each time, so hoping for something similar.

      VJB Plyometrics (Week 8)

      Power Skipping
      2 x 40m

      Box Squat Jumps
      2 x 6

      Shock Jumps
      3 x 5 x 75cm

      SL Calf Raises
      2 x 8

      Back Squat
      3 x 5 x 124.2kg

      Bench Press
      1 x 5 x 83kg
      2 x 5 x 85.2kg

      9 May

      100m – 12.0 hand timed. Ran 95% and I think my acceleration was maybe a bit less than that. The conditions were awful and I didn’t want to wait an hour and a half for the final so called it a day there. I slowed down the video to get an accurate time and it was around 11.92-94.

      11 May

      Clean Pulls
      3 x 4 x 72kg

      Seated Abduction
      2 x 20

      One Arm Barbell Rows
      3 x 8 x 38.5kg

      May 13

      Front Squat
      3 x 7 x 87.5kg

      ISO Hip Hold
      3 x 5kg x 15 secs

      Vertical Pushups
      2 x 7

      May 15

      VJ Test (55cm, 57cm)

      2 x 11

      I didn’t feel too springy during warm-up so i’m pleased to maintain my vert.

      May 16

      Box Squat Jumps
      3 x 5

      Back Squat (45cm)
      5 x 128.5kg
      2 x 5 x 133kg

      Bench Press
      2 x 5 x 81kg
      2 x 85.5kg, 4 x 76.5kg, 5 x 67.5kg, 6 x 58.5kg

      May 18

      High Pulls
      2 x 4 x 72kg
      1 x 4 x 63kg

      One Arm Barbell Rows
      3 x 10 x 39.5kg

      Seated Abduction
      2 x 20

      May 20

      Front Squat
      2 x 6 x 92kg
      1 x 6 x 96.5kg

      Vert. Pressups
      2 x 8

      ISO Hip Hold
      3 x 5kg x 15 secs

      May 22

      Bench Press
      8 x 65.2kg
      5 x 74.2kg
      3 x 80.7kg
      3 x 1 x 87.5kg
      5 x 76.5kg

      May 23

      Box Squat Jumps
      3 x 5

      Back Squat
      4 x 137.5kg
      4 x 142kg
      4 x 137.5kg

      May 25

      High Pulls
      3 x 4 x 63kg

      3 x 8 x 41.8kg

      May 27

      2 x 15

      ISO Hip Hold
      3 x 5kg x 15 secs

      May 29

      Bench Press
      8 x 67.5kg
      5 x 76.5kg
      3 x 83.2kg
      1 x 94.5kg
      2 x 0 x 94.5kg
      5 x 81kg

      May 30

      Box Squat Jumps
      3 x 5

      Front Squat
      6 x 96.5kg
      2 x 6 x 101kg

      Fraser Young

        June 1

        High Pulls
        2 x 4 x 63kg

        2 x 8 x 41.8kg

        June 3

        Pull ups
        2 x 10

        Clean Pulls
        2 x 4 x 63kg

        June 5

        Box Squat Jumps
        3 x 5

        Front Squats
        2 x 5 x 101kg

        June 6

        Bench Press
        8 x 67.5kg
        5 x 76.5kg
        3 x 83.2kg
        4 x 81kg

        June 10

        Pullups (wide arm, full extension no momentum)
        11, 10, 10

        Hang Cleans
        2 x 4 x 63kg

        Hip Extensor Res. Band
        3 x 10

        ISO HS hold
        3 x 15 secs

        Standing Knee Extension Res. Band
        3 x 10

        June 12

        Box Squat Jumps
        2 x 5

        Shock Jumps
        1 x 5 x 75cm

        Front Squat
        1 x 6 x 101kg
        1 x 4 x 105.5kg

        June 13

        Bench Press
        8 x 67.5kg
        5 x 77.5kg
        3 x 82.5kg
        1 x 95kg
        0 x 100kg
        5 x 80kg

        Tried bench round mates house, 100kg was unnecessary but he wanted to see how I’d handle it.

        June 14

        Straight Leg Pull Back Res. Band
        3 x 10

        June 19

        Straight Leg Pull Back Res. Band
        3 x 12

        June 20

        Bench Press
        8 x 67.5kg
        5 x 76.5kg
        2 x 83.2kg
        6 x 76.5kg

        June 22

        2 x 10

        Hang Cleans
        2 x 4 x 63kg

        Hip Extensor Res. Band
        3 x 15

        ISO HS hold
        3 x 15 secs

        Standing Knee Extension Res. Band
        2 x 10

        June 27

        Bench Press
        8 x 67.5kg
        5 x 77.5kg
        3 x 82.5kg
        3 x 1 x 95kg
        5 x 80kg

        3 x 5 x 90kg

        June 29

        2 x 12

        Hang Cleans
        2 x 4 x 62.5kg

        Hip Extensor Res. Band
        3 x 15

        ISO HS hold
        3 x 15 secs

        Standing Knee Extension Res. Band
        2 x 10

        Fraser Young

          July 1

          Straight Leg Pull Back Res. Band
          3 x 12

          July 3

          Plyo Hurdle Jumps
          4 x 6

          Shock Jumps
          5 x 81cm

          3 x 6 x 100kg

          Wall Sit/Ski Squats
          120 secs with 20kg plate, squat every 15 secs

          July 4

          Bench Press
          8 x 72.5kg
          5 x 80kg
          3 x 85kg
          1 x 97.5kg
          1 x 97.5kg
          1 x 97.5kg
          5 x 82.5kg

          Press-up Challenge
          4 x 25 (1 min btw sets)

          July 6

          Hang Cleans
          2 x 4 x 65.5kg

          Hip Extensor Res. Band
          3 x 15

          ISO HS hold
          3 x 15 secs

          July 8

          3 x 10 x 26kg

          DB Rows
          3 x 10 x 31kg

          July 10

          Plyo Hurdle Jumps
          4 x 6

          2 x 6 x 101.2kg
          1 x 6 x 103.5kg

          July 11

          Bench Press
          2 x 8 x 75kg
          1 x 7 x 75kg

          July 14

          100m race – 11.9. Wet conditions and no wind. Didn’t explode out the blocks as I’d liked but from 10m onwards the transition was good and I was pleased with upright running posture. Not run in 14 weeks so cobwebs were bound to be there and for the conditions and execution I think the time is a fair reflection.

          12 x 29kg
          12 x 31.5kg
          12 x 34kg

          Bent Over DB Chest Flyes
          3 x 8 x 4kg

          Barbell Curls
          3 x 10 x 29kg

          Lateral Raises
          3 x 10 x 6kg

          Much happier to do SLRDL with a barbell, had oblique problems when I got beyond 35kg with a DB last time I did them.

          July 15

          Plate Pinch Gripping
          10kg – 60 secs
          15kg – 33 secs
          15kg – 30 secs

          Seated Twists
          3 x 20 x 15kg

          July 17

          Hurdle Hops
          4 x 8 x ~50cm

          Power Skip
          2 x 40m

          Speed Hops
          3 x 25m per leg

          Standing Triple Jump
          2 per leg, 19.5 feet (as in my feet)

          Shock Jumps
          2 x 5 x 80cm

          —————– (20 mins rest)

          3 x 10 x 37kg

          5 x 100kg
          5 x 105kg
          5 x 110kg

          Single Leg Squats
          3 x 8 x 65kg (f**k me!!)

          Plate Pinch Gripping
          15kg – 40 secs

          SL squats after deadlift was savage, got a really good burn in glute and thigh. I’ve been running well in 2 of my 3 weekly speed sessions so I figured i’d sub out the shit one for plyos and weights.

          July 18

          Bench Press
          8 x 75kg
          5 x 80kg
          5 x 82.5kg

          Alternate DB Bench
          2 x 14 x 31kg
          1 x 12 x 31kg

          DB Rows
          3 x 12 x 33.5kg

          Bent Over DB Flyes
          3 x 15 x 4kg

          Seated Twists
          3 x 24 x 15kg

          July 20

          Hang Cleans
          2 x 4 x 66kg

          ISO HS Hold
          3 x 15 secs

          Bird Dogs
          3 x 20

          July 21

          Bench Press (90 secs rest)
          15 x 60kg
          11 x 60kg
          7 x 60kg

          Lateral Raises
          3 x 12 x 6kg

          Barbell Curls
          3 x 10 x 31.5kg

          DB Tricep Extensions
          3 x 10 x 9.5kg

          July 22

          Hang Cleans
          4 x 68.5kg
          4 x 71kg

          Dwain Squats (aggressive up and finish on toes, like a jump squat without leaving the floor)
          2 x 5 x 120kg
          1 x 5 x 130kg
          1 x 4 x 135kg

          I don’t know the name for squats rock onto toes so dwain squats it is. Wobbled on the 4th rep of 135 as I drove slightly behind the bar and forced it forward, didn’t want to risk a 5th.

          July 24

          Hurdle Hops
          4 x 8 x ~55cm

          Power Skip
          2 x 40m

          Speed Hops
          3 x 25m per leg

          Standing Triple Jump
          2 per leg, 21 feet

          Shock Jumps
          2 x 5 x 80cm

          (15 mins)

          3 x 12 x 42kg

          5 x 105kg

          Single Leg Squats
          2 x 8 x 70kg
          1 x 10 x 70kg

          Plate Pinch Gripping
          15kg – 41 secs

          July 25

          Bench Press
          8 x 75kg
          5 x 82.5kg
          5 x 85kg

          Alternate DB Bench
          2 x 16 x 31kg
          1 x 14 x 31kg

          DB Rows
          3 x 12 x 36kg

          Bent Over DB Flyes
          3 x 12 x 5kg

          Seated Twists
          3 x 30 x 15kg

          July 27

          Hang Cleans
          2 x 4 x 73.5kg

          Bird Dogs
          3 x 20

          July 28

          Bench Press (90 secs rest)
          13 x 70kg
          9 x 70kg
          6 x 70kg

          DB Tricep Extensions
          3 x 12 x 9.5kg

          Lateral Raises
          3 x 12 x 6kg

          Barbell Curls
          3 x 10 x 34kg

          July 30

          DB Rows
          3 x 9 x 41kg

          Explosive Pushups
          3 x 10

          Seated Twists
          3 x 24 x 20kg

          Eccentric SL HS Curls
          5 x 10kg
          8 x 10kg
          8 x 12.5kg

          July 31

          Hurdle Hops
          4 x 8 x 76cm

          Power Skip
          2 x 40m

          Speed Hops
          3 x 25m per leg

          Standing Triple Jump
          2 per leg, 22 feet

          Shock Jumps
          2 x 5 x 80cm

          (30 mins)

          1 x 5 x 108.5kg
          2 x 4 x 116kg

          2 x 12 x 44.5kg

          Single Leg Squats
          2 x 10 x 70kg
          1 x 11 x 70kg

          Plate Pinch Gripping
          15kg – 46 secs

          Fraser Young

            Aug 1

            Bench Press
            8 x 77.5kg
            5 x 85kg
            5 x 87.5kg

            Alternate DB Bench Press
            2 x 18 x 31kg
            1 x 14 x 31kg

            DB Rows
            3 x 11 x 41kg

            Bent Over DB Flyes
            3 x 12 x 5kg

            Seated Twists
            3 x 24 x 20kg

            Aug 3

            Bird Dogs
            3 x 20

            Hang Cleans
            2 x 4 x 73.5kg

            Eccentric SL HS Curls
            1 x 8 x 12.5kg
            2 x 8 x 15kg

            Aug 4

            Chin Ups
            3 x 15

            Bench Press (90 secs rest)
            15 x 70kg
            9 x 70kg
            6 x 70kg

            DB Tricep Extensions
            3 x 12 x 9.5kg

            Lateral Raises
            3 x 12 x 6kg

            Barbell Curls
            3 x 9 x 37kg

            Aug 7

            2 x 4 x 118.5kg

            Back Squat (39cm)
            2 x 6 x 110kg
            1 x 5 x 115kg

            Wall Sit/Ski Squats
            8 in 120 secs 25kg

            Aug 8

            Bench Press
            8 x 77.5kg
            2 x 5 x 85kg

            Alternate DB Bench Press
            2 x 18 x 31kg

            Proper DB Rows
            1 x 10 x 16kg
            2 x 10 x 18.5kg

            Bent Over DB Flyes
            2 x 12 x 5kg

            Seated Twists
            3 x 24 x 20kg

            Aug 10

            Eccentric SL HS Curls
            2 x 8 x 15kg

            Aug 11

            Proper DB Rows
            1 x 10 x 18.5kg
            2 x 10 x 21kg

            Alt DB Bench Press
            2 x 20 x 31kg

            Barbell Curls
            2 x 10 x 37kg

            Aug 14

            Back Squat
            6 x 110kg
            6 x 115kg
            2 x 5 x 120kg

            Eccentric SL Ham Curls
            8 x 15kg
            2 x 8 x 16.25kg

            Wall Sit/Ski Squats
            8 in 120 secs, 30kg

            Aug 15

            Proper DB Rows
            3 x 10 x 21kg

            Alt DB Bench Press
            2 x 20 x 31kg

            Seated Twists
            3 x 26 x 20kg

            Bent Over DB Flyes
            2 x 12 x 5kg

            Fraser Young

              Aug 17

              Hang Cleans
              2 x 4 x 73.5kg

              Eccentric SL Ham Curls
              2 x 8 x 16.25kg

              Hang cleans flew up, pleased with my power.

              Aug 18

              Chin Ups
              3 x 15

              Proper DB Rows
              3 x 11 x 21kg

              Alt DB Bench Press
              2 x 16 x 33.5kg

              BB Curls
              2 x 10 x 37kg

              Ab Circuit
              15 mins

              Aug 21

              Pullup Challenge
              40 in 2:10

              1 x 6 x 110kg
              1 x 6 x 120kg
              1 x 5 x 125kg

              Eccentric SL Ham Curls
              3 x 8 x 16.25kg

              Wall Sit/Ski Squats
              8 in 120 secs, 30kg

              Aug 27

              4 x 10 x 88.5kg

              Aug 29

              Hurdle Jumps
              4 x 8 x 76/84cm

              Jumps for Height
              3 x 6

              Jump into Lunge
              3 x 6 per leg

              Shock Jump
              3 x 5 x 80cm

              2 x 8 x 110kg
              2 x 8 x 112.5kg

              Eccentric SL Ham Curls
              2 x 9 x 20kg

              Side bridge 2 x 1 min per side
              Front bridge 2 mins

              Aug 30

              Proper DB Rows
              3 x 9 x 23.5kg

              Alt DB Bench Press
              1 x 18 x 33.5kg
              1 x 14 x 33.5kg

              BB Curls
              2 x 10 x 37kg

              Ab Circuit
              15 mins

              Aug 31

              Eccentric SL Ham Curls
              2 x 9 x 20kg

              Wall Sit/Ski Squats
              8 in 120 secs, 35kg

              Played basketball for an hour as a warm-up/vert. practice. Wall sit was easy, what a difference a session without acceleration makes to my quads.

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