Reply To: 2019 Training Log


    5 June

    Grass Run – 5.4km in ~27 mins (even 5:00/km pace throughout)

    A1 BB Rows – 4 x 8 x 70kg
    A2 Pec Stretch – 4 x 15 secs
    B1 Bench Press – 6,5,4 x 92.5kg
    B2 Trap Stretch – 3 x 15 secs

    I’d done the grass run in the morning and then didn’t feel up for the gym at all later in the day. I ended up calling it a day after each set of bench press felt harder as I took it as a sign my body was dealing with cumulative fatigue.

    7 June

    Vert Test – 56cm/22″
    Power Clean – 4 x 1 x 80kg
    Back Squat – 8,8,8,7 x 102.5kg
    A1 Hip Thrust – 4 x 6 x 110kg
    A2 Warrior Lunge – 4 x 15 secs
    Swiss Ball HS Curls – 12, 10
    B1 Dead Bug Twist – 3 x 12
    B2 Side Hip Thrust – 15,11,11
    C1 Single Leg Good Morning – 3 x 10 reps then 10 sec hold
    C2 Kneeling Lunge (raise and lower back knee = 1 rep) – 3 x 10 reps then 10 sec hold
    Half Splits PNF Stretch – 3 x 50 secs

    8-15 June on Holiday

    Daily stretching for posture and for the front splits. I had two active days, the 10th was up a mountain in Italy called Monte Fossa delle Felci and that was 962m elevation because my wife and I walked from the coast i.e. sea level, right to the summit. That was 2hrs up, 1hr down and tough on the legs. The 13th I tracked with my phone and we walked 6.5km in under 2 hrs. It was hot so included rest stops and maybe 350m elevation.

    I left for holiday around 74.2kg and came back 73.7kg. Won’t be much muscle loss as I was making sure to eat enough protein, so it’s likely the climbing is responsible.