Reply To: 2012 Training Log


    Aug 1

    Shoulder Press
    5 x 45kg
    3 x 51kg
    6 x 57kg

    Lat Pulldown
    4 x 10 x 50kg

    Bicep Curl
    3 x 8 x 45kg

    Tricep Kickbacks
    3 x 10 x 11kg

    Ok pressing, had a stomach bug again and spent 9 hours in the foetal position earlier today but shook it off long enough to complete this. Cut the assistance work as i’m doing the double session tomorrow.

    Aug 2

    5 x 80kg
    5 x 92kg
    10 x 104kg

    Good Mornings
    2 x 12 x 46kg
    2 x 12 x 51kg

    Hanging Leg Raise
    4 x 10

    Bench Press
    5 x 70kg
    3 x 79kg
    2 x 90kg

    Chest Flyes
    4 x 12 x 25kg

    Inverted Rows
    4 x 10

    Reverse Flyes
    4 x 12 x 3kg

    Aug 7

    3 x 86kg
    3 x 98kg
    6 x 111kg

    Good Mornings
    4 x 12 x 58.5kg

    Hanging Leg Raise
    4 x 10

    Bench Press
    5 x 63kg
    5 x 72kg
    5 x 82kg

    Chest Flyes
    4 x 10 x 30kg

    Inverted Rows
    4 x 10

    Reverse Flyes
    4 x 12 x 3kg

    Aug 13

    Shoulder Press
    5 x 42kg
    5 x 48kg
    7 x 55kg

    Lat Pulldown
    4 x 10 x 50kg

    Bicep Curls
    4 x 8 x 45kg

    Tricep Kickbacks
    4 x 10 x 11kg

    Slightly poor pressing as I fumbled getting the bar to my shoulders. Might start taking it off a rack instead of cleaning it to the starting position. Assistance work was fine, my diet’s been poor over the last week but i’m home now so no excuses for eating chocolate bars! (have eaten at least 20 of them last week)

    Aug 14

    5 x 92kg
    3 x 104kg
    6 x 116kg

    Good Mornings
    4 x 12 x 58.5kg

    Hanging Leg Raise
    4 x 10

    Aug 15

    Shuttle Runs
    39.7 secs, 37.2 secs

    One Lap (~400m)
    71.6 secs, DNF

    I was shockingly bad today, getting so out of breath I couldn’t complete the second one lap run.

    Aug 16

    Bench Press
    3 x 67kg
    3 x 77kg
    3 x 87kg

    Close Grip Bench Press
    4 x 10 x 58.5kg

    Inverted Rows
    4 x 10

    Reverse DB Flyes
    4 x 12 x 3kg

    I really dislike the first few weeks coming back into full training as i’m battling doms, I don’t know how much to increase it each week as I don’t know what my body is capable of, and I struggle with things I know will be beneath me in a months time. I’m also 151lbs as I haven’t been eating properly since February.

    Aug 19

    Shoulder Press
    3 x 45kg
    3 x 51kg
    6 x 58kg

    Lat Pulldown
    5 x 10 x 50kg

    Bicep Curls
    5 x 8 x 45kg

    5 min jog warm down

    Aug 20

    5 x 85kg
    5 x 98kg
    8 x 111kg

    Good Mornings
    4 x 12 x 58.5kg

    Hanging Leg Raise
    4 x 12

    5 min jog

    Aug 21

    Bench Press
    5 x 72kg
    3 x 82kg
    2* x 92kg

    Close Grip Bench Press
    4 x 10 x 58.5kg

    Inverted Rows
    4 x 10

    Reverse DB Flyes
    4 x 12 x 3kg

    *Spotter touched the bar between reps.

    Aug 22

    Box Shuttle Run (6 mins rest) – On a football (soccer) pitch, start in corner of 18 yard box and go diagonal, short side, diagonal, short side, I reckon it’s about 100m but could be way off

    20.16 secs, 19.70 secs, 19.54 secs

    Double Suicides (6 mins rest)- 18 yard box and back x 2, recovery = time it takes to do that, halfway line and back x 2, recovery of that time, full pitch and back x 2. Stop clock. As an example the first run is 3 mins 48 but included 20 and 48 seconds recovery, so 2 mins 40 of actual running.

    3 mins 48 secs, 3 mins 38 secs.

    Tempo – Run the length, walk the width x 8 average of 15.8 secs per run.

    1 mile run/warm down – 7 mins 25 secs

    That was the perfect amount of running, though i’m sure my calves will disagree tomorrow. I hope the explanations aren’t confusing. I lifted them off a pre-season training web site for football and adapted them slightly to fit me. The mile run is a nice marker to see how fit I am and how much the session took out of me. It’s not flat out but i’m conscious of the time and maintaining the speed round and it does get me out of breath.

    Aug 24

    OH Press
    5 x 48kg
    3 x 54kg
    3 x 61kg

    Lat Pulldowns
    5 x 8 x 55kg

    Bicep Curls
    5 x 9 x 45kg

    Aug 27

    3 x 91kg
    3 x 104kg
    6 x 117kg

    Good Mornings
    4 x 10 x 63.5kg

    Hanging Leg Raise
    4 x 12

    Aug 28

    Bench Press
    5 x 63kg
    5 x 73kg
    6 x 83kg

    Close Grip Bench Press
    4 x 9 x 63.5kg

    Reverse DB Flyes
    3 x 12 x 3kg

    Inverted Rows
    4 x 10

    Rotator Cuff
    3 movements, 3 x 10

    Aug 30

    60 mins

    Circuit A
    level 1,2,3

    My Circuits
    4 x 3 exercises, 30 sec on/30 sec off

    9kph, 6deg – 5 mins
    11kph, 5deg – 5 mins

    Aug 31

    Shoulder Press
    5 x 44kg
    5 x 51kg
    8 x 57kg

    Lat Pulldowns
    4 x 10 x 55kg

    Chin Ups
    2 x 12
    2 x 10+2