Reply To: 2012 Training Log


    Feb 1

    Tricep Kickbacks – 4 x 8 x 11kg

    Pullups – 17, 18, 12

    BB Upright Rows – 3 x 8 x 46kg

    Inverted Rows – 3 x 8

    BB Shrugs – 3 x 8 x 78.5kg

    Side Bridge 2 x 75 secs
    Front Bridge 2 x 90 secs

    Feb 2

    Donkey Kicks (5 sec ISO) – 2 x 10

    SL Glute Bridge (5 sec ISO) – 2 x 10

    Back Squats – 9 x 118.5kg, 8 x 118.5kg, 7 x 118.5kg

    Seated Band Abduction – 20, 15

    Ab Wheel Rollout – 4 x 15

    Feb 5

    Donkey Kicks – 2 x 20 x 2.5kg

    SL Glute Bridge – 2 x 20

    Back Squats – 10 x 118.5kg, 2 x 8 x 123.5kg

    Seated Band Abduction – 2 x 20

    Ab Wheel Rollout – 4 x 18

    Feb 6

    One Arm Pressup (Dresser) – 5 x 5

    Inverted Rows – 3 x 8

    Wide Arm Pushups – 17, 18, 19

    Bicep Curls – 3 x 8 x 45kg

    Decline Pushups – 27, 24, 20

    Renegade Rows – 3 x 12 x 5kg

    Feb 7

    Box Jumps – 1 x 105cm, 5 x 110cm

    Track Work
    7 x 15m (2 mins)
    7 x 25m (3 mins)

    Box Jumps 1 x 110cm, 5 x 115cm

    Feb 9

    Donkey Kicks – 2 x 20 x 2.5kg

    SL Glute Bridge – 2 x 20

    Back Squats – 10 x 123.5kg, 7 x 128.5kg, 6 x 128.5kg

    Seated Band Abduction – 2 x 20

    Side Bridge, 2 x 75 secs
    Front Bridge, 2 x 90 secs

    Feb 12

    Donkey Kicks – 2 x 20 x 2.5kg

    SL Glute Bridge – 2 x 20

    Back Squats – 2 x 8 x 128.5kg, 6 x 128.5kg

    Seated Band Abduction – 2 x 20

    Side Bridge, 2 x 80 secs
    Front Bridge, 2 x 100 secs

    Feb 13

    Tricep Kickbacks – 4 x 8 x 12kg

    Bicep Curls – 3 x 6 x 50kg

    Explosive Pushups – 3 x 10

    Chin Ups – 14, 14, 12

    Wide Arm Pushups – 20, 20, 20

    Diamond Pushups – 15, 14, 12

    Weighted V-Situps
    12 x 5kg hand, 5kg feet
    2 x 12 x 7.5kg hand, 5kg feet

    Feb 14

    Box Jumps
    2 x 105cm
    3 x 110cm
    3 x 115cm

    Track Work
    6 x 20m (2.5 mins)
    4 x 30m (3.5 mins)
    2 x 30m (4.5 mins)

    Feb 15

    Pullups – 14, 15, 12

    Inverted Rows – 3 x 9

    Upright Rows – 3 x 8 x 46kg

    Hyperextensions – 3 x 10

    BB Shrugs – 3 x 8 x 78.5kg

    Feb 16

    Donkey Kicks – 2 x 20 x 2.5kg

    SL Glute Bridge – 2 x 20

    Back Squats – 2 x 8 x 128.5kg, 1 x 7 x 128.5kg

    Side Bridge, 60 secs
    Front Bridge, 60 secs

    Renegade Rows – 4 x 10 x 5kg

    Feb 18

    Rugby Match (Won 46-12)

    Played outside centre as a few of the backs were away this week. Scored the first try from inside our own half, saw a gap and burst through it and then fended off the full back to touch down. I felt quicker and stronger than I’ve ever been on the pitch and wouldn’t mind testing my skills for the 3rds next time i’m free. Got taken off early in the 2nd half which was a bit annoying because i’d played a whole half uphill and wanted to show my pace on a decline.

    Feb 22

    Hang Power Cleans
    2 x 88.5kg
    3 x 93.5kg
    4 x 88.5kg

    Back Squats – 20 x 88.5kg PB

    Speed Skaters – 3 x 20

    Weighted V-situps
    5 x 12 x 7.5kg Hand, 5kg Feet

    Feb 24

    Alternate Shoulder Press – 4 x 8 x 24kg

    Underhand Inverted Rows – 3 x 8

    Bicep Curls – 3 x 6 x 50kg

    Decline Pushups – 21, 22, 19

    Pullups – 12, 12, 12

    Tricep Kickbacks – 3 x 8 x 13.5kg

    Side Bridge, 70 secs
    Front Bridge, 100 secs

    Feb 27

    Tricep Kickbacks – 4 x 8 x 13.5kg

    Bicep Curls – 3 x 6 x 50kg

    Explosive Pushups – 3 x 8

    Chin Ups – 15, 17, 14

    Wide Arm Pushups – 19, 19, 17

    Diamond Pushups – 14, 14, 11

    Weighted V-Situps
    4 x 15 x 7.5kg hand, 5kg feet

    Feb 28

    Rugby Training

    Feb 29

    Pullups – 16, 15, 13

    Inverted Rows – 3 x 9

    Upright Rows – 3 x 8 x 46kg

    Hyperextensions – 3 x 12

    BB Shrugs – 3 x 8 x 78.5kg

    Renegade Rows – 4 x 10 x 5kg