Reply To: No Weights, Big Wheels (Dec 2018)


    24 Dec

    Back Squat – 3 x 6 x 100kg
    Hip Thrust – 3 x 8 x 75kg
    Bench Press- 3 x 6 x 80kg
    EZ Curls – 5,6,6 x 26kg

    I had to squash upper and lower body into the same workout. I was also having stock photos taken and the majority of reps involved a 1-2 second pause which made things tough.

    26 Dec

    Walking Lunges – 60,61,62,63,64,65 (375 total)
    Sissy Squats – 12,10,12,12 (46 total)
    Swiss Ball HS Curl – 11,9,9,10,10,8 (57 total)
    Glute Raise – 12,12,11,11 (46 total)

    Crummy workout done at 9pm the day before it was scheduled as the 27th involved a 7am-10pm shift at work. I tweaked my right knee in the last set of glute raises which is my fault for having an awkward angle to the bar.

    –Upper Body Pull up/Push up Challenge–

    All upper body work is in another journal called Big Back, Big Chest, Real Fast

    31 Dec

    Power Clean – 3 x 3 x 70kg
    Back Squat – 4 x 6 x 105kg
    Hip Thrust – 4 x 8 x 85kg
    Lateral Lunge – 2 x 10 x 10kg
    Calf Raises – 3 x 10 x 5kg

    3 Jan

    Walking Lunges – 8 x 50 (400 total)
    Sissy Squats – 15,11,16,9 (51 total)
    Swiss Ball HS Curl – 11,11,9,11,11,11 (64 total)
    Glute Raise – 13,11,11,12 (47 total)

    Good session, legs have this cumulative fatigue from previous weeks so it’s starting to get harder to do the first set of lunges each week.

    4 Jan

    Carb Fasted AM Walking – 40 mins

    Feel like the last few days I’ve been spilling over a bit with my calories, meaning I’ve eaten too much and I’m starting to store body fat. Wanted to get this in check so will add in walking and continue with rowing again.

    Here’s the latest set of those Glute Raises