Reply To: No Weights, Big Wheels (Dec 2018)


    Week 2 (ill)

    10 Dec

    Back Squats – 3 x 4 x 100kg
    Hip Thrusts – 3 x 6 x 70kg
    Calf Raises – 3 x 10

    11 Dec

    Bench Press – 3 x 6 x 80kg
    Pull ups – 3 x 5 x 15kg
    Push Press – 3 x 5 x 60kg
    BB Rows – 3 x 6 x 70kg

    13 Dec

    Walking Lunges – 5 x 65 per leg (3 mins rest, total 325)
    Sissy Squats – 4 x 12 (total 48)
    Swiss Ball HS Curls – 8,7,8,7,7,7 (total 44)
    Glute Raise – 12,10,9,10 (total 41)

    Much better than last week, allowed an extra minute recovery for the lunges and recovered way quicker over the next few days.

    16 Dec

    Rowing Machine – 2 x 500m in 1:53.1, 1:53.9

    Been ill most of the week which meant skipping upper body on the 14th as I had a chesty cough. Feel like I’m 1-2 days away from being better, will be training as normal from next week.