Reply To: Six Pack in Six Weeks (Feb 2018)


    15 Feb

    Fasted A.M. Walking ~30 mins
    Frequency Push Ups – 6 x 14

    16 Feb

    Frequency Push Ups – 6 x 14
    Back Squat – 5 x 6 x 100kg
    OHP – 5 x 6 x 50kg
    Pull Ups – 5 x 6 x 5kg (2 mins rest)
    Hanging Leg Raise – 3 x 10
    TRX Push Up – 11, 9, 11, 10
    Hollow Rock – 3 x 30 secs

    17 Feb

    L-Sit Holds – 4 x 12 secs
    Hollow Rock – 3 x 30 secs
    Long Plank – 3 x 30 secs
    Rowing Machine 4 x 500m (2 mins rest) – 1:52.2, 1:53.6, 1:53.8, 1:55.9

    19 Feb

    Frequency Push Ups – 6 x 16
    Back Squat – 5 x 6 x 100kg
    OHP – 5 x 6 x 52.5kg
    Chin Ups – 5 x 6 x 5kg (2 mins)
    Dips – 5 x 6 x 10kg (90 secs)
    Hanging Leg Raise – 4 x 8
    Stir The Pot – 3 x 30 secs
    Arms Up Crunch – 10 x 10kg, 10,10,8 x 20kg

    20 Feb

    Fasted A.M. Walking ~30 mins
    Frequency Push Ups – 6 x 16

    21 Feb

    Frequency Push Ups – 5 x 16
    Power Clean – 3 x 3 x 80kg
    Bench Press – 5 x 6 x 87.5kg
    Hex DL – 5 x 6 x 112.5kg
    Dips – 5 x 7 x 10kg (90 secs)
    L-Sit Hold – 4 x 15 secs
    Bwd Tuck Hold – 3 x 15 secs, 1 x 12 secs
    Ab Wheel (& Prone Pull in) – 3 x 6

    Conditioning – Sandbag Squat (alternate shoulder with ground touch between) x 50 in 8:50

    Moved a few things around, I was doing too many chin ups so one has been scrapped and the other is now pull ups. I’m also switching to Front Squat, adding in Power Cleans and once i’ve done my work challenge of push ups and dips i’ll likely ditch the dips.

    Nutrition has been:
    Week 1 – P140 C260 F60 Cals 2150
    Week 2 – P145 C230 F70 Cals 2150
    Week 3 – P145 C190 F79 Cals 2050

    This is a 7 day average as it saves me getting it spot on every day and allows for more carbs on workout days, carb cycling if you will. Week 4 is going to be 2000 cals, dropping carbs right down to 150 and moving fat up to 90.

    Below is a set of my frequency push ups (cat attacked me halfway). These are tough the day after bench press and seem excessive sometimes when i’ve done TRX push ups or bench that day. I’ll either re-arrange the days I do them or cut one day out after my work challenge.