Reply To: Full Summer Sprint Program (Mar 2023)


    27 Jul

    The Speed Code – Week 6 Day 6 (core/mobility)

    Core sets (9), Mobility sets (9)

    Comp 6

    28 Jul

    Drills – AABB x 2
    Bike Tempo – 111,212,212,111 lvl 6, 150W
    GS Circuit – 20 reps (6:03)

    Drills (160m), Bike Tempo (1600m), Circuits (240 reps)

    29 Jul

    Drills – A Walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch, Triple A – 2 x 20m
    Skips for Height, Distance, Bounds – 2 x 20m
    2 x 5m with cones
    4 x 10m with cones
    3 x 30m in 4.30, 4.35, 4.30
    Accel Drill – 4 x 2 sets
    Non-CM Jumps – 3 x 5
    A1 Reverse Plank March – 3 x 8
    A2 Terminal Knee Extension (banded) – 3 x 10

    Drills (320m), Accels (140m), Jumps (15), Drills (28 reps), Circuit (24 reps), Mobility (3 sets)

    30 Jul

    ILL – stomach bug

    31 Jul

    The Speed Code – Week 7 Day 2 (core/mobility)
    Drills – AA x 2
    Bike Tempo – 111,111,111 lvl 6, 150W

    Drills (80m), Core sets (9), Mobility sets (9), Bike Tempo (900m)

    1 Aug

    MB Throws – 4 x 3
    Drills – A Walk, A Skip, A Switch, Triple A – 2 x 20m
    Drills – ACK, Dribble Bleed, SL bound w run out – 2 x 20m
    Wicket runs – 4 x 20m
    4 x 40E30F in 3.31, 3.29, 3.33, 3.26 +1 m/s wind
    DB Power Skips – 3 x 20m x 6kg per leg
    Bosch Snatch – 3 x 4
    A1 Nordic Curls – 2 x 5 (4 secs)
    A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs
    Airborne Lunge – 3 x 8

    Throws (12), Drills (400m), Max Vel (120m), Circuit (70 reps), Drills (12 reps)

    I added more top end speed work to this session and converted the final session of this week to a fast tempo session.

    2 Aug

    The Speed Code – Week 7 Day 4 (core/mobility)

    Core sets (9), Mobility sets (9)

    3 Aug

    Plyo Series – 3 x 3
    Broad Jump – 252cm
    3 x 30m in 4.38,4.37,4.39
    3 x 200m, 2 x 200m (90 secs/5 mins) in 28.1,30.0,28.5 & 28.7,29.9
    Back Squat – 2 x 2 x 112.5kg
    Bench Press – 2 x 2 x 97.5kg
    DB Rows – 2 x 6 x 40kg
    Pull ups – 2 x 6 x 10kg

    Jumps (48), Accel (90m), Tempo Runs (1000m), Lower body (450kg), Upper body (2310kg)

    Having done an acceleration and top speed focused session this week I made this a tempo session. This was the “Dirty 200 session” I did with a friend at University, ideally you should hit all times 2 seconds slower than your 200m best. I’ve no idea what I can run for 200m but I was aiming for all 28 flat as a starting point. I was far too casual in the second run (and dead for the very last one) so there’s work to be done on pacing.

    Another good week, I’m not panicking about the lack of weights and with my consistent measurements of top speed and 30m time each week I’ll be able to tell if it starts having a negative effect.