Reply To: Full Summer Sprint Program (Mar 2023)


    Pre-Comp 1

    10 Jun

    MB Throws – 4 x 3
    MB Throws – 2 x 3
    Blocks – 20,30,40,50m
    2 x 60m in 7.75, 7.73 (-1 m/s wind)
    Back Squat – 4 x 3 x 110kg
    Bench Press – 4 x 3 x 95kg
    DB Row – 2 x 6 x 40kg
    Pull ups – 14

    Relieved to see the back of the power matrix purely because it takes so much time to do 7 sets of squats and bench.

    11 Jun

    Drills – AABB x 2
    Bike Tempo – 111,312,212,111 lvl 6, 140W
    The Speed Code – Week 4 Day 2 (core/mobility)
    A1 Pull ups – 2 x 8 (30 bpm)
    A2 Handstands – 2 x 25 secs

    My quads haven’t been recovering so I dropped a level on the exercise bike and my output went from 160w to 140w.

    12 Jun

    The Speed Code – Week 3 Day 1 (Warm up, Drills, Plyos)
    MB Throws – 4 x 3
    BB Step Ups – 3 x 6 x 60kg
    BB RLESS – 3 x 6 x 70kg
    Swiss Ball Reverse Hyper – 3 x 8
    RDL – 3 x 6 x 80kg
    Rotator Cuff – 3 x 8
    A1 Nordic Curls – 2 x 4 (4 secs)
    A2 Seated Leg Kicks – 2 x 8 secs

    13 Jun

    The Speed Code – Week 4 Day 4 (core/mobility)

    14 Jun

    Plyo Series – 3 x 3
    Broad Jump – 247cm
    3 x 30m in 4.46, 4.28, 4.36 (+1.5 m/s wind)
    2 x 120m (95%) split time 40/30f/50f
    First rep from falling start in 5.41/3.31/5.76
    Second rep from 3 point start in 5.52/3.37/5.70
    Seated calf raise – 2 x 8 x 30kg
    Bench Press – 4 x 3 x 95kg
    Back Squat – 4 x 3 x 110kg
    DB Rows – 2 x 6 x 40kg
    Pull ups – 2 x 6 x 10kg

    New stopwatch that does multiple splits. It has quite soft buttons which means it takes a few hundredths longer to stop the timer, which I feel is impacting my hand times. I might stick with my wrist watch when timing a single distance e.g. 30m and use the fancy stopwatch for split runs. I’m happy with 3.31 for 30m fly given I was 95% and accelerating off the bend.

    15 Jun

    The Speed Code – Week 4 Day 6 (core/mobility)

    Pleased to progress through the second phase of the speed code core work. I’m trying to do the same for the speed work but I’m only dedicating one session a week to that. My times are coming along, I’ve been stuck at 4.40 for 30m for a while and it’s starting to drop to consistent 4.3’s.

    My two options for July races are 11th and 19th. The one on the 11th is at a track I’ve raced on already and the 19th would be new to me. No preference yet, I’ll see how my training goes.