Reply To: 7 Week Pullup Program (May 2022)


    7 Weeks To 50 Pull ups – Phase 2

    WEEK 1

    12 July

    Pull / Chin / Pull / Chin / Pull – 12,10,9,9,8 (150 secs)
    Side Plank – 2 x 60 secs
    Hollow Body Hold – 2 x 25 secs
    Passive Hang – 30 secs

    I weighed in at 70.7kg here having upped my calories a little last week. I’m determined to do as much of this with good form, going to full extension on each rep.

    14 July

    Pull / Chin / Pull / Chin / Pull – 12,10,10,9,9 (180 secs)
    Side Plank – 2 x 60 secs
    Hollow Body Hold – 2 x 25 secs
    Passive Hang – 40 secs

    I don’t see any benefit to rushing the sets so I’m back to 3 minutes and may extend it further if I think it helps.

    16 July

    Pull / Chin / Pull / Chin / Pull – 13,10,10,9,8 (180 secs)
    Side Plank – 2 x 60 secs
    Hollow Body Hold – 2 x 25 secs
    Passive Hang – 45 secs

    Really pleased with the first week, I’m more conscious of eating enough, trying to exercise at the right time of day, completing all reps properly and not skimping on the core work.

    Week 2 seems like it should be quite routine and after that is when things get interesting.