14 June
Pull / Chin / Neutral / Chin / Pull – 10,9,9,7,6 (120 secs)
Hollow Body Hold – 2 x 30 secs
Wall Press Heel Taps – 2 x 40
Passive Hang – 45 secs
I went from 13 heel taps per leg to 20 and really felt the difference the next day, abs were killing me.
16 June
Pull / Chin / Neutral / Chin / Pull – 11,10,9,7,5 (120 secs)
Hollow Body Hold – 2 x 30 secs
Wall Press Heel Taps – 2 x 40
19 June
Pull / Chin / Neutral / Chin / Pull – 14,12,10+1,8+1,none (150 secs)
I ate something dodgy on Thursday afternoon and was on 1000-1500kcal Friday and Saturday, so this workout was a day later. I’ve lost 2kg which helps with pull ups and I was really happy to get 14 on the first set. I only needed 10 seconds rest before getting the extra rep for the 3rd and 4th set.